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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. And that’s how it turned out with every OTHER album she’s put out. Idk I mean I guess we get it in Venice Bitch but it’s just not the same as having it in that title track
  2. I mean, I really wanted the chorus to be before we heard the full track Youre just a man, it’s just what you do Your head in your hand as you color me blue Yeah you’re just a man, all through and through An artist who thinks he’s Norman fuckin Rockwell, too...
  3. Although I will say, it’s weird that she doesn’t use the title as lyrics from the title track
  4. MAC feels so new to me bc I listened to VB a million times more so it’s just ugh I can’t rn
  5. Even MAC sounds more beautiful than before with a full album listen
  6. It’s started on Apple Music at 12 AM EST and should be the same way everywhere else. I’m in CST and it’s out for me
  7. The intro to NFR makes me smile so much. I love the piano and melody. It’s just so beautiful and a gorgeous opener
  8. Let’s have high hopes Lana gets a high sharting this album!!!
  9. Let’s go ladies and gays. It’s almost over. 2 minutes
  10. I’ll catch you on the flipside Oh, the new thread’s almost on... Signing off bang bang kiss kiss (until then)
  11. If he’s back I hope he doesn’t make another LFL...
  12. This is my last post (probably) until they next thread/ Post Release I’ll catch you on the flipside
  13. It’ll be out in the US 12:00 Midnight EST. So you’ll get it tonight at like 9 PM
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