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Everything posted by alexspears

  1. i implore you to check out queen elizabitch!!! her best album
  2. alexspears

    Charli XCX

    omfg i have a tension headache
  3. alexspears


    most people don't actually listen with ears wide open, they just hear something slightly similar and make comparisons. they also don't think about the fact that charli has been making and releasing music for 10 years, and slayyyter has 6 songs out lmfao, all of which sound different from eachother. the only thing i find similar between the two is the use of autotune, and we all know cher basically invented that in 98. so. i don't know why people love to compare the two artists, they're both sooo different.
  4. I feel bad saying this, but Eden is a step down from Ephorize and Queen Elizabitch. Both of those albums had better thought out sex songs (CPR, Cumshot, Duck Duck Goose, etc), better written personal songs (Scraps, Self Interview, Single While Taken) and superior "flex" songs (Fullest, Meet & Greet, Quick Thought). Don't get me wrong, parts of Eden really go off!!! PetSmart is hard as hell, and Quiz is my favorite song she's ever released to date. My personal main problem with it, is that the lyrical content feels kind of rushed. "Dangled and dangled and dangled and dangled my heart up and down. Just like my bangles yeah just like my bangles that nugget have been around" "Fat cat fat cat fat cat fat cat fat cat garfield. Garfield garfield garfield)" "Blackjack blackjack blackjack ooh, x4" You get my point, there's a few more songs that do the same thing. The verses are straight fire but then the hooks in the chorus are just not continuing the greatness she delivers on the verses. I'm sure I will come to love them all in time, but upon the first 20 listens of this album so far, I can't really say that my mind is as blown as it was when Queen Elizabitch came out, then Ephorize dropped 8 months later and it was a double wigsnatch. I know my opinion means nothing, but maybe there are others who feel the same? I love CupcakKe so much, I admire her work ethic, releasing 6 albums over the span of 2.5/3 years, but I think maybe taking a little break from writing would be good for her. Just a short one.
  5. alexspears

    Charli XCX

    unpopular opinion, i just watched the 1999 fallon performance, and i don't feel like troye overpowered her at all! he's gotta match her energy and at least sing some parts of the song, i think he harmonizes really well with charli's voice. they both did a great job, i loved it. esp the lights, those were frockin dope.
  6. alexspears

    Charli XCX

    you guys i was lurking this thread before i went to school this morning, and whoever said pop 2 sounds like you're stoned covered in snow i'm in love with u i was stoned as hell before my 8 am class and we got like 2 inches of snow last night and i was driving, blasting pop 2, and the imagery i saw of white, dead trees and icy roads, it really encapsulated the feeling of pop 2. that was a powerful comparison and it got me in my feels on the way to school
  7. alexspears

    Ayesha Erotica

    omg ayesha deleted all but like 3 songs off of soundcloud and thats just proof that ugly people don't deserve internet access like she and slayyyter both deleted their ARt and twitters because awful people ruined it for everyone else. i hope they don't stay discouraged but i wouldn't blame them if they ran far away from the internet after that sexual harassment & merciless bullying basically. so sad
  8. alexspears


    damn dude i feel bad for her i hope she doesn't give up on her career, she's already doing pretty well for herself in 4/5 months. if she reactivates her twitter lets send her a bunch of love <3
  9. alexspears

    Charli XCX

    for real! if she loved it, it would be out right now wouldn't it
  10. alexspears

    Charli XCX

    i have nothing to add i just want 2 repost the T
  11. wow t wow that cover up is realllyyyy bad
  12. alexspears

    Charli XCX

    ok call me tasteless but i give no shits about the nasally phoned in vocals on round & round but i'm so happy it leaked for you gals that love it. i think it's unreleased for a reason and she must not have really loved it!!! i hope she's creating some new music she loves and wants to share with us. we rly don't deserve SUCH a generous queen. i stan britney first and foremost, but she spits out a new album every 3 years. charli doesn't slow down it seems and i loveee that about her. i just don't want to get caught up and become greedy like i've seen time and time again with stan culture. but i do hope she is planning something. i'll shut the fuck up and go stream the 1999 video
  13. alexspears

    Charli XCX

    5 in the morning, no angel and track 10 are all glaring straight at u right now
  14. alexspears

    Charli XCX

    honestly r&r is painfully average i've listened to it like 3 times so far and it's just kinda meh
  15. LMAO i knew based on just lurking on this forum that y'all would not stan my fav album by her lmfao i didn't realize it was revered as her worst tho!!! i think i like lfl better than btd
  16. lmao you're gonna wanna handcuff me yourself when i tell you this i saw her during the ultraviolence album tour whatever it was called and i was soö dispapointed i stopped liking her all together!!! but then LFL came out and i gave it a chance and i was like "omg this is actually fantastic" i've tried to give Ultra and Honeymoon a chance again but i guess i have no taste lmfaio
  17. I don't really care for Ultraviolence or Honeymoon but I looooove BTD & LFL
  18. alexspears

    Ayesha Erotica

    you know, i've really gone balls to wall in listening to every song she has put on both soundclouds and i'm thoroughly impressed with most every song. she has real talent!!! i love all of her different sounds and styles she's very unique. it's pretty sad that horny4u won't be coming out, as i am one of the new "xcx" stans who recently discovered her but i don't find her to be very pc music at all! i think shes more like... 2007 myspace era pop and thats a powerful ass moment in time so i am kinda crushed other people ruined it for her... but i emailed her, hoping to maybe work with her on some music. she's one of the most talented @home producers i've heard like ever. i officially stan ayesha erotica and whatever genre she embraces
  19. alexspears

    Cher Lloyd

    I looove the new song but the video is kinda lacking for me but i'm so glad she's coming back!!!
  20. alexspears

    Ayesha Erotica

    oh my goD i just found the whore soundcloud and she is honestly so powerful for covering bad girl and blue monday...... wow
  21. alexspears

    Britney Spears

    I'm hoping the tracklist includes my 3 favorite songs by her! anything else i'll just shut up and eat my food 1- hold it against me 2- overprotected 3- hot as ice (a gay can pray) edited: i actually have a strong feeling she will include my prerogative!! just bc of the perfume haha but i think you'll definitely get that song. I can only pray that the masterpiece of HIAM gets included for the first time in years </3
  22. alexspears

    Britney Spears

    she's coming girlies
  23. alexspears

    Charli XCX

    my inbox is open girlies if you wanna send me a link to if it's over
  24. alexspears

    Kim Petras

    just saw Kim on sunday in Detroit and WHOO-AHHH, she was so fucking good she sounded 15x better irl than in the studio and after we all cheered for EVERY SONG, she said "THANK YOU DETROITTT!" everytime ugh we stan a humble and grateful queen!
  25. alexspears

    Charli XCX

    dude the tommy genesis 100 bad song is soooö bad. charli's verse is straight fire tho, so i keep listening. but the song is trash.
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