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lil aerosol

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Everything posted by lil aerosol

  1. Imagine Dragons and Demi Lovato really make me wonder if anything's worth it
  2. how are people still going w this... Charli XCX, Joanna Newsom, PJ Harvey and more are some of his most loved albums, he LOVED NFR, is right into hyperpop/hot girl rap genre etc and this year gave out two 10/10s for the first and second time since 2018 to Spellling and Lingua Ignota. I think his criticisms are fair and it's not very controversial at all to say this sounds quite slapped together because it literally is quite close to an unreleased compilation. How ironic that people bemoan his dickriding fanbase (which to be fair is definitely real) but refuse to acknowledge his criticisms of Lana
  3. 1. Text Book 16 2. Blue Banisters 15 3. Arcadia 14 5. Black Bathing Suit 23 6. If You Lie Down With Me 21 7. Beautiful 12 8. Violets for Roses 18 9. Dealer 18 10. Thunder 17 11. Wildflower Wildfire 17 12. Nectar of the Gods 14 13. Living Legend 16 14. Cherry Blossom 8 15. Sweet Carolina 14 I think Blue Banisters is such a beautiful song and one of her best works of songwriting
  4. it has basic trap drums but the bass slaps hard and the sample is pretty unique, I love it a lot. I agree it sticks out badly though, would have made more sense if it transitioned into a more fiery song (how I thought BBS was gonna be)
  5. Lana Del Rey trap album drops I drop off the face of the earth I truly need nothing more in life. imagining weird dreamy vocalisation over hard/atmospheric trap beats w the occasional feature. I feel like a singer doing a trap-sounding album but w/o rapping would b very innovative but also not totally unrealistic for Lana. prayers!!
  6. No worries yeah I feel the same way - just super hyped for new Lana and potentially new Kendrick And yeah with the whole social media situation it doesn't look like she's gunning for a huge commercial splash regardless
  7. I mean because it might impact Lana's drop/sales I myself don't particularly care about charts/sales updates etc. but I thought people who are interested in the commercial success of BB might b interested
  8. Rumours of Kendrick dropping his album on Friday Six snippets of new songs just leaked, multiple leakers have corroborated the info + Friday is the anniversary of Good Kid MAAD City release, and he just updated Spotify profile pic I say this because it might impact Lana's sales! GP interest will be much more towards Kendrick if this is the case I suspect
  9. yeah its camp tbh also the kid looks like an asshole i know whose entire personality is communist aesthetics it's so cringe, i'm holding this kid accountable for both crimes! get him Lana
  10. I would love to know what she considers a mixtape because if it's not in reference to free online downloads, artists usually use it for a kind of low-budget no-strings-attached drop in between major album rollouts but she has been working on this 'mixtape' for yonks
  11. lil aerosol


    Instrumental is nice but I fu cking hate Sia sooo much
  12. nice theory though. If your theory is right, then we'd have a bit of a trilogy; High By The Beach, 13 Beaches, Black Bathing Suit!
  13. Haaaaaaaard disagree. Lorde's Solar Bulletin has easily been my favourite thing any artist has done to promote their album, the emails are so sweet and intimate and it feels very true to the record. She's also gone above and beyond with the physical copies, it seems that by stepping away from social media she has really put effort into how to curate a different style of album promotion! I'd love for Lana to do anything like this tbh.
  14. right this vid actually made me more excited for the future because she mentioned that she's working on her poetry book/s (I've been waiting for Behind The Iron Gates for too long!!) and other records... plus just confirming earlier today that she's still working on american classics
  15. I hope you are all taking notice of this great post!! Thank you for this!! All 6 websites deliver to New Zealand. Indie stores coming through w the red vinyl when the big companies didn't Now, does anyone know if there are any discount codes for any of these sites?
  16. I AGREE!! it is truly excellent, so much so that i'm using my time in lockdown to pick up the piano again by learning Wildflower Wildfire
  17. I feel like Lana singles never get much buzz these days but the albums always do. Everyone tunes in for the new Lana Del Rey album
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