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Venice Jesus Whore

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Everything posted by Venice Jesus Whore

  1. I agree with you, but to be the devil’s advocate, I feel like it isn’t fair to diminish the album because it had leaked unreleased tracks on it. It’s not really Lana’s fault that they got leaked and that some fans listened to them before she could officially release them.
  2. Ocean Blvd NFR Ultraviolence Chemtrails AKA Honeymoon Born to Die Paradise Lust for Life Blue Banisters
  3. I guess unpopular opinion but I love it. I love how dark, unsettling, and eerie it feels. The production is incredible too.
  4. What I find so interesting about this album so far is that I don’t have a big urge to listen to individual songs. It feels like the album needs to be listened to as a whole. Like there are songs I don’t particularly care for on their own, yet this still might be my favorite Lana album as a whole because of the mood, experimentation, and ambition it has as a whole. I think I even like that it feels challenging and inaccessible in places.
  5. So I tried to pay attention to lyrics as much as possible on first listen, but I’m just now reading the lyrics to Fingertips, and holy shit. I’m speechless.
  6. One of my favorite movies of all time. Makes sense why I love Paris, Texas so much.
  7. I feel the complete opposite. Maybe her least accessible album. It’s her most experimental, complex, longest, and least pop. I can see a lot of people not having it click with them.
  8. First listen impressions: A&W/Judah Smith Interlude/Candy Necklace/Jon Batiste Interlude had me thinking that this album would dethrone NFR for me as my #1 Lana album and #2 favorite album of all time. I was literally tearing up at the end of Candy Necklace. Kintsugi and Fingertips kinda ruined my mood though because it completely killed the momentum of the previous 4 songs and of the album so far. Paris, Texas is gorgeous and feels like it belongs with the 4 songs before Kintsugi/Fingertips. My favorites/highlights (no particular order): A&W Judah Smith Interlude Candy Necklace Jon Baptiste Interlude Paris, Texas Fishtail Taco Truck x VB ^^ If I could have a whole album of songs similar to this + Tulsa Jesus Freak and Chemtrails, I think it’d be my favorite Lana album. I am curious if I would’ve liked the album more if all of these songs were on the second half of the album. It’d feel like more of a build up, but then again, I think the first half would’ve been to slow to keep interest for a lot of people without things being spread out more. I was also surprised - from what people were saying here, I was expecting the second whole half of the album to be a lot more upbeat but really it’s only the last 3 songs, and they’re still very chill, slow songs for the most part, just with some harder beats. Overall, even with me needing more time with a lot of the album, this feels like maybe Lana’s most ambitious work. It’s so exciting and refreshing to have an album from her that’s this experimental, especially after how safe and simple a lot of Chemtrails and Blue Banisters felt. This album feels reinvigorating to me. I’m excited to have so much content and nuance to sort through.
  9. I just know this is going to be an album I’ll want to get drunk alone and zone out to while laying on the floor.
  10. It’s really sad and disturbing to me how everything has gone full circle and a lot of the general public is just back to making fun of Britney again. In 2021 at the height of #FreeBritney, people acted like they had learned so much since the 2000s about treating women fairly, understanding mental health, etc., and as soon as Britney’s out of the conservatorship and not acting how people expect her to, now she’s just become the punchline of a joke again. It’s disgusting. Though she’s done so much for me and so many others out there, I can’t help but think that she would’ve led a much happier life never being famous.
  11. I’m actually extremely excited just to listen to A&W again, especially in the context of the full album. I haven’t listened the past week or two to keep it fresh, and I miss it desperately. It’s been in my head a lot.
  12. i feel you. Trying to figure out whether I should nap or just wake up extra early to listen to it in the morning before work.
  13. I’m always excited for Lana music, but I can’t remember the last time I was this excited for an album. I’m in need of a big emotional release and catharsis, and my gut is telling me this album will be it for me.
  14. I want Lana to get a high Metacritic score on Ocean Blvd for obvious reasons, but I will say that, as a fan, Lana’s history of ratings on there is the biggest example that the reviews mean just about nothing. Like how is Blue Banisters her third highest rated album? And Ultraviolence is her third lowest? And so much of her earlier work was just dismissed for reasons completely unrelated to the music. At the end of the day, those reviews tell me nothing about how much I’ll enjoy one of her albums compared to another.
  15. If it makes y’all feel any better, Britney Spears has been in the industry for over 20 years and people still spell it Brittany, Brittney, etc. It is bad though to be hosting an event for that artist (Lana) and make that kind of mistake though.
  16. omg I only listened to like 2 seconds of that audio but it got me 10x more excited for the album the dark bad bitch vibes are everything
  17. https://www.metacritic.com/music/did-you-know-that-theres-a-tunnel-under-ocean-blvd/lana-del-rey
  18. The “touch me with your fingertips” line from VB has been on repeat in my mind all day long, and I only just now put two and two together that it’s because I keep seeing people talking about the song “Fingertips” here.
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