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Venice Jesus Whore

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Everything posted by Venice Jesus Whore

  1. I feel yet another night getting tipsy and listening to this masterpiece of an album coming on
  2. Bartender is the most underrated song on the album. It’s one of my favorites.
  3. I understand your POV but it’s not the album just sitting there getting played that’s getting people to watch that specific video. It’s the reactor. If people enjoy the reactions of the person enough to be excited about their videos and watch them, they 100% deserve whatever the audience is willing to pay. How is it a scam for people to receive exactly what they’re paying for?
  4. One of the best pieces of news I’ve received in 2023 so far.
  5. This took 5ever 1 Venice Bitch 2 Tulsa Jesus Freak 3 Paris, Texas 4 Summertime Sadness 5 Born to Die 5 Video Games 7 A&W 8 Yosemite 9 Happiness is a Butterfly 10 Bartender 11 Off to the Races 12 Chemtrails Over the Country Club 13 Blue Jeans 14 National Anthem 15 Nectar of the Gods 15 Fishtail 15 Taco Truck x VB 18 Pretty When You Cry 19 Music To Watch Boys To 20 Heroin 20 Change 22 Honeymoon 23 Breaking Up Slowly 24 White Dress 25 Ultraviolence
  6. this. I've never understood why people would ever want a song of leaked unreleased songs. instead of getting music, we get music we already have. Lana's also does her best work when she has a vision for an album/era, so throwing together a bunch of unreleased songs that weren't good enough to make past albums would just feel low effort. The only reasons I can see myself being excited about an album of leaked unreleased songs are: If releasing it didn't delay her next album at all. If I knew that she already had another album in the works and she was truly releasing this just as a bonus to fans or to get money for songs that are being streamed millions of times on YouTube with no money going to her, I'd be cool with it. It would be nice to have high quality versions of her best unreleased songs and have them easily available across all streaming services Also, not going to lie, I'd get super excited if she re-released AKA with a full physical CD and fully designed booklet, maybe even rereleasing old music videos remastered from that era, etc. I'd definitely buy that and be down for it. I guess my biggest problem would come in if she promotes it as a brand new era with a bunch of hype and then we get the tracklist and it's just songs we already have. If she instead just posted on IG and said "This is a bonus collection of songs to my fans available next week" and dropped the album, I'd be a lot more content with that.
  7. imagine if we actually gave a fuck wouldn't that be something to talk about for us?
  8. I can definitely see it being a mood thing. This album is very emotionally heavy and slow for the majority of it. I also think this one of those albums where the songs are stronger together as one album than listened to individually. I’ve found myself listening to the album a lot, but mostly only going from start to finish. There are a good chunk of songs that aren’t usually my favorite style to listen to on their own, but I love them in the context of the album. I also think that because it’s a more experimental and nuanced album, it’s less accessible, which means it’s probably not going to be as replayable or as easy/quick to listen to as a lot of her other music. If you’re not in the mood for it, it’s an hour and 18 minutes of heavy emotions and of pretty much the same dark, slow mood until the last 3 tracks or maybe until grandfather or LTLI. This is kinda the same reason I can’t listen to the entirety of UV or HM a lot. I think they’re both masterpieces in their own way, but digesting them as a whole is a LOT. I need to be in a certain mood for them.
  9. I love the whole first verse but I’m not the biggest fan of where it goes after that.
  10. Or maybe people just have different opinions? Why does everything have to be “you’re right and I’m wrong” on internet discussions these days? I’ve been a Lana fan since 2012 and Born to Die is probably literally one of my most played albums of all time. Yet, right now, Ocean Blvd is my favorite album of all time and I haven’t changed that #1 album for me since 2016. Just because Ocean Blvd doesn’t fit your tastes but it fits mine doesn’t mean you’re right and I’m wrong or vice versa. We have different opinions.
  11. Blue Banisters is my least favorite Lana album. I kinda loathe it as an album overall. To me, there are just very few highs and some of her lowest lows. And it does feel like she just came up with the style of Blue Banisters, Wildfire Wildflower, and Text Book, but didn’t have much more to add, so she just threw in a bunch of unreleased songs that didn’t fit in elsewhere. Idk, it just feels messy, unfinished, underdeveloped… I do listen to a good amount of the songs regularly because I made a “Blue Chemtrails” playlist which combines my favorites from COTCC and BB. And that playlist does fill a niche in Lana’s discography for me of just slower, calmer music I can have on in the background. But I still have a love/hate relationship with some of the songs I even have on this playlist (Blue Banisters, Wildflower Wildfire, Black Bathing Suit). I know this isn’t a Chemtrails thread, but it’s hard not to compare them when they came out the same year and when I associate them with each other. Even with Chemtrails having quite a few weak tracks and only being 11 tracks total, that album still just feels so much more focused, developed, and purposeful than Blue Banisters does. The first three tracks on Chemtrails kinda obliterates the very large majority of songs on BB alone. All that being said, I’m just glad Lana has created Ocean Blvd because Chemtrails and BB had me questioning my trust in her artistic vision a bit, which isn’t a good feeling when you’ve been a consistent fan for a decade and have never really been disappointed. I still appreciate that BB exists and I can listen to it, but another part of me thinks I would’ve been happier as a fan if it was never released. But it’s Lana’s career and vision, not mine. And i feel bad complaining about having more music when I could’ve had less, but also, quality > quantity.
  12. I actually love the Judah Smith Interlude, but I really need that instrumental.
  13. I agree that the lyrics are weaker, that the lyrics and production are less ambitious, experimental, and unique compared to the rest of the album, BUT that doesn’t change the fact that, sonically, Fishtail is one of my favorites on the album and will be one of my most played songs from it. I think the last three songs all feel less developed and groundbreaking compared to the rest of the album in terms of its themes, lyrics, and production - which is why people keep saying they sound like bonus tracks. They all divulge from the message of the album, the lyrics are less creative, have less effort, aren’t as groundbreaking. Taco Truck didn’t even get a full a song and the whole “Spin it 'til you whip it into a cream, baby” part feels underdeveloped imo. But same as Fishtail for me, that doesn’t make me love them any less and they will be some of my most played songs. They add a level of dynamism that the album would’ve been way too heavy and slow without. It feels cathartic to have a really heavy, focused, personal album end in what feels like a celebration. “Signing off, bang bang, kiss kiss.”
  14. Still kinda obsessed with Lana’s background “oh my god” right after Jimmy Jimmy coco puff starts in A&W (right around 5:28 timestamp). Her delivery is just SO good.
  15. Literally just finished listening to Kintsugi and it had me tearing up. Also, those ending piano notes are so gorgeous. Perfect way to end the song.
  16. This album really gets better with every listen I’m kinda disappointed that the album leaked early and then we got all these other leaks this week. This album deserves better than for this thread to be lowkey kinda dead.
  17. not me only now realizing that blackout zone = boz.
  18. Agreed. I drove 30 minutes to get the album, and the booklet was disappointing. Good booklets are the thing I miss most about the CD era. They were such a cool, visual way to continue the world building of an era. I always loved getting new CDs as a kid and flipping through the booklet while I listened to the album. The ones with the lyrics were always my favorite. Even in the late 2000s/ early 2010s a digital copy of the booklet would be included if you bought it on iTunes. Now, Target is the only big store near me that sells CDs anymore, some artists don’t even release physical albums anymore, and the CDs I’ve gotten in recent years have had pretty disappointing, small, low effort booklets. It’s sad, especially for Lana because she’s such an album artist with different visuals for each era, and she’s had gorgeous booklets in the past.
  19. Prepared for this to be unpopular… Paris, Texas A&W Fishtail Taco Truck x VB Judah Smith Interlude Jon Batiste Interlude Peppers The Grants Kintsugi Candy Necklace Did you know… Grandfather… Sweet Let the Light In Fingertips Margaret
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