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Venice Jesus Whore

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Everything posted by Venice Jesus Whore

  1. I'll never understand the hype around Revelations. Problematique should've replaced it, but I understand why she couldn't considering that's also the name of the scrapped album.
  2. Venice Bitch. Sounding off, bang bang, kiss kiss.
  3. I need to know if Lana has ever seen Ajay’s reactions to her music. I can only imagine how good it would feel to be Lana and see or her NFR reaction video.
  4. this is everything i’ve been wanting for months
  5. I need to give it a try today with the bonus tracks you added
  6. The OG tracklist does have some problems for me. If I'm not replacing/removing any tracks, I think it should be: No One Dies from Love 2 Die 4 Suburbia True Romance Grapefruit Cute & Cruel Call on Me Attention Whore Pineapple Slice Kick in the Head How Long I'm to Blame The fact that I'm to Blame interrupted what could've been the 1-2-3-4 punch of Call On Me/Attention Whore/Pineapple Slice/Kick in the Head/How Long was REALLY jarring to me on the first listen to the point where it kinda killed the momentum of the album for me. I would definitely would've replaced Cute & Cruel and I'm to Blame with Borderline and I like u if it were up to me. I still like Cute & Cruel and I'm to Blame, but I skip them like 98% of the time.
  7. you don't wanna be changed like it changed me
  8. Problematique (the song) is fire and does not deserve to remain unreleased or unappreciated.
  9. thank you. I swear I've been a fan for over a decade, but I couldn't remember ever reading/seeing anything about it. maybe I just have no memory.
  10. Has she ever mentioned how she feels about performing/touring? My general inclination is to think that she doesn't really like doing it because I see her as being such an introverted person, private, in her head a lot, writing in her notebook, and not necessarily wanting to perform in front of thousands of people, but I'm curious what she's actually ever said about it.
  11. Thoughts after skimming through the first few songs: I was NOT expecting the Lizzy wig. Love it! I’m so glad she performed Bartender and that the audience sang along bc that song doesn’t deserve to be one of the lowest streamed songs on NFR on Spotify I feel bad bc she seemed pretty nervous to me at the beginning. It looked like her body was shaking and her voice was a bit shaky too. She handled the mic issues like a pro, but the mic volume was too low compared to the audience. Hate when I listen to a performance and can mostly only hear the audience. her dancers are great and really compliment her Flipside was a refreshing surprise and she seemed to get a lot more comfortable here
  12. It’s currently sitting at 9% on Rotten Tomatoes https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/the_idol/s01
  13. Living In My Head has been in my head (no pun intended) all day today. Love it.
  14. This show should be a recipe of a show made for me, but I just have a feeling I’m going to hate it in reality.
  15. So now that the dust has settled a bit, I think this album may be sliding a bit down on the list of my favorite Lana albums, but I still consider it to be her best or close to it objectively. I originally considered it my #1 favorite Lana album, but I find myself wanting to skip the title track, Fingertips, Grandfather, LTLI, and Margaret now. But maybe I'm just in that "I overplayed the album" phase. I don't think I've ever had an album where I haven't wanted to skip at least one track eventually.
  16. Listening to SYTH poolside on a beautiful day… I think I must’ve already said yes to heaven
  17. I am grateful that it’s so similar. I will say that. I still am grateful it’s out at all and that I can buy it and stream it to support her. I also know it’s Lana’s art, not mine, and she’s free to make whatever artistic decisions she wants. I’m just saying, in my opinion, an HQ version of the version that blew up would’ve been my perfect world (and the most logical choice).
  18. It’s not the same version as the one that blew up in popularity, therefore it is changed. Whether or not she changed it 5 years ago or now, it’s not the version that made her/her team consider releasing it at all. My entire point stands. Releasing an unreleased song because it became popular but not even releasing the most popular version of it (a changed version of it - whether it was the “original” version or not) doesn’t make sense.
  19. not to be negative or ungrateful, and this is the last time i'll complain about it, but this is exactly the reason i don't want her to release unreleased songs. instead of just releasing them as they were leaked but in higher quality, she changes them, and now it's not as good. now i'll still be streaming the demo, my hope of ever getting a HQ version of that demo are dashed away, and now there's the added messiness that there's now yet another version of the song, and now the general public will know this official version as the actual song. i know it's kind of stupid to complain about this because why should I be mad that Lana is getting paid for her song or that another exists when I can just listen to the original, but I'm just disappointed I'm never getting the original demo in HQ and that I still have to use a bootleg demo offline file.
  20. I really like it. I've always loved her darker, slower songs, so getting a full album of it is great, especially with the experimental twists. I love that she was willing to do something different and that it's a consistent, cohesive project. The only songs I don't care for on second listen are Fine Line and The Drama. It's really nice to enjoy the album this much because High Road was unlistenable to me. I tried multiple times to listen to it and just couldn't.
  21. I fully respect that it’s her song to do what she wants with, and I’m glad it’s not too different from the demo. But I also hate the logic of “this song blew up, so I’m going to release it, but I’m going to change it for its official release.” At least release the demo version alongside this version for those people (like me) who actually just want a HQ version of the demo and to give her streams. Now I’m still going to be reverting to listening to the demo mostly which won’t make her any money.
  22. Sigh why did she have to change it? I’ll stay listening to the unreleased version.
  23. I don't understand the hype around Fine China.
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