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Everything posted by Lirazel

  1. Lirazel

    Britney Spears

    I adore her look here! Nice to see her in a good form. This dress is amazing. And her walk through the stair is just adorable!
  2. Got Heavy Rain as a christmas gift and I'm so in love with this game. It's painful, depressing and beautiful. It reminds me a lot of Silent Hill 2 and Shattered Memories. I will forever love Quantic Dream. They make games like no-one else.
  3. ^ I kind of see what you mean. I like the song, but the music does sound very.... different to what is typical of Lana. It's awfully sugary (at least to me)
  4. I think that you made me realize why I wasn't into Tropico all that much, I really don't like the "stripper cola" incarnation of her as much as the "vintage beauty queen" one (But not gonna lie - I'll stan for her no matter what)
  5. I knew that this was fake as soon as I saw it, cause most titles of the "new" songs were trying to hard to sound like legit Lana songs...
  6. Lirazel

    Britney Spears

    Oh yeah, I would love it too! Correct me if I'm wrong, but all we have for know is the old Live in Las Vegas DVD, right...? Or have I missed something? (I'm quite a new stan - her music's such a guilty pleasure!) The setlist is wonderful with all of the beautiful old songs!
  7. Nice to see a topic for her here. A few days ago I decided to give her singles a try and I liked them. I'm not sure if I'll become a fan (time will tell!), but I really like how 80's her music sounds. And her voice is so sweet! BTW, I love the cover of Night time, my time. The photo goes perfectly with the picture!
  8. Oh God, yes! My thoughts exactly. I love Go-Go Dancer and it deserves a nice video with Lana in it Such fun and upbeat song.
  9. I've always known that it's a possiblity, but it made me really sad.... so I lived in denial, lol. What other songs she didn't write herself for sure? Or which ones are 100% by her?
  10. It worries me that she might not be the author of her own lyrics...
  11. All of this! I think that if the leaks made her reconsider making another record full of Black Beauty/Paradise style songs, it's all for good. I'm looking forward to more of the dark and unique Lana that I love. Velvet Crowbar is amazing, so it would be nice to get more songs like that. I've always wanted more rock songs from Lana. I really hope that she's not gonna release generic pop music or more Black Beauty-like songs... I hope the Live or Die news is real, I adore that song. It's so fun!
  12. ^Oh God, that's super creepy...! I confess that Lana made me sorta interested in Elvis Presley, but I'm still too "musically shy" to listen to him, cause it's so far out of my comfort zone.
  13. Where did you read about Rob buying her the trailer? I would love to see it myself
  14. They're the best! I love how she looks in every single one out of them... National Anthem is one of my close faves I really wish she continued making them, even for fun... they're so precious!
  15. I'd love to So nice to meet a kindred soul on a Lanaboard. Another unpopular opinion: I prefer Lana's old homemade videos to Tropico.
  16. I'm glad that I'm not the only one in my worry... I'm worried that she's going to change to full-blown mainstream celebrity like Lady Gaga or Katy Perry. And I'm not trying to say that Lana Del Rey wasn't mainstream before - of course she was, but she had style that made her different from all the other pop singers. BTW, I love your sig, Pale Moonlight- lots of my personal favourites in it
  17. The announcement of Ultraviolence made me happier than Tropico itself! I can't wait for the album to come out. Hope that it will be as good as Born To Die.
  18. I hope that you're right about AFFA, other than the minor complaint, it's a lovely song. I wish I liked the Paradise songs more, they're just not my cup of tea... I already awfully miss the Born To Die era, and I'm worried about Ultraviolence.... especially after Black Beauty leaks and Tropico. I'm worried that she's gonna change her style and lose what made me love her in the first place - the vintage feel, dark and romantic themes... a certain amount of subtlety and class. I really hope that I'm wrong!
  19. I've been thinking all this time if Shaun Ross is playing K...very curious.
  20. It was rather average. The songs used weren't my favourite, and all the ass-touching scenes made me feel uncomfortable, because Lana didn't get to be objectified as much as the other girls - all she did was stand next to a pole with a face of a martyr, while the brown-skinned actresses had guys all over their asses. Idk, it just didn't sit right with me. I think that I liked the Body Electric part the most. The colors were lovely. Marilyn and Elvis were also pretty cool. ...Bel Air looked like commercial of cornflakes.
  21. Lirazel

    Song vs. Song

    Mermaid Motel vs Dark Paradise
  22. I'm sorry, but... most of stuff out of Paradise, especially Ride. I don't fully get the appeal of the songs. I think that Gods and Monsters is the best out of them, but it's still far from being my favourite. Those songs are not bad, they just miss the little something that made National Anthem, Off to the races and Born to Die brilliant. I miss Born To Die style songs...
  23. Not sure if this is right place to ask the question, but I don't want to make new topic just for my silly question. Do you guys know any fan-made Lana mixtapes like the Die for Me one? I need more Lana magic on my mp4 player, but I'm too lazy to create my own playlist.... and it doesn't have enough space to carry all the unreleased songs. Any help would be appreciated
  24. Oh, I suppose they got popular in Poland? You can buy them online. The whole "I wanna f*ck LDR" thing became kind of an meme. You can see photo of the beanie hat under spoiler.
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