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About CarcrashBandicoot

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  • Birthday March 17

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    The State of Dreaming
  • Interests
    Lana Del Rey
    Avril Lavigne
    Miley Cyrus
    Marilyn Manson
    Amy Winehouse
    Florence & The Machine
    Ellie Goulding
    Marina & The Diamonds
    Lykke Li

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  1. My point is, and this is why I haven't liked her personality since 2013 and won't buy her music, is because of the fact that she thinks this is okay. She feels as though she can make an excuse to her use of a gay slur and there's no excuse for it. Not in 2013, not in 2015. Never. That's my point. It's not that hard to wrap your head around. She's not allowed to say it, not because she's a bi woman, but because she was using "faggot" as a way to bring another person down. A lot of times, when gay men say it, they're joking or just playing around and both people know this. Yes, some gay men do say it in a derogatory way, but that doesn't make it right, just like it doesn't make it right for her to say it either.
  2. It'd be different if she said it in a positive way or she's chilling with some friends and calls a friend a faggot as a joke... but calling someone a "fucking faggot" while being pissed off and yelling, that proves her ignorance to the word and it's history. But she obviously knows it's derogatory and she knows it's offensive... so why should it be okay for her to say it that way, but not for anyone else? Let alone, racial slurs, sexist slurs, etc... In my opinion, no, I don't think anyone should be able to use a slur in a negative, derogatory way. You might be part of the group but it's not helping anything. It just makes it look okay to anyone else.
  3. Two years late? Girl she said this like, last week!! You clearly can't tell time. And she doesn't expect to have death threats, the way she talks about how she wants to hunt and kill people whose ancestors were slave trade people or racist? You can't change your ancestry. Her, of all people, should know that. Who tried to suppress her (shitty) opinions? Her opinions are shit anyway. Out of everything she says, maybe 3 things are actually good and make sense???? The "bitch" statement is the only thing I can remember her saying that actually made her look like a good person. Oh, but let's just excuse her sexism, racism, ignoring homophobia... she's a fucking disgusting human being. Instead of her taking things the right way and saying "Look, this is how I feel about this" she decides to say "YOU'RE A FUCKING FAGGOT AND I FUCKING HATE ALL LGTB PPL BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL FUCKING FAGGOTS AND FUCKK ALL THEM AND THEY'RE ALL BITCHES AND RACIST" but yet, nobody's done anything to her. If I were doing the same thing, I'd expect people to be pissed the fuck off too and be tweeting me death threats and shit. She made her bed, now she needs to lay in it. Nail in the coffin, she's done.
  4. Then you need to learn to read, yourself. Who said I still stan her?????? lmfao hunty you're stanning a homophobic, racist, sexist pig who thinks the LGBTQQ+ community is comparable to the KKK so... don't know where you got much room to talk anyway lol girl bye
  5. So you're saying that reclaiming slurs used against you is the same as using it in a derogatory way, even if you're saying it in a derogatory manner? What the actual fuck? You honestly... you've gotta be fucked up to honestly think that. Reclaiming slurs used against you is when you take those words and use them in a positive way or in a joking manner, not the way she screamed "Fucking faggot!" That's what's called "derogatory" and slurs are used like that by a ton of people everyday. Can you read?
  6. It was a fucking joke lol it was playing on the "automatically linked to black people" thing. Like I said, if it has to be explained... She came from trailer fucking trash, low life white trash in a fucking trailer park where they have police tape and she wore a bandana on her fucking head. She's lived the low financial status life, don't come for her if you're not going to think of the actual facts. Her dad might've been rich, but he didn't help her when she was in her trailer park. Either way, if I wasn't even joking, that was the next lyric as it was anyway. You read into everything too much.
  7. You're talking to the same people who liked Halsey a week ago and then hated her because she "spit on her fans at the concert." 1 thing. She does 1 thing... She said black people should hunt the people whose ancestors were slaveowners, is that what you're referencing...? She's fucking disgusting. The way that I see the whole "Oh, I'm bisexual and my brother is trans and my whole team is gay so I can say faggot" it's like the "I'm not racist, I have a black friend" cop out. It's like saying a white person she dates should be okay to call her a ni*ger. I'd love to see her reaction to that situation
  8. Well, it is the pale fire video it looks like but the video's not on Vevo so he won't know
  9. I think it's stupid as fuck to have the post release thread before it releases... at least lock the thread....
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