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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Indeed, while its good shes apologized [i'm guessing she finally got some help], it's too late for her career, the damage is done and she's run it into the ground for good. Still, for the fans, she'll still make music anyway so that's all that matters i guess, but she'll never grow audience wise from this point no matter how sorry she is. She is hugely disliked as a public figure and not in a ""polarizing opinionated" way, people think she's just a fool. Anyway, the merch she's selling is cute.
  2. Um are you all alive? did no one watch the finale? Glad to see Bob win. I'm glad Cythia got though her cancer ok, but Miss C really should have gone to Chichi. Violet's dress at the end was amazing. Bobs new single is amazing. Derrick looked nice, but seemed to think he wasn't doing Britney that night, he was doing proper drag, even though he just looked like Britney, but lets NOT get into that mess. x
  3. yeah i figured we won't get anything till next year, better time frame i think anyway.
  4. Formation has done what it needed to do, create buzz, she's not going to push a song thats months old, that makes no sense.
  5. We are all always here for new music from her, but i think its safe to say she'll never make it as big as she would like because of the way she is in public and i honestly do think she may have form of mental illness. No self respecting person acts like this so often and so publicly unless they have a serious issue, i do hope she seeks help, because it stopped being funny long ago.
  6. Glad to see Chichi go home, sick of hearing her talk about how poor she is and her runway was pageant basic boring unimaginative dullness. I liked her, but she's no top 3 thats for sure. While Bob will most likely win and while i'd love to see him get it, if Kim wins, i won't be shocked, she has a large following, a strong story behind her and could take the crown.
  7. Everyone? is that why all the other girls on Untucked were surprised by Chichis outfit? She may make rubbish bag dresses, but shes never worn anything that actually looks genuinely nice, it's always very crafty and kinda cheap looking. Not that I have an issue with it, but I do find a lot of her outfits pretty ugly. This has been the only week where she hasn't looked like a budget queen.
  8. Well.............Derrdick was never going to exit silently, no surprise he went out flapping his mouth as per usual. Coming for Naomi endlessly after one critique from her is Derrdick in a nutshell, insecure and and argumentative, he really needs to get a fucking grip. And don't even start me on the complete DELUSION during Untucked, he thought his paper corset would hang in the Rupaul museum?...............lol.................ok, that was a fucking corset with PAPER STUCK ON IT, Kimchi was right, what is exactly WAS he doing up so late? and Derrick coming for Naomi all "some of us have no sleep while others slept all night", excuse me???..............Naomis paper dress was gorgeous, looked straight off the runway, and thats right, she did have time to get a full nights sleep, thats what happens when you're actually creative and have a solid understanding of your aesthetic and can execute a look quicker than the basics. Naomi pulls out a dress that looks like it took days and Derrdick sticks paper on a corset for a whole night? mess. And don't even start me on his attempt at drag make up, what a complete fail that was, those eyebrows, the cheeks, a total disaster, Kim and Naomi [who actually have strong looks] must have been laughing at that display my god. He looks great as Britney, and he's lucky he has a full time gig as her, because if he ever extended himself outside of that he would end up poor and unemployed very fast. Bob nailed the lip sync, evoked the song perfectly, Derrdick just did Britney................again. The show clearly kept him around a little longer than intended because the show feels a certain type of responsibility to give girls with already established careers a decent run so they don't tarnish their brand [which is fair], but boy oh boy did he last weeks longer than he should have. Chichi dress was a nice surprise, who would have thought she could do that? Glad Kim won, but i would have given it to Naomi this week.
  9. Reading this is terrifying! to even thing such a SUBLIME musical moment from Lana didn't even EXIST from day one but only because another project with Prince fell through is crazy! Y&B is one of her biggest hits and ESSENTIAL to her catalog of music now.
  10. yessssssssssss budget video queen slay me
  11. How random lol. And my god her HAIR! she's getting that next era hairdo ready to GO once 2017 comes yaaas
  12. Yeah the album is no 'Beyonce', but I still like a lot of it. If anything, I just can't believe how much artistic growth she's had over the last few albums, she's like a brand new artist. The movie was wonderfully shot I liked it, a couple of boring songs on the album and it's definitely an album I need to be in the right mood for but I like it. She seems to have entered a new phase in her career where she seems to give zero fucks about radio playability, I think it's cool to see that from a singer with a mainstream status like hers.
  13. I call my lesbian friend dyke all the time and she calls me a faggot. I love it.
  14. #1 debut on zippyshare charts for sure. Anyway i got a link and heard the album, it's good but does take a few listens, more-so because she kept hinting at the album being really ratchet, but it actually isn't. Freedom is incredible and the best thing next to Formation. Although i do prefer the video version of Formation, this one seems to be missing a verse? it's shorter........??? Daddy Issues, 6 Inch are good too. And i'm actually doing the splits right now on a stripper stage to Don't Hurt Yourself, i'm posting via phone x
  15. Anyone got a d/l link???.............i knew this would happen, Tidal only sigh.............such a slap in the face to her fans who aren;t on that thing.
  16. The producers seem awfully thirsty this season, eliminating obvious top 3 girls and stirring shit up for controversy. As much as i can see Bob winning, it almost feels too obvious, i wouldn't be surprised if they didn't pick him just to cause more drama with fans. I do hope he wins though, he'd be a good ambassador for the show.
  17. Derrick did well this week, but i can only assume thats because Bob was there to guide her basic ass. Bob was amazing, great campaign, good runway. Naomies runway was amazing, my favourite. Poor Thorgy, campaign was a bore but his runway was cute, shame he's gone, especially since he is so much more creative than a couple other girls there who are still around.
  18. Agreed, Pearl wore much more than just lingerie.
  19. still love it, in my top #3 from her for sure.
  20. Let me tell you all this and let me tell you all to listen closely, Derricks runway challenge this week was an UTTER DISGRACE on that stage. Wtf was i LOOKING at? it was truly truly dire. And that attitude of his really is just terrible, he WENT IN on Untucked, picking fights all over. He does NOT take criticism well and he was THIRSTY as fuck in Untucked. He is so annoying and he needs to take his one note ass home, YES at Bob giving it to him in Untucked and ChiChi YES. HOWEVER, i will say this, he at least tried in that lip sync, wtf was Robbie doing? like.....could she look anymore uninterested? and the wig removal and then falling down to the floor?.......girl.......no, why are you doing that? go home. I NEEDED Naomi to GIVE ME SOMETHING NEW at this point and she did, she did very well this week, she clearly can do more than she has been displaying, why she chose to bring her whole robe collection to the show makes no sense when she can clearly think conceptually. She deserved the win this week, it was creative, chic and she looked good. Yes godt. If Derrick doesn't go home next week i will start throwing shit at my TV. And Ru accidently calling her Britney lol whoo child! i gagged. Send her PACKING.
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