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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Coney Island King


    the fist video is ok, fits the song. the second one is really boring.
  2. she looks like someone who a vampire would visit at night to drink blood from.
  3. its ok, kinda heard this from her before though and done better...........but its cute enough i guess.
  4. cute video, not something id watch again though. song is growing on me a bit but i still think its a very dull lead single.
  5. visually it was disappointing, especially with all the hype around the tech, and the change of song every 15 seconds was messy.............but she sounded good.
  6. agreed. tidal can fuck off. if all these tidal artists dont go itunes eventually then they can piss off and i'll just not bother really.
  7. she literally looks like a TEXAS TAVERN WHORE who just got FUCKED and is in a state of after sex ECSTASY. in a good way x
  8. she seems very chill and easy going in this interview, don't know why some of you think she sounds dumb and looks anxious. she seems fine.
  9. make me like you is horrendous.
  10. i CANNOT with any ride hate. that video is glorious.
  11. imagine if lana opened for adele at her U.S tour.
  12. i think she's gotten better musically over time for me personally. i find her to be a far more interesting artist now then when she first came out, even though i loved her when she first came out too. i just think people are expecting btd quality eras, and that was very much a one off thing for her, but fans cant let go and they get frustrated. its cute people care so much, but i've come to terms with just rolling with the punches when it comes to her nowdays, as long as the albums are great i'm happy............everything else is fun, but i can take it or leave it since it comes second to the music, and i still love the music. chart and sales wise, she was always going to decline, she was always a niche artist who got a lucky break with btd and she was never going to be able to maintain that sort of success over and over. shes just not that type of artist and her music doesnt have that sort of pull.
  13. kim looked ridiculous at the event, but wow it was full of stars. from what i heard the album sounds good, shame there's no full show upload anywhere.
  14. the fuck is up with tidal and its artists doing 2 minute songs all of a sudden
  15. isn't the album meant to be out today?
  16. even though i liked the video i knew it was gonna piss fans off so i was like
  17. yeah i don't get it either. because the song comes after freak on the album for some reason people want the same in the video, makes no sense.
  18. i really like it, the whole thing, my only issue is the swimming part just goes on way too long, if it was just a couple minutes long at the end it would be perfect. freak was good, i liked the slow mo, the wind machines, the acid trip, she looks beautiful.
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