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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Why would it affect a nomination chance? The only thing that would get her a nom would be the fact that Y&B was made for/used in the film, it was, that's all that is required for noms.
  2. A 30 minute video will take a long long time to edit, editing is a slow process for normal music videos let alone 10 in one. I think because the era has come to an end and she is reelasing the final project from the era with this film i just feel really patient about it.
  3. She's not on hiatus, she's just having another Del Rey tantrum x.
  4. Hoe plz, you know once that thing drops you'll be ready to watch it in a nano-second, full Bambi eyez works, keep it real x.
  5. Wow, so glad to hear the album has had a new surge of life in the U.S.!
  6. Well clearly we don't agree so there's no point going in circles. If you like the album great, i think it's shit. The reaction from a lot of people who have heard it online has been lukewarm at best, so clearly she's done something wrong with it.
  7. Or maybe it's just boring and poorly produced.
  8. I was ready for Banks about...2 years ago. Is anyone as bored waiting for her stuff as i am? hit and miss singles, delay after delay for the album, endless moronic twitter rants........she's a damn mess.
  9. Honestly, i've been so turned off for close to a year and a half now with that hideous Born This Way tour and her general awful style and talking, but i admit......the iTunes showcase was rather good and it reminded me a lot of her Fame days. The new tracks are sounding solid so far and it was good seeing her actually do something decent on stage for once. Sex Dream is her best song to date imo.
  10. Coney Island King


    She is nothing like Lana, at all, aside from being "indi pop-esque". Anyway, her EP is hit and miss but i hope the album is a little more cohesive, looking forward to hearing it.
  11. The new album is really terrible. A few good songs here and there [stop Me, Saturday Night, Problem, Controversy], but the rest is hookless, dull and completely uninspired. Perfectionist was much stronger. I do wonder how she manages to keep her record deal with her singles/albums doing so little pretty much everywhere.
  12. That's fine, but some of you go on about it like it's an Einstein equation. There may need to be a few hobbies picked up in spare time for some of you that's all. Oh well different strokes for different, yada yada yada.
  13. Who actually cares though really? all this "i don't trust her, who is she? ect ect"............is the product good, do you actually like the output? great, enjoy it and get over everything else. She's not here to be your true friend who you know, she's a singer, she opens her mouth, sounds come out we like, we buy the music, the end. x.
  14. Srsly how is she not jumping on top of this guy and getting dat manager diq!
  15. Most random collection of people i have ever seen lolz.
  16. I'd hit them all, only a dumb cunt gets run over after standing in front of a car. x.
  18. Shiterlake won?............have you all SEEN that Mirrors video? have you seen the scene where he dances in the mirror room?...........truly one of the unsexiest things i've ever seen a man do.
  19. I'm still standing at the L.A cemetery waiting for a big screen to show up. Will take a nap now. x.
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