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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Halsey: “Can i use Lucky?” Britney: “Yes” Halsey: *Uses Lucky* Britney: “I’m gonna sue you” Halsey: Britney: “Nevermind it wasn’t me that said that” The human race:
  2. I thought the same thing. The beat reminds me of Hold It Against Me, which is Godly.
  3. The album is much better than her last, some good bops. But 90% of it is 2 min long songs
  4. 2 songs in a row i've liked from her. Could never get into her before, but this dark mid tempo dance stuff is good. Hopefully she keeps this sound for the next album.
  5. Girl what? calm down lol. I never said i was owed anything, i'm just talking. The meltdowns some of you have over the slightest comments around here are wild.
  6. I know she's always done those atmospheric ambient tracks before, and i like them in concept, but they really are tracklist killers when it comes to playing an album. 4 minutes of electronic wind sound is useless to me.
  7. I expect a deluxe by the end of the year whether she likes it or not.
  8. Where is the deluxe with extra songs Allie?
  9. If this is his last album under his Weeknd name he needs Lana on there.
  10. She released a snippet of another track and it’s a bop.
  11. Second best song on the album tbh.
  12. Do i need to say sorry for saying tiktok is shit? I am an old millennial i can’t help it
  13. I follow this page, it's actually WILD lol.
  14. He is literally the walking dead at this point with the stuttering and forgetting and fumbling. Sadly, i don't think anyone is going to be able to knock the wind out of the Trump wagon for President. Not that the dems shouldn't try, but i feel bad for anyone taking over from Biden because the psychotic brigade for Trump are everywhere it seems and they are only duplicating.
  15. Link me to your tiktok now so i can downvote everything!
  16. The sooner the world aims a giant bazooka to that app the better. It's so embarrassing.
  17. You may want to read more posts, because i literally posted about how much i love Apple only a few days ago. How much i like Tough with Quava, how much i liked Katy Perry's Witness album, how much i love the new Tomb Raider Remasters, how much i like the new Sophie song, and how much i am loving the new Billie album. I can link you to them all if you like?
  18. The Apple tiktok dance everyone is so doing is fucking shit and cringe.
  19. Honestly when she cut her hair her career died.
  20. Absolutely. Prism has a couple good songs, the rest is dull and Roar is fucking awful.
  21. I imagine they are, but this album will do exactly what this single did, be front loaded week 1 and then drop fast in the weeks after. She may have a couple more semi charting songs over the coming months but this era will be as eventful as her last. Perry is a 2010's relic nowadays, her appeal to the public are her past hits. The music landscape has changed a lot since she was big, i don't think her brand is what listeners really want anymore. Her appeal really lies in her old hits, if she can throw together a tour or a residency she will probably make a bit of bank on that for the next few years.
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