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About GirlAfraid

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  • Birthday 11/23/1986

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    East Coast
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  1. All I have to say about the end of the interview:
  2. The German and European critics/journalists are generally more positive and open-minded of Lana and her music, though. The US media in contrast is less forgiving as we all know by now, at least when it comes to Lana.
  3. It’s not really surprising though, especially where Lana is concerned. Journalists (and I’m using the word very lightly here ) are always going to try to bait and hook their subject, especially if they can come up with a juicy headline . Add to the fact that RS is interviewing her. I feel like the only reason they put her on the cover is so they can boost their sales, not because they actually enjoy her music (even if they begrudgingly accepted Ultraviolence).
  4. The pictures look divine I haven’t read the interview yet, but I know it’s going to be a mess! Anyway, can’t wait to buy this edition, I don’t think I’ve bought RS since 1998 (I feel so old)!
  5. I still haven't fully absorbed the new album yet. I won't be ready for anything new for at least a year, 'cause I'm slow like that. Y'all are an impatient bunch.
  6. I feel the same way ‘Dope fiends’ ties in much better for the overall theme of the lyrics. And at times I hear ‘Snow in my mouth’ (which is also slang for cocaine & users sometimes ingest it or simply rub it on their gums/teeth). Anyway this song, while not my favorite off the album, is pure sex P.S. Rock Genius added ‘Zoomin’ my miles in gold hoops’. Among other variations http://rock.rapgenius.com/Lana-del-rey-florida-kilos-lyrics
  7. I wanna like every post in this thread Flaw free all the way
  8. For real though. This guy couldn’t even be bothered to muster up some enthusiasm. It’s almost as if this program fell into his lap at the last minute, didn’t have a choice in the matter and didn’t even know who the hell Lana was. And I can’t even be bothered to browse through comments made by bitter pseudo-intellectuals who think that they’re so damn clever and worldly (but then again this is NPR and their listeners are notorious for spewing venom at anything veering towards the mainstream).
  9. This is her moment to shine, no one can ever take this away from her. She’s come so far and waited so long for this kind of recognition (from the critics as well as the general public), and now that it’s finally here I hope she’s truly enjoying all the blessings and positive aspects that have come with Ultraviolence.
  10. I love this thread. Makes me nostalgic for when I first started listening to her and would mishear 60% of the lyrics. Body Electric is the first one that comes to mind. Grand Ole Opry: Grand auto spree Whitman is my daddy, Monaco’s my mother:Clinton is my daddy, Monica’s my mother My clothes still smell like you: My coasters/posters still smell like you All the photographs say, that we’re still young: All the phonographs, say we’re still young Mary’s swayin’ softly: Mary’s sweatin’ softly
  11. With each interview that she gives the less I seem to understand where she's coming from or what message she wants to convey. She's the most mercurial artist I've come across in a long time, which is not necessarily a bad thing (the complexity of her emotions and views), just highly disorienting. Every time I think I pin down a part of her personality or belief system she switches it up so fast I'm left spinning. I think the one thing I know for sure about Lana is that she defies a concrete definition and does not submit to pedestrian conventions. My sentiments exactly !
  12. Ignore me, my imagination gets the better of me sometimes. lel
  13. I can picture him hitting the liquor pretty hard at the end of the day. Just pure conjecture on my part
  14. Glad to be part of the team I was starting to feel crazy for liking the demo more lol
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