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Poison Ivy

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Everything posted by Poison Ivy

  1. The way she combines clothes Although the last 2 photos show that she'd be hot and glamorous in anything, so I guess she's right not to care.
  2. That cute smile /laughter of hers and how she looks like a DOLL in real life, seriously, that face is pristine. Her taste in men usually, except that angsty tattooed boy from BTD. 'that's a good question!' Her endearing awkwardness, especially at award shows and stuff, it's probably the most relateable Lana thing for me and she can make it so cute and normal. dat ass/her legs
  3. I like the leak, sounds promising (not a fan, but I like some of Gaga's music - I don't particularly like her)
  4. Some of those are so cringy I kinda like the 'I can be your China doll' one but the rest are meh. I don't understand portrait tattoos either I'm sure if I'll ever have money/courage (I'm a pussy when it comes to needless and blood and everything, I was w/ my friend when she got a tattoo and I was the one freaking out) I'll end up with lyrics or words or something since I have more of a bond with them and they're small enough for me not die getting it. I can't really get Lana lyrics though because while I love her, I rarely can relate to her. I wanted to get 'this little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine' on my inner arm (?? makes sense?) at some point but it's too long and people would just think I'm a re-born Christian or something. Other past ideas of mine, hmm I wanted a pin-up girl on my leg (thigh) at some point as a tribute to Amy combined with her hearts tattoo but I just don't want something big nor would I be able to deal with getting it I think. When I'll find a phrase that stares into my soul & is short enough I'll probably get that (if it lasts the 1-2 years thinking period)
  5. I really really fear for LGBT people in Eastern Europe I know my own country is very homophobic apart from a few groups/open minded parts of open minded cities, but Russia just took it to a new level.
  6. So the Adam and Eve thing is happening, huh well, hope she makes it so tacky that it's good. They both have a stoned + deer in the headlights look in that poster.
  7. Was she grinding the mic pole? When she did that at my concert I was suddenly thankful I'm not a guy because it would've been more uncomfortable/obvious
  8. I think it's more a matter of taste, I mean sometimes people idolize the shit out of writers I find terrible and so on I can see how it can come off as cringe-y at parts and there's some bits I dislike ('I believe in the country America used to be' 'make our lives a work of art' which i know she loves but it's so ugh) but a lot of it is beautifully written and creates an imagery I wish I could express in my writing too: saw those dreams dashed and divided like million stars in the night sky that I wished on over and over again- sparkling and broken Just an inner indecisiveness that was as wide as wavering as the ocean. with a fire for every experience and an obssesion for freedom that terrified me to the point that I couldn’t even talk about- and pushed me to a nomadic point of madness that both dazzlez and dizzied me I don't know, these really get to me.
  9. Am I really one of the few who love her monologues? I don't even find them that cheesy, the intro of Ride is a very strong piece of writing.
  10. Poison Ivy

    So Legit

    I took a trip down the Valley of the Past and watched an old Gags interview, she said that when she was younger she performed/ go go danced dressed in an indian headdress and bikini (and her dad saw it and thought she's crazy, blah blah) hint hint (probably unrelated but I'm falling asleep and it made me think of Lana). I doubt they were that close though but who knows
  11. I live for the leaks I'm not especially fond of 'next album leaks' because it can ruin the surprise, but as lola said I think, we don't even have a release date for the next album so I'm sure the tracklist is open to change or it will be a long time until we hear something new that's released. If the album leaks two days before release, even leak-thirsty-me would probably wait (and of course I buy her shit, she's my current favourite). The unreleased leaks are gold to me! The more, the better. Even the best song in the world gets old after awhile.
  12. Poison Ivy

    So Legit

    I just listened to it now it's ok but kinda immature. I wouldn't conceive Gaga fans not getting worked up over this (well, some of them) but it's so silly I can't take it seriously. Lana's quite the crazy bitch. But I love her
  13. That's quite exciting when are the VMAs? I wanna see Lana showing off her glamorous self there at least
  14. AH I get it now (well, I think so) - Catch and release is catching a fish and then throwing it back in water I assume. So the guy she's talking about wants to pick her up just to toss her away and she likes her world 'on a string' because that's the stage between 'catching' her and throwing her away (fish on the string imagery there). Only that he doesn't know he caught a shark so beware RAH LANA she's crazy don't mess with her. my incoherent interpretation
  15. For a second I thought 'you know how I like my world on a string' refers to the String Theory but she's probably talking about pearls //// fishing metaphor?
  16. Anyone know where she's staying? She looks like she fell into her wardrobe and went out with whatever clung onto her. It's quite lovely (I like her little bag purse thing a lot)
  17. When I studied A Streetcar Named Desire in English, I noticed the 'kindness of strangers' part too and it reminded me of Lana. I do think her and Blanche have quite a bit in common cause they both have the sketchy-mystery-past and speak poetically, although Lana still has her marbles. I imagine Lana really liking her as a character for some reason.
  18. Oh, I thought of something. Is it possible she might be on some sort of anti-anxiety pills of some sorts? I know that if I had to give interviews I would be and she was quite closed off/overly nervous at that time (even at her shows). It's also because of her way of speaking - it's much more energetic now or on phone interviews/interviews where she's really comfortable. I don't know, just a thought, it might just be her natural coping mechanism too with no medication.
  19. I think it's just... Lana She doesn't really seem high to me in her manner of speaking at least, she's just a bit odd herself.
  20. Anyone knows where she at? I wanna see her looking so delicious. By the way, think she's gonna film here?
  21. Poison Ivy

    The Sims

    Yea I might do that sometime I remember I used to have a lot of Sims 2 Expansion packs (I still have the game itself on CD lol) but I lended University to a friend and she broke one of the cds, I was so pissed off like she ruined my life I was 10. Wish I had it intact now though!!
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