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Poison Ivy

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Everything posted by Poison Ivy

  1. + hot upskirt view
  2. @@Philomene I'll admit my views of Russia are more or less my general views on Eastern Europe rather than about the country itself, but I know enough about Russia specifically too - although you do sound like you know more detailed stuff. I don't really mean women's rights, but rather the sexist mentality and how women tend to be treated in the society/family. Of course it's not the case for every single person, but there's an overwhelming majority that perpetuates misogyny, racism, homophobia like they're a cultural thing. Again, I'm not saying only Russia is that way. I disagree that the LGBT people are as discriminated in the US but I've never been there to check so I don't know, I'm sure in some places it's similar. It varies from state to state though, you can't really compare the whole United States with a really homogeneous country like Russia. I didn't really say Putin himself is racist, I said the average Russian (who's most likely racist) identifies with Putin and his views. Putin can't really express racist views publicly even if he has them, maybe he's an open minded dude in that sense but we'll never really know. Haha, I see the historical link if I would've been from Latvia, Lithuania etc. but I'm from Romania actually. I don't have more negative feelings towards Russia than I do towards my own country in that sense, I think the general mentality and treatment of human beings in that part of the world is terrible. I wouldn't criticize it as much if I didn't experience it first hand, but I was there and I'm really glad not to be anymore. The difference is that in Romania everyone in the government is a corrupt moron trying to get rich, while Putin does seem passionate about his position. And Russia is a much more influential country. Well Putin is concerned/dedicated towards a certain group of people in his country, but if you were gay or a minority he doesn't like, you'd see him in a different light. I agree that he's a great fit for Russians, but that's not a great thing for anyone who isn't a 'typical Russian' and who might want change rather than keeping the same old traditional values. And more on that... Well I see the family as a social construct, it hasn't been the same since the beginning of times and it changed shapes when society went through changes too. Traditional means 'this is how my great-grandparents used to do/think about things and I'll ignore whatever progress society makes and do what they did'. There's nothing more valuable about a family consisting of a heterosexual couple compared to one made of a homosexual couple if you look at it plainly. It's the prejudice in the minds of the people that render one type of family as wrong. There are so many types of family and none that doesn't cause harm to people should be considered wrong just because it's not 'traditional'. There is no reason to hold onto traditional values which ultimately hurt people and limit their personal freedom and I'm sure Putin can't grasp this, like many typical Eastern Europeans can't as well. eh personally I don't think America should be pointing fingers either . I'm not boycotting it myself, I wouldn't watch it anyway, but I wouldn't really support Russia in anything especially after their new LGBT laws.
  3. Coming from an Eastern European country, I can assure you the whole 'traditional family values' Russia holds (as well as my country etc.) are a bullshit excuse to treat everyone like shit apart from straight Eastern European men. Homophobia is the most obvious one to pick out for the Western world because it stands out how normal it is to hate gay people in certain Eastern European countries and to act like they're atrocities of nature/mentally ill/on the same scale as pedophiles. France and the US might not be fully open minded to LGBT rights but they're years away from the backwardness of Russia and the like. But you see, homophobia is only the surface problem, try being a woman there or of a different race. I might be wrong, Philomene, but I'm pretty sure you're a girl and not Eastern European. You might've visited/read about it and all that but you probably didn't live there 14 years - if you did, maybe you'd understand why Putin is not a nice guy. Unless you agree with all his views and the Russians'/Eastern European views, then there's no reason to dislike him but he'd probably dislike you. He is a blessing for the average homophobic sexist racist Russian indeed, because he's just like them.
  4. Awwww that video I want to meet her like without many people around and be all nice and chill around her
  5. If anyone loves that H&M blouse Lana modeled for, I'm selling mine ~ it's really silky and qt but I never wear it for some reason
  6. Any fashionistas on lanaboards know where most of the dresses are from? I got H&M, Topshop and Ted Baker down so far but if anyone knows more ~share~
  7. Is this Juliette Lewis a well known person or do we just know about her because of Lana? I have no idea who she is and I keep seeing her mentioned on here o i just googled her she's an actress ok still don't see the connection with Lana except that Lana seems to hang out with her randomly
  8. It's not one of my favorites, but I love it just the same, it's like it tries to put you in a trance. The rhythm is really weird and her voice is so melancholic and kinda flat but in an eerie way. The lyrics are also a bit of a stream of consciousness sort of which Lana doesn't do often, she just kinda goes with the flow of her thought and everything is connected in a vague way if that. As ppl mentioned before I love the 'Maybe we should go to Coney Island...' part, tone and everything. Also 'Neptune *whispers* Avenuee' ~ it's fun, it's diffferent. The chorus kinda brightens it in a bitter-sweet way.
  9. #shinybraspiracy I still can't believe they hung out together, even trailer park Lizzy looks so much preppier than good ol' Stefani
  10. Did someone find out where her little Paradise Tour dresses were from? I need a little guidance on my ebay search lol
  11. I just want her to have a show in California between late July and early September if im not eating out of a trashcan I'll b there (not the april one though)
  12. I don't think she aimed Tropico at the general public
  13. I think most of Paradise had to grow on me... especially Cola/Gods & Monsters. Most of the others though, I usually tend to either like them a lot from the beginning and then kinda get bored or just like them a lot 4ever.
  14. I saw this van a few days ago with Woolridge on it, they were like a plumbing company or something lol. Really random name
  15. Well if she was drinking this guy definitely wouldn't know if he was a kid at the time, altho if I was Charlie I'd tell him like 'dude my sister's an alcoholic' seems like something tweens would do. But maybe they were even younger than that
  16. ~maybe this fits better here Anything new here? @@evilentity He doesn't seem to know much but if you guys want to know anything else that he could know...
  17. Well I think Jump has suicidal vibes; then again I used to interpret it differently last year (like 'do you wanna jump?' as if 'do you wanna jump on the chance/do something exciting dangerous w/e) but then I listened to it properly, I feel like she's fantasizing about dying the perfect way ('right line, right man, right mixture of cocaine and heroin) and kinda glamorizing the whole experience of OD-ing. Someone correct me if I got it wrong though
  18. Really happy Lana was nominated, she totally deserves it ~ but why is thicke there lol... Hope she wins, I live for her award *speeches*
  19. Hahaha I think those are the parts I found the most hilarious, right there with the slow-mo dancing. I love the idea behind the video though (thanks people in this topic for making it even clearer!) I'm sure it must've been beautiful in Lana's mind. The video doesn't really do it justice to me but I guess that's hard. One scene I enjoyed (well, split bits of the scene that were sadly too few) was the one in the trailer (?) drinking cola and living the simple life, it was sweet but again I couldn't focus because it was really all over the place. You'd think in 27 mins they'd have had time o this isn't the favourite scene thread carry on
  20. trailerparkdarling's filthy mouth (not sure about the engagement one tho)
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