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Trash Magic

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Everything posted by Trash Magic

  1. Her unloading the laundry and kneeling out of the pool at the end was seriously was the hottest thing ever and not Folgers coffee
  2. UHaulJoe in the year 2021 holy shit. She's really been lurking on Lanaboards while working on this new album. Haven't even watch this video yet but this is too cool
  3. I hope Wild On You is on there so we finally find out the title. Plus the fact it’s a fucking masterpiece. Watch it be called I Used To Sing About People Like U – Now I Just Get High
  4. Lana after seeing a certain overhyped 2010s fad release a universally panned Lana Del Rey tribute album
  5. Screenshot of Lanaboards homepage "on fire"
  6. Beautiful and so evocative of the song Looks like a background to those lo fi youtube radio stations and reminds me of the Video Games music video
  7. The caption update ? She said no trust fund for baby Phoenix!
  8. The Anderson paak tattoo post actually made me feel kinda sad for her ?
  9. Using the error message image... The way you misconstructed and redefined what it meant to convey and obtain the concupiscent anomalistic clearance showing us that idiosyncratic is ebulliently inevitable while simultaneously substantiating the superiority of image
  10. Born To Die album cover edits. These turned out so good I want to recreate the Neil Krug version for real Drawn by a child Painted by Basquiat Painted by Norman Rockwell Photographed by Neil Krug Set on fire This blows my mind Lana was onto something when she said the quote in my signature
  11. I made an instagram account to post them cause I think this is really fun ? https://www.instagram.com/lanadelreyai/ I will attribute lyrics and usernames of the users who generated them in the captions
  12. Not the salvatore one literally looking like spaghetti...
  13. That figures… legit the first thing that came to mind when I saw it was your Mariah avatar lmfao ?
  14. Is the sun in your eyes, easy rider? Voodoo Mississippi South 69 million stars
  15. Congrats on the most cursed images yet! These are literal art. So pretty
  16. It says the GPU is busy now so too many people are trying it hahaha
  17. Using this link https://huggingface.co/spaces/akhaliq/VQGAN_CLIP Click one of the 3 example images at the bottom of the page, type a Lana Del Rey lyric/song title/related phrase in the Text input field, press Submit and save and upload your result to Imgur and share! Here's a few I generated to start: "Surf noir" "Vulgar darling glimmering by the swimming pool" This is insane Surf noir one is too good...
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