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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. Perhaps not, but even still, hasn't there been a pattern here for some time?
  2. CONTINUED Someone's been reading Lanalysis. Actually, between this and the age thing and the FMWUTTT/Lorde thing I think this guy's been reading a fair amount on LanaBoards. This is really interesting. It explains why her high school yearbook photo said she was college bound for SUNY Geneseo even though she ended up at Fordham and the apparent gap between high school and her starting college. But it makes when she might have lived in Alabama all the more mysterious. Ha! Me and my momma we don't get along, indeed. Though I can just see her being the kind of waitress that tries to make up for shitty service by flirting with her male patrons. She still remembers these lovely early songs. Say hi to your Bond girl sister Pussy for me, will you? Ha, look at get all defensive about his cardinal error as her manager. I guess you guys weren't the only ones that noticed this. I'll be posting more about this soon. This is too long to type up. Read from the paragraph beginning "Then, really without warning" to the end: "Maybe I'm sensitive. Do you think?" "You're asking all the right questions. I just really don't want to answer them." "I'm just uncomfortable, and it has nothing to do with you." I think these quotes really highlight what's going on here. Interviewers ask her perfectly reasonable questions to ask, nevertheless she still feels uncomfortable being asked them. What I don't understand, given that so many of her interviews have turned out this way, why she still does them or why she doesn't just say "No comment" or "I'd rather not answer that" and move on rather than throwing a hissy fit at interviewers who are just doing their job. Why should it be out of bounds to ask about something she has consistently volunteered detailed information about unprompted in multiple interviews and may be referenced in several of her songs?
  3. This is bound to be a controversial opinion, but I think this is a fantastically well-done profile, perhaps one of the best. I don't believe it's the job of a journalist, even in the fluffy realm of music journalism, to humor the people they cover. The job of a journalist is to portray their subjects accurately and in-depth. This article accomplished that in spades. It goes into great depth about her history and provides new details about unanswered questions, it demonstrates the author did his homework, confirms the recent NYT profile's angle that she's been misunderstood and the backlash was premised on bullshit, but pulls the curtain back on what it's like to interview Lana Del Rey and her mercurial nature. That said, the one quibble I have is that I felt they removed all context from her comment about not wanting people to hear and think about her music when promoting this profile online. Some specific thoughts: What's that sound? Is it @@evilentity sobbing tears of joy? Like lemonade. What'll really make me happy is if those fuckers on Wikipedia will change it permanently now without me having to make a case for it on BLPN. I can't say I am anywhere near as familiar with other pop stars to say if this is true, but it's nice to see even music journalists that aren't as fawning as the NYT's John Pareles say this. I also like that this article describes her name change as merely "showbiz-as-usual" and said this: Get it girl Let's see. She started breaking up with Barrie "starting in December or so", right around the same time she previously said she stopped having writer's block and her concept for the album started to come together and she began recording stuff for it at Electric Lady Studios. And then there are those lyrics. Hmm... Give us the demos Dan! Fucking labels, man. The irony of this has always struck me. Her parents moved away from the city to the countryside because they had Lizzy who of course was powerfully drawn to the city when she grew up. TO BE CONTINUED... Fucking quote limits.
  4. Much like "Florida Kilos" seems inspired by Spring Breakers, I'd bet cake this was inspired by the Lars von Trier film. #PartyLikeItsDogme95 I'm telling you: This is true. The original file was named "Lizzy Grant.mp4". An LDR.FM mod had previously scrobbled a track named "methamphetamines" of similar length so it was assumed to be named "Methamphetamines" when it surfaced. I'm still amazed someone so (rightfully) vocal about their victimization by hacking continues to provide such specific identifiable information about her past addresses and lovers. (This is not the first time she's done either.) It's almost like she wants us to sleuth.
  5. evilentity

    Charli XCX

    Can someone link me to an updated list of all her known leaked and unleaked unreleased titles? I can't be bothered to go looking through the almost 300 odd pages of this thread.
  6. She should cancel this show tbh.
  7. Not surprisingly, I've got no problem with writing that is critical nor am I necessarily opposed to writers wearing their command of vocabulary on their sleeve. (Or should I say their "sesquipedalianism"?) But for the most part, these articles read like the worst kind of college essay writing, larded up with pretentious jargon and employing buzzy academic concepts creating the illusion of intellect while only occasionally making the odd insightful or cohesive point. If I were their professor, I would ask them to rewrite their essays as plainly and as tersely as possible-- think the Revised King James Version of the Bible, Hemingway, or even fucking Dick and Jane-- with primarily monosyllabic words a fifth grader or their 90-year-old grandma with a fifth grade education could understand, and see if it still works before judiciously adding back in some of the fancy lingo and terms. #evilenglishteacher Edit: Oh, BTW, the irony of me of all people quoting the bolded part in support of this takedown is not lost on me.
  8. Wow. Didn't know it was still possible to hear a live Lana vocal at these audience singalongs.
  9. You're trash if you think other fans are inferior for being newer/less knowledgeable. Better to go with the forum's official passive aggressive expression of old news:
  10. Probably a good idea if you're fucking your way to the top.
  11. ^ Not a joke. Just an observation/opinion.
  12. I actually think they'd be kind of perfect for each other:
  13. Tempted to rename this thread "Textual Appropriation".
  14. I'm gonna stick up for the principle of innocent until proven guilty here. Ahmed ran various fan sites including a Lana one called Lana Daily. In September 2012 he was arrested by the FBI for allegedly hacking Sky Ferreira. While it's reasonable to think a Lana fan arrested for allegedly hacking another artist might well have hacked Lana too, we don't actually know this. In fact, while I've heard rumors that he served time for the Sky Ferreira hack, I've never actually seen evidence of the outcome of his case if it was ever even brought to trial. Yes.
  15. The thread that covers that topic and my pedantic ranting about the inability of anyone to define wtf they even mean by the term 'outtake' is here.
  16. Ew at everyone saying "Colors of the Wind". #ShmaltzyPopSchlock How about "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf"? Come on and eat me up, up, up! Or "Hi Ho!" as another Gaga diss track. J/k. But imagine her covering this with fucked up stacked vocal harmonies: Disney is so much better under the influence of drugs.
  17. Your proposed timeline doesn't make sense to me. According to Lana, she mostly had writer's block and the album didn't really come together until December 2013 when she recorded the whole album at Electric Lady Studio before re-recording it with Dan Auerbach in 2014: It's also notable that "Pretty When You Cry", which you list early in your timeline, credits Lee Foster, owner of Electric Lady Studios, as a producer. Also, while it's possible the guy on the couch in the background could be Dan Heath, the main guy in the photos from that "Trans Am" session who's clearly running the show is Rick Nowels. It also took place at Rick Nowels' personal studio. Nowels is not credited on any of the tracks Heath is credited on.
  18. I've always speculated that maybe they found an early fan who had ripped a bunch of stuff from her MySpace, like maybe someone familiar with the Williamsburg music scene. I can't be bothered to relisten to his podcasts right now, but if I recall correctly, I thought Sean from Nefarious Bovine Radio had said something about getting the old tracks of hers he had off her MySpace. Supposedly he played everything he had, but maybe the LDR.FM mods found someone else who ripped more shit back in the day.
  19. Ah, this fancy schmancy term is such a throwback to my college days as an English major... Quick, let me go rename this thread "Is Beyoncé just a big exercise in Lana Del Rey intertextuality?"
  20. Hmm... On TPB, a commenter wrote this on the torrent for the FLAC rip of NKF: "THIS IS MPEG AUDIO MIXED WITH A HIGH FREQ. SIGNAL TO FOOL DETECTORS LIKE AUCDTECT. NON SENSE." What do we make of this?
  21. I think we may be making too much of this statement especially given her apparent confusion about the source of leaks like "Black Beauty". This might have been a number she just pulled out of her ass that interviewers have repeated in several interviews. And didn't Lana previously say she was hacked in 2011? Someone help me out here. (I also seem to remember comments back on SIN cryptically alluding to feeling so sorry for what happened to her and saying that her camp needed to get their shit together and being told later that those comments referred to rumors that she'd been hacked. Unfortunately the original SIN thread is down because it was idle too long. Do any of the other old timers remember this?) So I don't think we're ever going to be able to use this to determine whether everything has leaked. Nevertheless I think this is a useful exercise. There are a number of songs we can definitively say did not leak due to hacking because the source of the leak was revealed at the time. There's also some number of songs we can say most likely did not leak due to hacking because a possible source of the leak was discovered later. With the rest it's harder to tell. I'd assume some of the leaks with studio production were obtaining by hacking, but I'd be surprised if a decent number of them didn't leak in ways similar to those documented here except we never learned the source. I think the acapellas and rougher tracks were much more likely to have been hacked, though it's quite possible some rough demos could have been leaked by other people involved in their creation. At any rate, some corrections/additions: KOL - On her YouTube account, on "Gossip Girl", producers' web site (though can't be sure if pre-hack) DMD (demo) - On her YouTube account, download available on several blogs since 2010 MH "HQ" - An LDR.FM mod claimed it came from her MySpace and implied other early stuff from her MySpace would surface in higher quality, but LDR.FM shut down before that happened. I believe "Fordham Road" probably came from her MySpace too. We know from screenshots it was on there and it's in the same bit rate as MH if I recall correctly. PS(GW) - Three Six Zero productions Soundcloud. A couple other songs may have surfaced here too. When I stumbled on PS (GW) I noticed a couple alreadly leaked tracks on there, the NA Nexus demo and one of the versions of DICWB if I recall. YCBTB - On YouTube since Sept. 25, 2011 "White Pontiac Heaven" was on myspace.com/lanarey. Don't understand why you're ruling out hacking with the NKF demos. I think it would be useful to note tracks that were on that 18-track sampler or whatever that that one early Guardian review mentioned. It's not impossible someone got a hold of that. I also think it would be useful to note songs Lana had up on her Soundcloud at one point. Later edit: Another random thought: What if the 211 number is specific, but not specific to what was hacked? Like, maybe she's generalizing that "all" her songs were hacked, but maybe the 211 figure is a real number of songs she's kept track of? If so, I'd imagine this would exclude demos and alternate versions.
  22. It should be obligatory to quote this line when asking Lana to take your picture with her in the front row.
  23. And I like my candy and your Whitman (I still think it's most likely "women".)
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