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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. evilentity

    Ella Eyre

    @@SitarHero Recant your false Lorde and worship this Ella.
  2. evilentity

    Ella Eyre

    There were a number of tracks by her on the Soundcloud account that "Prom Song (Gone Wrong)" was on. I don't think I saved them but I wish I had. Did anybody happen to save them?
  3. Because Lana's not obsessed with death or dead celebrities...
  4. I stumbled on this about two and a half years ago and have a ridiculously long and almost creepily thorough megapost detailing all of this I need to finish editing. They're poems written about her by an online admirer/acquaintance of hers named Chris Cole. Although he was clearly smitten with her, it doesn't appear they were ever more than friends. I've been in contact with him and will post more about this after following up on one thing with him. Edit: At the time I also looked into the question of who inspired who, and except for the possibility that he may have introduced her to Walt Whitman's poem "I Sing the Body Electric", and perhaps the Arthur/Marilyn theme from "Puppy Love", it appears her lyrics and DIY videos predate all his references to them.
  5. Wait until @@Monicker sees this. Hmmm... I think I just proved your point. Oh man, now @@Monicker's really gonna be pissed.
  6. Me. I Am Synesthesia. #obscure
  7. ^ It's called "scatting". This kind. Not this kind.
  8. I don't get the "lemonade" denialism. The lyric before it is "crying tears of gold". Gold tears would look an awful lot like lemonade and it's clearly what she says. She writes some cringe-worthy lyrics sometimes. Deal with it. I also don't get how people are hearing "white lies". If I thought there was any chance she was singing "white lies" I'd be all over that shit and the Lanalysis that would entail. But I'm not because I don't think there is. There's definitely an 'n' in there. It's definitely "white lines". It's definitely a cocaine reference. Besides, it's a recurring phrase on the album. She repeats in in "Florida Kilos", which is clearly about drugs.
  9. A lot of these lyrics are hard to decipher, but I don't understand the persistent doubt about the line "chick-a-cherry cola lime". Aside from clearly sounding like that phonetically, it's an obvious reference (conscious or not) to the line "chick-a-cherry cola" from Savage Garden's "I Want You", as I pointed out right away. She just added a twist of lime.
  10. evilentity

    Summer Of Sam

    "Tenement" makes plenty of sense. Tenements are a really common form of housing on the East Side of NYC which she namechecks multiple times in this song.
  11. Don't make me go all Neil deGrasse Tyson on your ass!
  12. What do we make of this and this?
  13. I think we can be pretty confident about the correct track order (see the "All Lyrics" thread) since that Team Hellions guy KRISTOFFRABLE appears to have been jamie311's source despite his denial of having anything to do with the leaks. His copy of the album had no track titles nor did rips that circulated privately before it leaked publicly with guessed track titles. However, there are two track titles we can be pretty sure about: "Junky Pride" because it was listed that way on her old MySpace account, and "A Star for Nick" because Sean from Nefarious Bovine Radio said it was called that on his podcast. (Of course, this assumes she never changed the names which we all know she has a habit of doing.) Also, according to @@Trash Magic, an LDR.FM mod also said that "Bad Disease" and "Out With a Bang" "were streamed online a long time ago under these titles", but I've never seen any receipts for that. Some people also speculate that "River Road" is the real title of "Next to Me", but as far as I can tell that's based solely on the coincidence that the title "River Road" was scrobbled with the same track length as "Next to Me", but that seems pretty thin to me, especially considering the propensity of certain assholes traders to scrobble tracks under different names and since the title "River Road" bears no relation to the lyrics. More recently, a number of Sirens tracks also surfaced on albums leaked as From the End and Quiet Now under different titles (and in higher quality). Here's my take on that situation: Also, it should be noted that when Sirens leaked publicly the invented title "I'm Indebted to You" was misspelled "Indebited".
  14. @ I'm disinclined to merge it now because the numerous responses would just clutter up that thread, but minor factual questions like these should be posted here rather than getting their own threads.
  15. I hope she liked the serial necrophilia and scene of actual defecation 5 minutes in.
  16. Racist much? You are some German Nazi I suppose. The most despicable people in the world. #GodwinsLaw Speaking of German, I'm not above schadenfreude. I really hope your daughter (@@FormerLanaFan's, not yours @@PrettyBaby) fucks around a lot when she grows up and doesn't care if you know it. Oh god, where to even begin with this one... I'm quite baffled that when Lana says she's "slept with a lot of guys" you seem to automatically assume it was all causal sex and never serial monogamy. I'm not even gonna address the misogynist/objectifying undertones in the latter part of that post, but let me just explode some of the stereotypes in it. Speaking as an older fan, it's not just today's teenagers that grew up on internet porn. Anyone who spent any part of their teens in the internet age did. But when I was a teenager, despite my "urges", I also was a virgin by choice until marriage. And from personal experience I can say that that was the wrong choice for me. While not necessarily promoting sleeping around a ton, I think the broader view of sex endorsed by most posters here is far more healthy. I think a lot of people find sexual experience a desirable quality in a partner. I've said it before, but it bears repeating:
  17. tl;dr: @@FormerLanaFan to Lana: I'm a drag and you're a whore. Ok, so your issue with her is that she doesn't live up to your (a man's) fantasy image of her and your expectations of her sexual behavior as a woman? Do you not see how problematic this is? Would we have though? I've been in the Lana sleuthing game for almost 3 years now and have developed something of a reputation for it and I still find myself surprised at new information and how it reshapes my understanding of her. Also, there's a possibility the label head claim may not be as interesting as it sounds. Everybody and their brother has a label these days. Ben even had one. I dunno. You seem to be the only one reacting strongly about this. (Not that I haven't been about the only person objecting to something on here before. ) Also, when she said "I have slept with a lot of guys in the industry" she may simply have meant that a lot of the guys she fucked were in the industry, not that she's fucked a lot of guys in absolute terms. Even if she was, comparing someone who has "slept with a lot of guys" with a porn star is not a fair comparison, but FWIW that Duke porn star seems pretty content with her decision. Also FWIW, there's a fair amount of transactional sex suggested in Lana's lyrics. How is this only bothering you now? And WTF do private sexual acts have to do with being a good person, being involved in your community, or your relationship with your father, mother, and siblings? No, it's not the Beatles era, though your attitudes about women and sex seem imported straight from it. I can't help but laugh at the irony and lack of self-awareness in your reference to Othello, a man so obsessed with a woman's believed promiscuity that (spoiler alert) it drives him to murder, and ultimately suicide. Um, what is this all about? Are we still talking about Lana? So far you're the only one portraying her like the biggest whore in the music industry. Personally I think T-Swift might privately high-five Lana and tell her to write kiss and tell songs about everybdy she fucked. And then she'd probably fuck Lana and write a song about it. You think I give a damn about a Grammy? Half of you critics can't even stomach me, let alone stand me "But Slim, what if you win, wouldn't it be weird?" Why? So you guys could just lie to get me here? So you can sit me here next to Britney Spears? Shit, Christina Aguilera Lana Del Rey better switch me chairs So I can sit next to Carson Daly and Fred Durst James Franco and Dan Auerbach And hear 'em argue over who she gave head to first first sucked cock Just maybe. What does one have to do with the other? Besides, for all we know, Pat might high-five her or be jealous. My momma, she would love you like I love you If she ever met you, if she ever knew My momma, she would fall right on top of you If she ever saw you, she’d be smitten too I’ll never take you home I want you all for my own Don’t let my momma hear your pretty song Right, the couple bucks you spent on her artistry entitles you to dictate her sex life. Really, her comment is "undefendable"? I see plenty of people doing just that.
  18. Ha. "People". That is impressive vagueness. But I don't really care. I'm just glad she's finally acknowledging it. But this makes me suspect Brian Hiatt's been reading our forum even more. "Shaving off". I've used that phrase to describe this at least once. I think she's probably conflating a couple things here. Both Gaga and Lana played consecutive new writer showcases at the Cutting Room put on by the Songwriter's Hall of Fame (SHOF) which Bob Leone worked for as Projects Director. The Monday night lineups she's referring to were probably Monday night open mics at Makor that were also put on by the SHOF. You can see more about those gigs in the "Early Shows" section. Regarding Axl Rose: Wow. It's truly fascinating that one of the most subtly written portrayals of a problematic relationship in modern pop music may be accidental, the writer not self-conscious of it. Paging @@FormerLanaFan. I would love a Buzzfeed-style "Cunt-ries of the World" map of what Barrie imagines each nation's delicacies taste like. She sheds more light on her relationship with a record label exec: It's almost like she wants us to figure it out. Who knew dry-humping jokes were the way to a woman's heart? (Skip to 3:46.) Yo, Franco, I'm really happy for you, I'ma let you finish... but Barrie-James was one of the best boyfriends of all time. One of the best of all time!
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