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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. evilentity


    He also did this remix:
  2. For all the non-native English speakers (or anyone who failed first grade grammar), @@Stoop Kid is right. She does say "we was first dating", which is grammatically incorrect. (She also sometimes sings "we was born to die", also incorrectly.) I wouldn't take cues from Lana about English grammar rules since she routinely does ultraviolence to them. Remember, this girl became internet famous for a song that uses the incorrect superlative "bestest", switches between second and third person object pronouns referring to her lover at least four times (six if "you the bestest" is not a direct quotation), has dangling participles everywhere, and ends with an ambiguous implied infinitive for which it is not only ambiguous what its implied object is, but whether it even has one! #evilenglishteacher
  3. And The Neighbourhood's album. And Natalia Kills' "Stop Me". And Eminem's "Beautiful Pain". And Emeli Sandé's "My Kind of Love". And Florence & the Machine's "Over the Love". And fun.'s "All Alright" & "Out on the Town". He reused sound effects from BTD on all of those. And that's just from his recent work that I've actually listened to! #OneTrickEmile
  4. Many fans (such as myself) extremely dislike his overuse of particular samples and sound effects on BTD. Some fans even dislike his hip-hop beats. I'm more ambivalent about those. FIFY
  5. No, just the loon. You slightly redeem yourself with your MDM love: Though the demo is miles better than that loonified piece of shit Emile Haynie version.
  6. Don't do car payments guys. Buy a car that you can afford to pay for with cash, even if that means a $1000 beater. Even ol' evil buys used cars. The only things you should ever borrow money for are a house or your education. #EvilFinancialTips
  7. evilentity


    Jessica Hernandez does.
  8. I'm so pressed they're not on the same day at the same time so you'd have to face your own version of my NIN/The Killers/Lana Del Rey Lollapalooza dilemma. Beck and Motörhead.
  9. She may have focused on metaphysics, but her degree (if she ever even completed it) was in philosophy. It doesn't appear Fordham has ever offered an undergraduate degree in metaphysics.
  10. Wouldn't that make "her boyfriend's nose" a correct answer as well?
  11. This one's very debatable. "Kill Kill" was the title track of her EP and its video was released to promote it. Does that constitute being a single? I dunno, maybe. I do know that "Gramma" was released as a free single on Amazon when the full length was released. Also, the question said Lana Del Rey. So either way you could argue that it's still "Video Games" on the technicality that the Kill Kill EP and AKA were released under the names Lizzy Grant and Lana Del Ray respectively.
  12. Q: What is the title of her first studio album? Correct: Lana Del Ray Wrong: Lana Del Ray A.K.A. Lizzy Grant Wrong: Nevada Wrong: Born to Die
  13. Obviously I'd ask her who K is. More generally I'd ask about her past, "all the trouble [she's] been in" that we "wouldn't believe", how much of her lyrics are autobiographical, especially the seedier and more sordid ones. I'd ask her why she lies about her age and whether that was her idea or Ben's. I'd ask similar questions about the decision to suppress her earlier work. I'd also ask her about some of the things in my "Unsolved Mysteries" thread and if she ever really lived in Alabama. Maybe some questions about unreleased songs, when she wrote them, who she worked with, and also about Rock Me Stable/Young Like Me & From the End. I'd probably also ask her some questions about the films she's been in. For more questions other people would ask, there are two similar threads here and here.
  14. Yes, it was released 4 years ago today on January 4, 2010, but was written in 2008.
  15. It's probably not new, but I was poking around Purple PR's website and saw this hi-res photo:
  16. It's probably not new, but I was poking around Purple PR's website and saw this:
  17. Honestly, we don't know for sure. There's already a thread on this exact topic.
  18. Don't we already have a thread for her SNL performance?
  19. Ha, is this the long rumored French Montana collab? Is this a leak or is it getting a proper release? Would be great if it drew more attention to "Video Games". VG really never got much radio play in the US. Maybe it could become another much-belated radio hit a la "Summertime Sadness".
  20. But "XO" already is just a rip-off of the Keds "Yayo" video...
  21. No, I honestly don't think saying Poolside is better than Tropico is necessarily mocking her or trying to be funny. I think it's a perfectly valid opinion that could be sincerely held. I also don't see any contradiction in wanting her to tour more and engaging in honest criticism or evaluating other artists more favorably. For the record, I don't think anything awful is OK to say about her or anyone else (I recently criticized some pretty ugly comments made about Lorde's appearance) although I think there is a place for irreverent humor. However, I don't think anything awful has even been suggested here. Please move away from the mindset where saying anything critical about her is "spiteful". Despite my reservations about being voted "Best Stan" by this community, I think I'm gonna start abusing that status by making an appeal to my authority every time a Lana-worshipper criticizes their brethren for being insufficiently devout: "Hey, I can be very critical at times, and look at me, I'm the Best Lana Stan!"
  22. How is that necessarily spiteful? Even fans can have honest opinions (and criticism) without thinking everything she does is "flawless".
  23. http://www.theguardian.com/music/2011/may/13/new-band-lana-del-ray
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