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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. evilentity


    You've already done that topic, Oprah. :imbeingsarcasticbitch2:
  2. Oprah, does your name change mean there will be no Felinalysis?
  3. Does this involve a Beach Boy? This Mike Mizrahi stuff just keeps getting odder and odder...
  4. evilentity


    Except they never are. And red dresses, party dresses, 50s baby doll dresses, and short dresses. Just lots of dresses. Oh, and don't forget headdresses...
  5. Agreed. Even though I've made suicide jokes referencing this line (yeah, I am evil), I don't think it's literally about jumping either. I relate it more to the "Just do what you love, just do what you can / Just do what you love, do it better than" lyrics, in the sense of taking a risk and going for something. Or possibly an exhortation to do drugs with her, as ataraxia suggested, or both. (I think the references to death in the song refer to overdosing, probably but not necessarily unintentionally.) And I agree with everyone else that the panning of the guitars, which has the potential to be really gimmicky if done wrong, is awesome. Sorry HDB. Same with the hand claps. And the bass line in this song doesn't get enough love either, simple as it is.
  6. Yeah, or I'm suggesting it's possible the back cover art was used on the physical copies with some other front cover and the front cover art was made afterwards for the digital release.
  7. WAIT. These are all real things you've seen/heard of being on Craigslist, aren't they Mo?
  8. This is gonna sound creepy... but Lizzy cut her hair short sometime between May 10, 2007 and May 29, 2007.
  9. I thought so too, Monicker, even if nobody else on here seems to have when they first saw it. However, for those of you who think the colors don't go together, and consider that proof that the back cover is fake-- I don't know why you'd consider that proof given her history of horrible cover art-- I'll play devil's advocate and ask this: What makes you so sure that front cover image was actually used on any physical copies of the CD?
  10. There's nothing more gorgeous than a $100 bill...
  11. Yes, of course, she says she lived in Alabama in a couple interviews. But was she really there during the time she listed it as her location on her MySpace pages, or even ever? Link?
  12. When was AKA was recorded? I mean, I know it was recorded in 2008, but like, from which month to which month? Earlier I pointed out that the large gap in her performance history between November 18, 2007 December 5, 2007 and June 18, 2008 correlates well with the time she claimed to be in Alabama (after which she began listing New Jersey as home). But I also wonder if that's when she was busy recording AKA and if that's what accounts for the gap. Is it possible she wrote any of AKA in Alabama? Do you think she went to Alabama and began recording AKA when she got back? (The Kill Kill EP was put out October 21 and AKA was originally planned for release in February 2009. See here. Would that have been enough time?) Or perhaps Monicker's right that Alabama was merely a state of mind for her. Maybe it was just a state of mind she wanted to be in from which to record the album, and she actually stayed in the New York/New Jersey area the whole time. Also, I assume the desired name change, creative differences, and contract wrangling accounted for the almost year-long delay in finally releasing AKA digitally in January 2010, but is there anything explicitly saying so? David Nichtern also talks about taking time to hone her live act and build buzz.
  13. Do you remember where she claimed PSB was the first song she wrote?
  14. 1. Some of the skepticism was from the combination of her saying those were from when she was 16-17 and also saying PSB was the first song she wrote. And as Sitar pointed out, Elvis and ARH didn't show up on MySpace until later. (However, I think the often-used argument "CG said such and such" is weak. Even generally reliable sources need receipts people!) Some of my skepticism also comes from the lyrical content, which I freely admit I tend to over-emphasize in general, but I think you don't pay enough attention to it, Mo. ARH strikes me as something she wrote after moving to the NYC area. I'll compare them ~sonically~ to some of her other early rough demos when I get a chance though. 2. I'm having trouble finding where she said PSB was the first song she wrote right now, but I remember it being discussed on LDR.FM in conjunction with how old she said she was when she wrote Elvis and ARH. I think Trash Magic referred to it on SIN once and I remember discussing it with Maru as well. Can one of you help me out? 3. Her unease playing "Yayo" at the Union Pool show suggests to me it was likely new in 2007, 5 years ago. I think it's likely the "sultry song" she played at the 2008 WLSC, but it's also possible "Yayo" was the "new song" which "clearly wasn't as polished as 'Pawn Shop Blues'" that she "took a risk playing" at the 2006 WLSC Finals. But this reminds me... I remember Bob Leone saying somewhere (on Facebook maybe?) he remembers the first time Lizzy played "Yayo" for him (in her apartment, I think). And in this article he describes her playing songs for him two weeks after they met at the Bitter End on January 31, 2006. So maybe that was when she played him "Yayo" and it really could be 7 years old... 4. I'm not just referring to the "Ride" monologue. She repeated it in this interview. I may not be right about all of these, but these were just a few possible examples I could think of off the top of my head of numerous instances I've seen where she can't be relied upon for an accurate timeline. (While I was looking up stuff for this I stumbled across another possible one... in 2010, she claimed her name change "came from a series of managers and lawyers over the last 5 years who wanted a name that they thought better fit the sound of the music". What? Did that stuff really start that soon? And then there's all the dates she's mentioned in interviews about when different things would supposedly be released... the mixtape and AKA re-release that never occurred, when music videos were supposed to drop, etc.) Aside from the age thing, I'm not even suggesting she deliberately misleads. As you say, she may give simplified versions, or misremember things. Nevertheless, the result is the same: Her saying when something happened or will happen ain't enough receipts for me.
  15. I don't think I've ever seen the photo used for the cover by itself (though I'm not an expert on Lana photos) which also makes me think it's real (i.e. if it were fan-made, then someone used a really rare photo).
  16. Yeah, I agree. If for no other reason than that sampling Pink Floyd would probably cost too much, um, money.
  17. It's not just her claim that she's 26. I remember her claim to have written "Axl Rose Husband" and "Elvis" when she was 16 or 17 to have been met with a lot of skepticism when it came up on LDR.FM, independent of the age thing. She's also claimed that "Pawn Shop Blues" was the first song she ever wrote, that "Yayo" is 7 years old, and that she toured outside the US for a period of 3 years. I just think any time she talks about time frames it should be taken with a huge heaping helping of salt.
  18. C'mon you guys, it's Hawaiian glam metal...
  19. Yeah, it's registered under both names, sometimes on the same performance rights organization site. Yes, although I'm certain at one time it was intended to be called Nevada, which would have been a much better title.
  20. I think I'm remembering now. I believe the ambiguity resulted from the track being labeled "Put Me in a Movie" on Amazon, and probably iTunes as well, but the actual back cover (which appears to be legit) shows it as "Little Girls", and you used to be able to download it directly from the 5 Points Records website where it was also labeled "Little Girls" (and the ID3 tags listed the album name "Nevada Master Ref 1"). See more information here. It's also noteworthy that she uploaded the video for it as "Little Girls". Edit: Kahne also called it "Little Girls" when he was interviewed.
  21. Lana's not exactly a reliable source in matters concerning her age...
  22. I don't think this opinion belongs in this thread.
  23. I thought I remembered seeing an image of the back cover of the physical copy back on LDR.FM that had a track listing with some sort of ambiguity on this point... Somebody help me out here.
  24. This thread seems like the perfect excuse to post this Tool video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EF_WKwbueG8
  25. I'd been in bed for about 3 hours when you posted this. Projecting much?
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