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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. This is much better: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-CG5w4YwOI
  2. Well, we just had this discussion a few days ago deciding against allowing people to post her personal Facebook account, MafiosiPrincess. Is there much of a distinction between that and whether to allow people to post screenshots from that account? I don't know. Although some things had been public on that account before, you could only go so far back. However, for at least a few days you could view her whole history. And a number of people have a lot of screenshots (myself included). However, I don't think this additional stuff was intentionally made public by Lana. It probably resulted from changes Facebook made. And now the account has been privatized more than before. As I said in my earlier post, I'm of two minds on this issue, but I think it warrants some discussion.
  3. Is it weird that I'm a straight male and I knew what this was from?
  4. I've always thought this could be a distinct possibility as well, despite posting that timeline. Although now I feel a little more certain that she really spent time there than I used to. There's also "Alabama hard knocks" in "1949" and "Alabama freezes" in "The Man I Love". (Tip: I keyword search the Lyrics section constantly.) She also said she lived in Birmingham, Alabama in that fishy Knocks from the Underground interview by Mike Mizrahi, and perhaps other interviews. I often wonder how much of her history is real and how much is merely personal mythology. Either way, she's a fun puzzle to figure out. Hey, it's as plausible as some of the other ridiculous theories floating around out there.
  5. I'd appreciate hearing what the rest of the mod staff thinks about this issue. Even if you haven't made up your mind one way or the other, I'd be interested in hearing what you think.
  6. The house was already on fire, I swear, I'm not a liar...
  7. Where did you see 2006? At least through December 17, 2007, she always listed New York-area locations as where she's from. However, by January 16, 2008 she starts listing Alabama and continues to do so at least through March 23, 2008. At least as early as May 9, 2008 she starts listing New Jersey. This corresponds pretty well with a big gap in her performance history between November 14, 2007 December 5, 2007 and June 18, 2008 where she didn't have any shows that I know of. It's quite plausible she spent several months in Alabama during this time.
  8. Sure, I'll borrow SitarHero's sister wife costume when he's done with it.
  9. Every "mmm", "hmm" or other kind of moan in any song. Except the one at the beginning of "Blue Velvet".
  10. Nah, I'd dish out the ultraviolence first.
  11. OMG. I love you guys. Just the other day I wrote up a rant about my unpopular Nirvana opinion that I think they're overrated for the part of the covers-themed Lana Del Reydio podcast I'm working on where I talk about "Heart-shaped Box". In part of my rant I talk about how I prefer Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, or Stone Temple Pilots to Nirvana. And that I even prefer a couple Hole songs to anything Nirvana ever did.
  12. I saw your post before you edited it. Please refrain from trolling. It's a waste of everyone's time. Yes, I've e-mailed Sean from Nefarious Bovine Radio. He played "Money Hunny" because I asked him to. However, he never responded to any of my follow-up e-mails.
  13. Sorry to disappoint you, but that tracklisting is from an episode of the Nefarious Bovine Radio podcast from the end of August or beginning of September of this year. I don't know why it says 2006 there.
  14. I haven't looked at this in detail yet, but it looks like a lot of what had become accessible on the MafiosiPrincess account is locked down again. Any thoughts on whether that should affect our approach or not?
  15. "Local rockstar"-type references really could be about Jimmy, Arthur, or Reeve.
  16. I'm torn. I'm still somewhat uncomfortable with this, but I agree that it's inevitable this information will circulate regardless of how we decide to handle it. On the other hand, that could be said about almost any personal information, but that doesn't necessarily mean we should post it. However, I do agree with Maru's point about it being disingenuous/self-righteous to not allow people to post about information we know is out there that impacts our theories and understanding of songs, etc. especially when some of us are using this information to uncover things. I myself have already found something I'd like to post thanks to information from her Facebook account, but I wouldn't be able to establish how I discovered it without reference to her account. Also, from a strictly practical standpoint, policing people posting Facebook screenshots could be a pain in the ass. If we were to allow this, I think we should ask that people black out other people's names, unless they're a public figure, someone in the industry, etc. Also, if we were to allow this, do you think it's inconsistent to not allow people to post the name of the account? Would we need to reverse that, or is it not necessarily inconsistent? What do you guys think? Edit: We need to decide whether stuff like this should be posted, but why can't I access the attachment in this post?
  17. I'm not even sure we can say we know "River Road" is a real title off Sirens. It could be coincidence it's the same length as "Next to Me".
  18. Anybody know how far back Lizzy knew Reeve Carney? Apparently, David Kahne produced his band Carney's 2008 EP. So I'm assuming she was probably introduced to one of them by the other. Oh, and the name of that EP? Nothing Without You.
  19. I'm curious how you were able to uncover this. Personally, this blog entry was enough for me to assume there'd been something between her and Arthur. But I don't see how posting on a MySpace page about your favorite local unsigned acts makes one a "record executive".
  20. There's also one called "w": Yeah, I think it's a distinct possibility some of these songs could be on those discs she registered with the US Copyright Office. "From the End" may actually be another album. It's the name of one of two discs on file with the US Copyright Office. The listing doesn't actually say whether there is only one song on it or many. I'm more impressed by her listing Phil Ochs as an influence.
  21. How do you know she wasn't? In all seriousness, since you're talking about albums here, this statement insinuates that she was sleeping with David Kahne or Emile Haynie, which I've seen zero evidence of.
  22. @MissDaytona Could you provide the exact links for the pages your screenshots and information are from? Links to your sources for the performance dates would be very helpful too. A couple forum members and I are working on a new section on the forum dedicated to her early shows. Some of your dates are new, but some also look wrong to me.
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