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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. Yes, "Hello heaven, you are a tunnel lined with yellow nights on a dark night" is one of the best moments for me, but even more so the dark, eerie, and obsessive bordering on creepy turn "Yayo" takes after that. That is a great emotional performance of MDM, and I know I'm beginning to sound like a broken record on this, but I believe her performance at Òran Mór in Glasgow remains her best (although I do love the way she wails "I'm fine" on some other live performances, like Hackney I think). She nails all the tricks, does some great scatting, and way she screams "I don't know" at 3:03 gives me chills. If she hadn't forgotten to sing into her microphone at one point, it would be perfect. Perhaps she sang it so well here because Barrie was probably there. Some other great moments: - The high vocal harmonies in "Serial Killer" - The intros to "Kinda Outta Luck" & "She's Not Me" - Some of the breathier vocals on AKA, especially "Kill Kill", "Jump" and "Mermaid Motel" - "Goddamn, goddamn" in live version of "Pawn Shop Blues" - "Mmmmmmm" at the end of the chorus in "Video Games" and at the end of some lines in the chorus of "Kill Kill" - "Pushing up my (moans) in your face, in your face" in "Go Go Dancer" - "Not even they" and "their heavy words" in "Radio" - Alterna-rock live version of "Brite Lights", the whole thing - "Come on, come on" in "For K Part 2 (Demo)" - "savior" in Kinda Outta Luck
  2. Yeah, I think being a repository of accurate information and a place for intelligent discussion is most important. I think we as a fanbase are oversaturated, but I don't think the public at large has seen enough of what Ms. Grant is capable of. Yes, forums naturally attract obsessive types who merely reinforce each other's obsessive behaviors.
  3. Touch dicks in the d-a-r-k dark tonight... In the dark you can do whatever you want to, yeah-yes. Wow. I think a lot of people on this forum just really need to get laid tbh.
  4. Oh, did you think this was a subtle reference to his old username? It wasn't. This literally happened.
  5. I didn't think the comment actually said where they were waitresses, did it?
  6. No, but I hate when politicians do it.
  7. I too was somewhat uncomfortable posting about this because it reveals his last name. That's why I wrote this: Unfortunately, Lana herself put his last name out there in that interview, and it was inevitable someone else would've made this connection if I hadn't. But let's not use his first name. And "Humbert", while hilarious, is a bit too insinuating. Let's stick with "Mr. Campbell" or even just "her teacher".
  8. I was chatting with Madrigal the other day when no less than four birds flew into my windows in the span of an hour.
  9. A leak holocaust just wouldn't be complete without Heavy Hitler:
  10. I didn't explicitly point these two things out in my post because I thought they were self-evident tbh. I'm sure this probably still happens a lot, especially with teachers overseeing extracurricular activities, but I don't think this is generally considered an appropriate situation for a teachers to put themselves in.
  11. She's already produced a sophomore album. Which one you consider that to be depends on how you count.
  12. evilentity

    Push Me Down

    Hell on wheels, leather vest
  13. evilentity

    Live or Die

    Pfeiffer. As in Michelle Pfeiffer, who played Tony Montana's love interest in Scarface. Love and desire. Not since Yay, another Lana song about serial killings.
  14. Confirmed a long time ago tbh:
  15. Unlike the rest of the French, this part doesn't seem to be sampled from Brigitte Bardot's "Moi Je Joue". Is it from something else?
  16. OK, I lied. Since SugarVenom/Chloe was getting wise to it in status updates, I decided to post early: http://lanaboards.co..._120#entry14429 There. I just gave you "Prom Song" and ruined it all in the space of an hour.
  17. NOTE: Please respect the privacy of people mentioned in this post who are not public figures. Here's something "juicy"... Some time ago I was reading this interview and wondered if the teacher she mentions was a teacher at her boarding school. If you do a little digging, using archive.org you can find that there was a Mr. Campbell that was an English teacher at her boarding school when she attended there, though he doesn't teach there now, and that they follow/friend each other on various social media platforms. I subsequently discovered "Prom Song (Gone Wrong)" which is a love song in a high school setting, which notably has the following lyrics: "You played me Biggie Smalls and then my first Nirvana song." More recently, in preparing for the covers-themed LanaDelReydio show I'm working on, I was looking up interviews where she mentions Nirvana, Kurt Cobain, or "Heart-shaped Box" and noticed this in one of the interviews I found: I nearly did a spit take. But then I found something really weird. In another interview published just a couple days later, she changes the story: Suddenly, Mr. Campbell turns into a she. WTF is that about? Is she trying to hide something? Now I'm not necessarily saying I think she fucked her teacher. But I think she at least fantasized about it. (Perhaps the fact that it's her teacher is what "Gone Wrong" refers to.) And I think "Lolita" is about him too. Consider that in Nabokov's novel, Humbert Humbert is a middle-aged literature professor. All of which just makes this serendipitous:
  18. I'm going to let you all enjoy this as the innocent teenage love song it appears to be for about a day before I completely ruin it with some Lanalysis.
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