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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. There was clearly an effort put into her outward appearance and aesthetic (both "physically" and as far as visuals go) and it's pretty obvious these days that Lana doesn't care about that anymore. I'm not saying that I miss her long nails and big hair and her always looking like she's straight outta some 50s/60s movie or pin-up-y. I understand her not necessarily wanting to have a high maintenance look on a daily basis, but like from 2011 to 2016 there was at least a minimal effort put into her look and visuals and since Lust for Life Lana has been looking, for a lack of a better word, very pedestrian and basic (except on certain occasions like the 2018 Grammys and Met Gala, or very few stage looks) but for the most part the visual aspect of her appeal is just kinda lost these days.
  2. Well, Azealia is absolute trash. But I do feel as though, Lana has sort of lost her initial appeal. The mysterious/glamorous image is long gone that's for sure.
  3. OMG WHO ARE YOU! T A S T E ! This song is my jam:
  4. She literally pulled two looks the day before, but attented the Grammys looking like someone's plus one and not an actual AOTY nominee. I know a lot of people find her "mall dress" story very endearing and relatable, but to me her look was still underwhelming and that dress was still ill fitted and beige.
  5. Yes, me too. Her Grammys' look is not worth posting about, unlike what she looked like back in 2018.
  6. That's my fault. Too bad I didn't record the snippet properly, but I did what I could.
  7. My two autographs. I guess they're rare because she signed my name on one of them.
  8. Isn't Stella in London now though? It's difficult to tell because her Insta has been dead for a whole year now, but last time I checked she had moved back to the UK and was hanging out with Dulla Peep and Dulla's entourage.
  9. be sure she'll have at least three songs on which she'll mention "blue skies" though
  10. A neo-psychedelic classic, courtesy of Kevin Parker as a producer
  11. Plot twist: there's a version of "NFR!" out there properly produced and mastered and fully baked.
  12. West Coast

    Tame Impala

    Just thought I'd let you guys know that the album leaked in LQ yesterday.
  13. I do not agree that Lana was projecting "something she's not" on all her records post Paradise, I feel like Lana def tries to project someone she really isn't on ALL her albums, but to each their own. We've talked about this before, to me, she's an artist, she makes stuff up, glamorizes/tweaks her story, blurs the line between real and the fake, and that's what makes her interesting (at least on BTD, UV and HM), she creates a different story, a universe on each record. But like I said in my previous posts, we have very, very similar views regarding NFR and its weaknesses.
  14. I wouldn't say that Billie deserved to win, I was not that impressed with "when we fall asleep, where do we go?", I mean it's not the type of music I'm prone to listen. But I will admit that there is definitely a carefree attitude which is clearly lacking in Lana's work past Honeymoon. Lana these days she seems to be very, almost too cautious with the scope of her words and how they are going to be interpreted. Nevertheless, I completely agree with your views on NFR.
  15. I don't remember the exact date I discovered Lana, but what I can recall is that it was mid-August in 2012. It was late at night and I was browsing YouTube and watching a lot of these "Question Box/La boîte à question" and I came across the Lana ones: At exactly 0:38 seconds I immediately fell in love with her voice, then I went to look at the actual "Video Games" video... I loved the song immediately and was obsessed with its glamorous/timeless atmosphere, but most of all her deep vocal register. After that I looked her up and realized that I had heard "Blue Jeans" in a couple commercials for like six months prior to that. The thing is, I saw Lana's name pop up every now and then on Facebook/Twitter, but I never really gave her much attention. It really was the first time that I indulged into her music and I don't regret anything. For like a solid three months I was obsessed with the song, then came Blue Velvet, Ride, and during that time I listened to all the songs she had put up on her YouTube page. It took me to buy the "Born To Die: The Paradise Edition" CD to really solidify my status as a fan of Lana. For the next year after that I would listen to these albums almost daily. The rest is history.
  16. Where I come from, this song is a certified B O P.
  17. Well, that's exactly what I meant. The random capitalization of the song titles is weird and very random to me. Also, the singles' artwork were really bad (she legit took a selfie for Hope and that was it). Furthermore, I venture to say that a lot of people have mixed feelings about the album's artwork. To me it's a pretty picture, but the execution is muted and amateur (much like the content of the album itself). Finally, why bother naming your album 'Norman Fucking Rockwell!' when you never even refer to the album with its actual title, which very much includes, literally, all the released physical copies of the album.
  18. Nah, his whole summary is very, very accurate, but especially the last two points. I feel like something that people seem to have missed about the whole Grammy debacle is that often times so called "critical acclaim" doesn't necessarily translate to guaranteed victory.
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