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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. Well there goes my plan... Seriously though, is Lana allergic to performing in Montreal, let alone Canada? As expected they decided on Lizzo to headline. Oof.
  2. the second picture is giving me strong WHF vibes to me too! Please Rorman, let us dream a little
  3. Somehow this picture gives me strong summery vibes, which is kind of what I wish for an album called White Hot Forever. God, I hope Neil Krug works on the visuals for a Lana album again.
  4. I don't feel like her previous so called "persona" lacked maturity, nor that the lyrical content was any less mature than what she displayed on her NFR. Her narrative was different for sure. But, to me there are highs and lows on all her albums, same goes with the lyrics, there are great/mature ones as well as cringy/futile and juvenile ones on all her records. To each their own though. Also, as far as melodies go, NFR, to me had more of a "greatest hits" feels, as in they incorporated as much Lana clichés as possible. The album feels like the result of all her previous albums combined into one. In that sense, I hope LP7 explores a more unique road/approach.
  5. Yeah, I remember reading that they fought a lot while recording the album, but also they both experienced a lot of frustration in regards to how the label execs first reacted to the sound of the album, that they really hated it until Paul Epworth showed up and said he completely loved the album as is. Then they made a 180 and suddenly liked the album as well. I think, in a way, it's good to experience frustration and having to "fight" things out artistically speaking, really force you to push through because you believe in the potential of what you are creating. In the end, I feel like Dan really pushed Lana to her creative high. As they said, they ended up dancing together to the album in his studio. Listening to Dan's latest project, and also reading a lot of fans wanting Lana to go down the psychedelic road again, I really want him back as a producer, he has a unique and interesting approach to making music, which was lacking on NFR in my honest opinion.
  6. Lana has def gone from glamorous/mystical 60s songstress to wannabe vagabond poet from the Valley, it's pretty obvious right now
  7. West Coast

    Song vs. Song

    Is This Happiness vs. Get Free
  8. Shout out to @@ilovetati for mentioning Dan Auerbach's latest project as a producer. This song is amazing.
  9. I venture to say that a full album produced by Dan is long overdue. Edit: I'm listening to this album right now... the production and melodies wow. I'm honestly impressed, it sounds really good and I'm really liking her voice.
  10. Kinda funny though, in 2014 he won over Paradise in the "Pop Vocal Album" category.
  11. damn that's right... I just remember that she didn't even attend the Grammys that year and that was around the time of the release of Malificent...
  12. in dark and difficult times like these, your posts are a blessing Rorman
  13. Fact are facts. To me, NFR has, and will forever, sound and feel like a watered down version of a Lana Del Rey album. We live in a time were critics have softened up to her and aren't as inclined to destroy her albums in reviews. It very much feels like they praised the crap out of the first record she puts out in a post-Lana Del Rey hate era. While pushing the narrative that "Lana Del Rey finally released a great album, look she's become one of the greats!". 2019 was bullshit. It was certainly a good album, but it was indeed pretty bland as opposed to her previous albums, it was also the least controversial of her albums as far as lyrics go for sure. However, NFR was better than most of the albums nominated for AOTY that's for sure. I've said it before, I'll say it again, Award Shows are nothing more than a political show where big industry players like to make people think they have a chance of winning some "important" achievement, and make those that win feel oh so important, when it's nothing more than a worthless piece of metal. The Grammys showering Billie with awards to reinforce her industry plant status...
  14. I just want to say first that I really agree with the sentiment here; yes, Lana is deserving of every bit of recognition she can get, even though I don't think that NFR is her strongest effort thus far (nor her most deserving, that's for sure). It was certainly an overall stronger album than most of the other nominees in that category, which very much included Billie. However you totally missed my point. What I was actually saying is that's it pretty silly to value award shows this much. Because at the end of the day award shows are just a way for the industry to pat themselves on the back, and that's it. To put so much value on some silly trophy and to pretend that it's the upmost form of validation for any artist is pretty sad in my opinion. At the end of the day it's just a shady committee/circlejerk type of thing. I understand that recognition from your so called peers probably feels amazing, but how many amazing and legendary artists have never even received one of these? Does it make them any less interesting or talented? I don't think so. Lana knows this, she doesn't need Grammys to power through and make amazing music. If you're all about the art, award shows don't matter to you. If the Grammys were that fair, Lana would've won one for Best New Artist in 2012, Album of the year, Pop vocal album, Best Alternative album in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2018. But here we are. Personally, when I look at this: Words that immediately come to mind are: ridiculous, over the top, exaggerated, etc. I'm not disregarding their contribution to music, or questioning their win. But when I look at this I very much picture some savvy record execs that after a very prolific year from these artists, they are like: here's your little trophy, thanks for your "contribution". Anyway. Edit: Noticed how these awards aren't called "Best Song of the Year" or "Best Album of the Year" but simply "Album of the Year" and "Song of the Year? I rest my case.
  15. Oh clearly, because I don't like her last album and think it was undeserving of all the acclaim compared to her first three records I'm a hater. I'm obviously not still emotionally attached to Lana. Some of y'all need to learn the difference between hate and criticism. As for her looks, it's weird to me how she literally served two looks at some luncheon/pre-party, but the day of the event she attended looking very underwhelming and beige, very mother of the bride-ish. Her little story about how she changed her look last minute, was relatable and endearing, but she still looked plain, sorry. While being an AOTY nominee you know? That's all. Also, some of you guys value award shows way too much. Don't you realize that they have always been rigged and highly political? Like it was obviously Billie's year, I don't understand the outrage right now. Award shows are just another way for the industry to monetize artists even more so than they already are. Just a way for the industry to pat themselves on the back. I understand that it feels good to receive validation from the industry, but you don't need that to power through. Lana knows this.
  16. Do you really think it was a coincidence that miss Lana was literally sitting two feet away from our Lord and Savior Daniel Auerbach? I don't believe in coincidence, do you?
  17. I really don't care about Lana losing, but Billie not giving Lana the credit she deserves was fucking disrespectful. Bitch, Lana Del Rey literally walked so you could run.
  18. *Insert any of my posts in the post-release thread* to exemplify how NFR is right next to LFL as Lana's most undeserving album. Is it better than most of the other nominees'? Yeah. But is it more deserving than any of her first three records? Absolutely not.
  19. Lana saying she got her dress at the mall while getting a suit for her Cop boyfriend. Miss thing said the culture was lit?
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