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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. My thought exactly. There's a huge difference between more palatable lyrics (or dumbing down lyrics sometimes) and being more "mature" lyrics wise. I agree that some songs on NFR! display character development, or artistic evolution. But to say that with each album she got increasingly more mature with what she decided to sing about, is a bit inaccurate. LFL was notoriously juvenile lyrics wise, and there were juvenile and subpar/weak lyrics on NFR! as well. To me Honeymoon remains her most intelligent work to date, Ultraviolence her most raw and Born To Die her most melodic lyrically.
  2. Lol... dude. Yes I don't particularly like this album, but if you actually read my comments, they are not targeting people that "love" the album and try to convince them otherwise. I'm mainly pointing out specific aspects about the album I find to be lackluster on my end, but also poiting out that having only critics to back up your love for the album is very dishonest and ridicule. Also, imagine thinking that I, or other people on this thread that write comments similar to mine, are being considered annoying or repetitive because we write comments in a thread dedicated to an album, when on the other hand the only other comments on this thread are "what song grew on you? <3" or "rank you songs from least favourite to most favourite!". Some people love the album, others don't. But don't come for me for participating in a discussion regarding an album, when there's not much going on, or much substance being discussed, about said album less than four months after its release. Geez. Edit: didn't read you second comment... I guess I can say I was right? lol
  3. Don't apologize your English is fine! Also I relate to your comment a lot. Here's my unpopular opinion too: I went from listening to Lana almost daily, to barely listen to her every other day. I can honestly say that I've listened to maybe 3-4 songs off NFR more than 10-15 times. I've listened to that album from start to finish 4, maybe 5 times at the most? Same thing happened with LFL if I'm being honest. But this era I'm just over her antics and laziness.
  4. Sorta agree. I'm a long time fan and Lonerism is one of my favourite albums of all time, and Currents is pretty amazing too! I have hope for the next album, although so far I like his latest single the most... we'll see. But KP is a musical genius, I want him and Lana to create something so bad!
  5. West Coast

    Tame Impala

    The Slow Rush is officially coming out on February 14th, just in time for Valentine's Day! So far I like Posthumous Forgiveness the most, it has a lot of Currents vibes. It Might Be Time was a good song, but I still can't get into Borderline. Can't wait for the rest of the record to come out, hopefully we'll have another single before the release.
  6. West Coast

    Tame Impala

    What do people think of his latest single off the new record, as a matter of fact what do people think of all the singles released thus far? https://www.youtube.com/44lWO3qhQMk
  7. I agree for the most part with you! I don't like the title track of LFL all too much, nor do I like the rest of the album all too much either. But Get Free is an amazing song and my favourite from the album! I missed that weird or mysterious composition or instrumentation on NFR to be honest. But I get what you are saying, there have been so many pop girls that have come and go and went for that doo-wop sound, which I didn't care for too much. But somehow if Lana was to make an album with a Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazlewood type of sound, I'd so be here for that! There's something very specific of the time period that they have done on their joint record, I wish Lana would explore a similar sound, this would be so like her.
  8. Imagine getting in your feelings and having nothing better do to than to resolve to post and quote articles and reviews excerpts about people praising the album, because you literally have no arguments/original thoughts to use and debate or ague with. Better, coming here and throw a hissy fit to the people that don't like Jack as a producer and are able to point out specific elements they don't like about his production style and musicianship. Like he's legit acting surprised that people are talking about NFR and Jack in the NFR thread... I honestly can't relate to this level of foolishness. I've said it before, but I'm almost certain that Jared is Jack in disguise. This is the only explanation.
  9. I personally did not hate the doo-wop vibes on LFL, but they were very subdued (on the title track and Get Free). If she'd go for a true 60s pop sound, like Nancy Sinatra or the Shangri-Las that would actually be kinda cool in my opinion.
  10. I have not really listened to 'so sad so sexy to be honest' honest with you, but their song 'Come Find Me' is a jewel, such a great track.
  11. right?! Megan is actually a pretty amazing actress. It's kinda sad that the industry has shun her.
  12. Wow... I don't think I've ever read something so delusional on this thread. To say that all other Lana albums are super jealous of NFR right now. That's bold JackJared! LFL might be jealous of NFR, but as for the others. I think that they are laughing at this very bold claim! If I were an album, I'd rather have earned the legacy by powering through bad critics because I knew I deserved better, and not be turned into a circlejerk from the very same people that literally shit on me all these years, because they know they missed out on me during my prime. That's a very interesting analogy you're making here. I would disagree though. Honeymoon (or Ultraviolence for that matter) is more of a Meryl Streep (even better a Katharine Hepburn!) than NFR. The latter is more of a Jennifer Lawrence? Pretty on surface level, but as you dig in a little, there's not much substance to back up the amount of praise she's receiving? So you actually start wondering why are some people so damn obsessed with it? Still waiting for an answer (for both Jennifer and NFR btw). You're giving way too much creds to award shows and critics alike. Which to me begs the question: where you even a fan of Lana before NFR? I'm legit curious. Born To Die will remain Lana's most influencial album that is a fact. (Glad to see that you yet again re-using your gifs, I missed that one!)
  13. Born To Die is one of the, if not the most influencial and important debut album by a female artist this decade. It directly influenced a ton of artists: Lorde, Halsey, Melanie Martinez, Troye Sivan, Billie Eillish, etc. It's literally still charting to this day and even higher than NFR. It still sounds fresh. We'll have to see, but I think it's unlikely that NFR will have the same longevity and cultural impact. Also, Emile Haynie her worst producer? I don't know about that. I've been reading a lot of comments on here, and been in touch with a lot of fans here and elsewhere. People tend to mention Jack's subpar, very champ gauche, style of production. I don't hear people mentioning Emile in a negative way?
  14. You're right. We all have different opinions, divisive ones too. We got are emotionally "connected" to her work, and we can quickly become negative towards each other.
  15. I mean, agree to disagree. There's a richness and level of intricacy in her other albums that is nowhere to be found on NFR. In that sense it's her most basic album. But to each their own.
  16. Isn't there a specific thread just for that though. Yawn. You're literally delighting in the fact that her most fervent critics are now sucking up to her because they realized how foolish it was to discredit her first three records, when it couldn't sound more disingenuous on their part at this point in her career.
  17. We'll see. I stand by what I've written here. I have spoken to many fans in these threads as well as in private and on Reddit, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. It's not just "3 fans that keep writing the same things over and over again" and my conversations with them over this album and also Lana's antics beg to differ. I think it's easy for some users to make us look like black sheep, and delusional, for not liking this record all too much and discredit us over our views. But, it's a shared sentiment amongst many fans that this album is different, and perceived much differently by a lot of fans (whether that's positive or negative). I've seen many comments on publications that praise this album that are like "Well it's a good record, but let's not exaggerate", I've even seen people calling it overrated", which at this rate, I might start to say that myself too. Sorry. I'm still very much interested in Lana and her work and I'm hopeful to hear what she'll bring next.
  18. No one is harassing anyone. Pointing out people's action in a forum is not harassement, I'm sorry but that's an exaggeration. Seeing people selectively clutching their pearls over other people's comments is fascinating to me. I've said it several times on this thread: agree to disagree. He has an opinion, I got mine. It's possible to debate. I don't think I have resulted to personal insults in any of my posts? Nor have I even blocked or muted anyone on this thread. We all appreciate certain things to a certain level. I just get annoyed when someone's only input on this thread is quoting critics and claiming those as irrefutable facts. But also, resulting to make gross assumptions about people who prefer an album over the other (going back to his multiple comments about Utraviolence and Honeymoon "stans" being dumb and delusional). He's got an opinion (or shares an opinion with critics would be more accurate) over NFR. Good for him. I don't. If you don't want to be apart of this discussion, move along.
  19. While you will still be posting the same articles/reviews and year end/decade end excerpts and try to push critics' views on this album down our throats, while simultaneously re-posting the same three gifs over and over again. Like I said in earlier posts, it's very bold of you to come here and be like "UV and HM are so delusional hating this magnum opus months after its release " while your only contribution to this dying thread is posting what critics are saying about the album, for lack of original thoughts on your part. I'm legitimately curious, does Jack Antonoff pays your bill or something? Like why are you so damn defensive about people having a say about his production/mastering skills, or lack thereof? You can't even have an argument with any of us, it's always the same redundant rhetoric with you: "BUT CRITICS SAY (...)!!!1! ". You're a troll, Jared. Enough said.
  20. Agree. There has been a division after each album was released. I can't really say which one between LFL and NFR has been the most intense (I would tend to say that after the release of LFL the fans were more divided than ever). When artists present something new and "different" there are always fans that don't really follow the bouncing ball. I didn't really like LFL in its entirety at the time of its release (and still don't if I'm being honest) but for entirely different reasons than why I'm not feeling NFR. I definitely see Lana has being less raw, or poignant, and much more subdued and tamed as she was on her previous records with NFR, which might explain why her most fervent critics finally gave her acknowledgment with this album. It's definitely not as polarizing as her past releases.
  21. Agree. It's not like Lana is keeping that album alive herself and also it's not like outside of her fandom people are much interested in it either, might as well keep it alive on this dying thread. You're welcome, that really was one well written post!
  22. I've listened to like 3-4 songs from it since the end of September. But I relate to this comment a lot.
  23. I want to point out the fact that skirtsandsuits blocked you. That is an achievement in itself. I wish Lana's whole sorotity sisters/trust funds circle would block me too!
  24. It definitely helps. Jack knows how the Grammys work, he's been nominated quite a few times (especially with his work with TSwift and won too) which I assume helps to get these nominations and look favorable in the eyes of the Academy.
  25. My point exactly. I don't see how I'm being considered repetitive when the other comments are like "oh what song grew on you", or that other guy Jared coming here to quote yet another article about the album and had snarky comments about people like me (as well as many others) that don't like the album all too much. The pre-release thread was much more interesting.
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