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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. "So I told her 'Bitch, I'm not delaying the album again!'"
  2. So anyways, now that the wannabe Insta magazine is dead and burried, what are we manifesting next?
  3. I just want to say that when this news surfaced I googled the magazine out of curiosity and the first google entry wasn't even the Insta account itself... This sucks, because it just generated further disappointment and it was misleading on several accounts.
  4. How about some of us were cautiously excited, because it felt sketchy from the beginning?
  5. I don't know what you guys were expecting from an up and coming, virtually unknown, magazine, that exists solely on Instagram. The proof was in the pudding from the getgo...
  6. Not so surprised that this turned out to be a poorly written thinkpiece about her career highlights from an Instagram magazine.
  7. Imagine finding the M&Ms mascots offensive
  8. Inb4 they make yet another "Do you guys know about LanaBoards??" thread.
  9. I beg to differ. ATRL is peak chronical onlineness-stan Twitter culture.
  10. r/lanadelrey was fun like 3-4 years ago, now it's kinda braindead, just an extension of stan Twitter.
  11. Yall are talking about a potential tour, and I'm over here just praying we get an album trailer.
  12. Yeah, I doubt we'll get anything more than vague descriptions from this article, but it's cute
  13. The way Dulla secured him for her next record, but here I am still waiting for Lana Impala to be manifested into existence. 🧍🏼‍♂️
  14. I'm actually unbanning you since you decided to change your profile picture
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