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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. All her latest albums are presented as her most "confessional" or most "earnest" to date though
  2. Lana most definitely makes up titles and builds songs/albums around them nowadays. That was most flagrant with Chemtrails, like it wasn't a metaphor for anything really. Cute music, but there is a dissonance.
  3. I can't wait for the album to drop, so when I'm being asked about what I'm doing I'll be able to reply "Oh me? I'm just bopping to Fishtails"
  4. Fishtails is the fishmonger inspired slutty bop we have been waiting for years, I know that's right
  5. I'd rather see her post something album related, but I think she has a really cute family/inner circle and I like how happy it seems to make her.
  6. The switch up from the LanaBoards people... When this picture surfaced everyone was like "oh wow cute" and now that someone brings up that this could hypothetically be for a music video/visual everyone's like:
  7. Why are we still talking about coccs
  8. I just knew I remembered Dua not liking Lana. She literally acknowledged her existence in a nice way... once. Dulla has been shady and envious since day one huh.
  9. When I whale, waiting in the fish bank Look how I do this, look how I got fish...
  10. Your post was giving this energy
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