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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. So this is like when Lana says "soon" right?
  2. exactly, people acting like Drew is a menace to Lana's next album is funny to me considering that Jack and Laura are lingering around, waiting to remove all traces of guitar, bass & percussions from LDR9
  3. Is she finally back after releasing a dud?? I'm halfway through "YOU DON'T GO AWAY" and I'm really liking the vibe so far.
  4. I just love how her old team worked on this look with her, seeing Anna and Pammy post about this on social media felt so right.
  5. Yup. This is exactly why I think that while a song like "hope", while lyrically interesting, is a dud, it's boring, it doesn't make for casual listenings. I think the stream of consciousness lyrical style works on certain songs, like "Text Book", but otherwise it's not really the vibe I prefer from her. The "wordiness" doesn't always sound very melodic to me either tbh, it's kinda jarring at times, especially when it's paired with the faux-grand/understated type of production we had on NFR. I'm just cautiously excited for new music at this point.
  6. Louder, louder & louder for the people in the back thank you.
  7. They may not be super exciting or dynamic, but they're miles ahead, in terms of production, than most songs we heard on the Jack albums
  8. at least Drew's sound doesn't give tin can, it's lush enough for me
  9. So are we allowed to discuss the album?
  10. I think she'll change her mind about 1718293 times before she even announces the title and the 4 release dates next year.
  11. He is talented, and he might very well be a prolific and popular producer, but I think he's overrated and I'm entitled to dislike/be critical of his work. I personally find his approach to making music with Lana tired, predictable and at times unimpressive and I can say that if I want. It's no different than people hating Dan's production/music, or Emile's, Rick's or Drew's input. However redundant this may appear to some.
  12. This is why I just cannot enjoy songs like The greatest, which isn't bad by any means, but his method of making all the instruments sound so damn inaudible and subdued on the majority of his work with Lana is fucking insufferable. The lack of bass, percussions and the way he just caresses guitar strings, not to mention the way his piano sounds like it was recorded with an actual tin can. Funny to me how people make fun of the rough Ultraviolence mix and the ''aWfUl uLtrAviOlencE miCroPhoNe'' when most of NFR sounds like a metallic fart.
  13. Nah we know for sure her work with Jack gets to see the light of day, whether it's for an album that she teased 3/4 of it for a whole ass year, or the EP/follow-up album that consists of all the scraps. Oh we're gonna hear it.
  14. Lana is past her prime, she's much more laid back and easy going. Going in the studio with Jack suits her cause it's a fun/carefree time (which isn't a bad thing in itself). Yall can think of me as the Jack hater on LanaBoards all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that "Lana mumbling lyrics on phone as I latently play the piano" DOES NOT give the same energy as "She walked into the studio with confidence and had me fire the drum player on the second day".
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