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  1. Lanakai liked a post in a topic by C0neyIslandKing in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    I can't with people actually thinking witchcraft = satanism.... like grow up, witchcraft is a CRAFT not a specific religion, it's used in many religions across the world, but it does not automatically mean Lana is sacrificing goats to satan and performing black magic rituals.... most likely she just finds witchcraft interesting, likes the aesthetic etc, maybe she lights some candles and has a few crystals or something, like please let's not overreact and frame all witchcraft as 'evil' this isn't the 16th century, educate yourselves before throwing accusations around 
  2. Lanakai liked a post in a topic by Livia in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    A few days ago, I talked to a friend who's really into spiritual stuff and he said that "witch" is a relative term. Furthermore, black magic is when we call Satan for help, when we make pacts with him, when we make a sacrifice and pray in his honor. From what he read about Trump, witches want to cast a spell using a tarot card, specifically the XVI one - the tower. It symbolizes social changes, breakthroughs, a desire to give any kind of innovative projects. Tarot is the opposite of black magic, it is a question to the energy of the universe and getting (or not) an answer. Witches asked the energy of the universe to restore order. So it's not evil!
  3. Lanakai liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana and the Illuminati   
    Cum on u know u like little girls... :troll:
  4. Lanakai liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in Lana and the Illuminati   
    Aleister Crowley defined the illuminati as a spiritual order, following the works of Eckartshausen
    The modern Illuminati is a fantasy of conspiracy theorists who either need to demonize esoteric philosophy (except David Icke, who does the opposite) or use a convenient label for 'the bad guys'
    Note the repeated references in Lana's work to "be your own god," "I am my only god," etc. -- the essence of Theurgy in making oneself a vessel of the gods (channeling angels in the New Age)
    Pizzagate people on Facebook rn are accusing Lana of being a Satanic witch casting spells by sacrificing dogs to shield high-ranking pedos, it's really cringe -_-
  5. Lanakai liked a post in a topic by kitschesque in The Source Family, Ultraviolence & Lana Del Rey   
    OMG, realizing a pic of the Source Family was put on the drums in Love video and researching them for the last 3 days and ONLY THEN discovering this thread? You guys connected it with UV back in 2014? I love this forum.
  6. WhiteHydrangea liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in The Source Family, Ultraviolence & Lana Del Rey   
    Wow! Just saw the video and the smile on my face is a mile wide... THANK YOU :) 
  7. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in The Source Family, Ultraviolence & Lana Del Rey   
    Not going to lie, I had a mini fan girl freakout when she added me back lol. Ever since I've delved into the Source world, I've become a bit obsessive, trying to get my hands on any information I can and reading every article I can find. Isis has become as important to me as Lana at this point and I have so much respect for her. I'll keep everyone posted with what I can find out but as she is in her 70's now I want to show her as much respect as possible and take my time with it. I know you guys will understand that
    So yes absolutely I will volunteer to liason with Isis. It just might take a while lol
  8. luna de miel liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in The Source Family, Ultraviolence & Lana Del Rey   
    From IMDB: The Source Family was a radical experiment in '70s utopian living. Their outlandish style, popular health food restaurant, rock band, and beautiful women made them the darlings of Hollywood’s Sunset Strip; but their outsider ideals and the unconventional behavior of their spiritual leader, Father Yod, caused controversy with local authorities.

    Before we journey down the rabbit hole that is the Source Family, their leader Father Yod and the influence all of this may have had on Lana Del Rey and her album Ultraviolence, here is some background information of who they were and what they did:

    There are also many excellent articles on Jim Baker, Father Yod and the Family available online. While I will be linking some of them here as references, I will mostly be focusing on the Family and their own personal interpretations of what was going on during the time they were active as I believe this is where Lana gathered most of her inspiration from. There are a lot of negative articles written about what actually was going on behind closed doors at the Family homes and while I'm sure some may be accurate, and will lend support to some theories, the writers of the articles were not a part of the Family and did not experience first hand what went on. While most former Family members do have criticism toward Jim Baker, the man, they speak very highly of Father Yod as their Earthly Spiritual Father, enough so that I don't doubt they would embellish. I recommend reading all evidence and articles with a grain of salt as all of it is personal anecdotes and there is no solid facts to back up any claims made.
    I encourage every member of Lana Boards to dig in and discover any other pieces of evidence you may find regarding this topic. I will add to this post as new evidence is found with credit to the finder!

    Here is the original post that I made in the Ultraviolence lyrics thread so please have a look at that for an idea of what started all of this:


    So hopefully now you have an idea of the Family, we'll jump into the evidence we have. Some of it will be stuff that I and other users have already posted on the UV thread, some will be new. Please note, this section will be updated as more info is discovered.

    The Source Family and their Influence on Ultraviolence

    General Evidence

    Lyrical Evidence
    While I believe some songs on UV are inspired by the Source Family, I don't think that all songs were inspired by them. So you won't see Old Money on this list for example, as it is clearly written for the Great Gatsby, inspired by the character of Daisy and written as an epilogue to Lana's Young and Beautiful.

    I also believe Lana is inspired from many different things and she weaves them into her own story, either by becoming who she is writing about or imagining herself in a similar situation. She has said before that is in the habit of writing about several things in a song and tying them all together. For example, Video Games being about two different men, etc. So while some lyrics fit the Source theory, others will not as they are probably influenced either by her life or something else.

    Cruel World


    Shades of Cool

    Brooklyn Baby

    Aesthetic Evidence
    This section is about the pictures used for Ultraviolence vs pictures from The Source Family Archives as well as the soundscape Dan Auerbach and Lana came up with. Lana had stated that her new take on the UV album was "Unlistenable" with many different sounds, tempo changes, etc. Some of the Ya Ho Wha recordings sound very similar to how Lana re-did UV with the layered sounds, experimental vocals and tempo changes.



    As I stated above I will continue updating this post with more evidence as I find it. Please feel free to post any similarities you might find and I will happily add it with credit to you!
  9. Lanakai liked a post in a topic by My Sparrow Blue in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    I would like to see her collab with BØRNS and Hozier.
  10. Lanakai liked a post in a topic by SpaceX in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    Side note from the collabs: Lana's new insta bio is giving me serious Interstellar vibes
    Quote from the movie: "I don't care much for pretending we're back where we started. I want to know where we are, where we're going."
    Seriously favorite movie of all time, watch it pls

  11. Lanakai liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    If you like documentaries and science, Cosmos by Carl Sagan has the aesthetic
  12. slang liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in Music Video Premiere: "Love"   
    Thank you for mentioning my post! I am absolutely floored that a direct reference to the Source, Father Yod and Isis Aquarian has been made in a Lana video -- be it through Jonathan Wilson or Lana herself, that was a very special treat to see at the end of Love!
  13. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in The Source Family, Ultraviolence & Lana Del Rey   
    Wow! Just saw the video and the smile on my face is a mile wide... THANK YOU :) 
  14. longtimeman liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in Music Video Premiere: "Love"   
    Thank you for mentioning my post! I am absolutely floored that a direct reference to the Source, Father Yod and Isis Aquarian has been made in a Lana video -- be it through Jonathan Wilson or Lana herself, that was a very special treat to see at the end of Love!
  15. FLA to the Moon liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in The Source Family, Ultraviolence & Lana Del Rey   
    Wow! Just saw the video and the smile on my face is a mile wide... THANK YOU :) 
  16. Lanakai liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Music Video Premiere: "Love"   
    This thread goes into more detail than I ever could about possible connections between the Source Family and Ultraviolence. I don't necessarily agree with all the connections drawn, but it's an interesting read and particularly to do with the aesthetic connections/references, especially for photos like https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bp15PO3IUAANSYF.jpg
  17. Lanakai liked a post in a topic by V3N1C3B1TCH in Music Video Premiere: "Love"   
    Anyone else find it amazingly coincidental that NASA finds 7 possibly habitable planets just two days after Lana's Love M/V release?
    The artwork even looks like it could be for the M/V
  18. Lanakai liked a post in a topic by litewave in Music Video Premiere: "Love"   
    This video was released just in time for the NASA press conference on exoplanets tomorrow.
  19. Lanakai liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Music Video Premiere: "Love"   
    Due to my kid getting a bilateral ear infection, I finally got the chance today at work to listen to this properly without an infant squalling over it.

    Space is what makes this song work, to the extent that it does. And I'm not talking about the galactic kind cars float through in the video. The entire strength of the song rests on the anticipation created by the sparseness of the arrangment-- lazily unnecessary and unnecessarily lazy Emile flourishes aside. (What the hell do the gun sounds have to do with anything?) For me, the highlight of the production is the brilliantly simple but effective use of that xylophone or chime sound or whatever accenting the first of each of those note pairs. But overall, the song is not particularly inspired (in Lana voice) lyrically, melodically, or structurally. I suspect the song title was truncated to dampen the obvious comparison to "Young & Beautiful" as it is not too surprisingly, given Rick's involvement, reminiscent of Nowels leaks-era production. I am surprised by how much, erm, love it's been getting from pop music critics typically cool to Lana. But maybe all it takes is production that mostly gets out of the way for people to appreciate the loveliness of her voice, however reverb-drenched.

    As for the video, while I still don't think it completely works, it is the anti-Tropico. Like Elvis, Marilyn, and John Wayne in the garden of Eden, classic cars floating in space is the essence of Lana's aesthetic distilled, what with her love of things vintage, SpaceX and Tesla and all, but it's not as heavy-handed, and doesn't scream bloated budget (though it may have been) or self-indulgent as much as Tropico. (I think Tropico would have worked better as three distinct music videos.) And thank the heavens there's no fucking monologue on this celestial jukebox this time around.

    As a first taste of the album, it's no "West Coast" or "Honeymoon". To be honest, I'm a bit concerned by her bringing a bigger pop producer on board in Benny Blanco and her comment that she made her previous albums for herself and this one is "for the fans". I don't at all hate it-- I'm just underwhelmed-- but I'm crossing my fingers "Love" is a bit of a head-fake the way HBTB was, because if this is going to be the direction of the entire album, this longtime fan would probably prefer she go back to making music for herself.
  20. Lanakai liked a post in a topic by naachoboy in "LOVE" Promo Posters Sighted   
  21. Lanakai liked a post in a topic by readyforheavensgates in On Our Way   
    My love for this song is endless
  22. Lanakai liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Yayo   
    Lana lived in the Manhattan Trailer Court mobile park on Tonnelle Avenue in North Bergen, New Jersey- where there is Tonnelle station- you are a tunnel lined with yellow lights. I bet she saw the lights of the train from her window, and heard the loud noises of the train and the trailer park, dreaming of Jimmy to take her away :')  This belongs in Lanalysis maybe but I'm having FEELINGS okay. Like in the beginning she's being playful, Let me put on a show~ Let me sing for you, she's in love, she's been playing shows, still optimistic about her future.. and then it gets dark, the song wanes .. Let me put on a show~ she's (gogo?) dancing now, she's at a dark point in her career, not seeing any progression after making videos all day and music nonstop. Or maybe she realizes that the love is lost and he's not ever coming to get her. It kind of reminds me of when she sang "End of the World" by Skeeter Davis, how sad she got just singing it.   And the tune is similar.. I wonder if she listened to it a lot while writing Yayo.
    It's a song that is reflective of her past but also speaks of her life at the time, imo.  When they were living in California, it took 2 hours to Nevada, it was a happy time, the world seemed new, etc. And now she wants him to take her out of the dark trailer park life because she misses that.  I think she was the one using then, obviously cocaine, and it was fucking w/ her dreams~  thinking of happier times with this guy or the life she wished she could live. 
    And they are tearing that trailer park down in 2014
  23. Lanakai liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Yayo   
    I prefer the term resident "researcher". Kthanxbai.
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