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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. Yeah there is almost no way to gain any insight based off the interactions she’s just had with fans because we don’t have the correct context. regarding her currently writing songs, that could mean anything. It could be RCS, it could be something totally different.
  2. this is the thing that’s sending me. we have: -country duet album w nikki -rock candy sweet -American classics and standards album -country/folk covers album -behind the iron gates it’s like are any of these the same thing? Are they all seperate? We will truly not know until time moves on and we get or don’t get these things, and it’s the not knowing whether or not any of these things will actually ever even see the light of day that makes it the most exhausting lol
  3. Oh goodie another pre pre release thread im fully convinced now that being a Lana stan is really just some kind of purgatory where we are constantly anticipating like 17 projects and we may only ever get two of them. also the Nikki hate is so stale
  4. top 10 tracks I luv in no real order: 01. Song of Solomon 02. Lily 03. Never Be Mine 04. The Sensual World 05. Jig of Life 06. A Coral Room 07. Moments of Pleasure (Directors Cut) 08. Breathing 09. Among Angels 10. Houdini I’d recommend diving into some of her albums! The best to start is probably Hounds of Love, which is both her most well known, and is a great balance of her pop prowess and her experimental artsy side. It’s literally divided into the more “pop” side and the more “concept album” side. id go in this order: 1. Hounds of Love 2. The Sensual World 3. Never for Ever 4. The Dreaming (my favorite) 5. The Kick Inside 6. The Red Shoes 7. Directors Cut 8. Lionheart 9. Aerial 10. 50 words for snow (or just wait until it’s winter and snowing wherever you are) Definitely could start with The Kick Inside as well if you wanted to start at the beginning, and then just go through in order to hear the artistic progression she took! It’s all good, even if some questionable production dates some of it *cough* the red shoes *cough*
  5. Hope at number one I can certainly get behind. It is a MOMENT. It is a MODERN CLASSIC. i get why some don’t like it, but I think it’s near perfect. shades of cool in the top 10, also correct. It’s maybe my personal #1.
  6. Not gonna lie I really didn’t care for pay your way in pain (it sounds so maximalist without having much to it so far as the meat of the song is concerned imo) but the melting of the sun is SO GOOD. Infinitely more excited.
  7. The new song is very good. It’s definitely an evolution for her. The rhythm section feels fresh for her, and it’s adds broader appeal to the song. The layered harmonies near the end are reminiscent of Chemtrails which basically means It strives to sound as beautiful as possible.
  8. I could see a delay but I don’t think it’s gonna go so far as next year. I think Lana wants to get this one out while she still feels passionate about it, and if it does in fact deal with criticisms she faced it’d be dumb as hell to wait until people stop caring as much and then bring all of her bad press up after the fact. It would just make her look bad.
  9. New song tomorrow when she said “end of March” she literally meant the last possible day lol, I ain’t mad tho! I hope it’s the song she teased on her Instagram and Twitter.
  10. domandapiano


    I really enjoyed it! I don’t have too many deep opinions on it but I love all those songs and I thought the new versions were very nice. I really liked the new version of never go back because it never really struck me on its original album. It definitely resparked my desire to revisit those first two records. lost whispers is one of my favorite things they put out because I used to listen to all those b sides on YouTube so much when I was a youngun.
  11. domandapiano


    I was a huge Evanescence stan back in the day, fallen and the open door are both glorious albums. The self titled was half good and half ünmemorable. I listened to the whole bitter truth album today and while it’s not gonna change my life and make me a newly rejuvenated stan, it was enjoyable. The singles did NOT have me terribly excited because I thought they were varying shades of blah, but the non single album tracks are much better.
  12. domandapiano


    I just corrected myself! No more aged like milk. Though I do think it sounds a bit dated. I apologize that what I said upset you so much.
  13. Im going out on the furthest limb and manifesting something like this, musically: I want fiery, wasteland-y, rock. (the video is kinda dumb but the song is pretty good) In my head I can hear those last few bars with the descending "ohhhhhh" vocal lines at the end so clearly in Lanas voice.
  14. EXACTLY. Maybe it’s tacky but I absolutely would. Yes of course it would be done respectfully. I would actually probably let her know her fans were joking around about her immediately announcing her next album the weekend Chemtrails came out and that we are all gagged she did and try and feel for if she was playin or not.
  15. There is nothing wrong with hip hop but Lana would be absolutely CRUCIFIED if she responded to the allegations of her ignorant racism and cultural appropriation with HIP HOP TRACKS SAYING SHES DONE NOTHING WRONG AND ISNT SORRY. Let me repeat CRUCIFIED. It doesn’t matter how fire the songs are, she’d be torn apart, eaten alive, the hole would be dug deeper, etc. As someone who likes Summer Bummer and Groupie Love I say this truly thinking she couldn’t make a worse musical PR move. Lol. Except maybe if she went full church music. There are already enough people bitching about the amount of times Religion comes up on Chemtrails. I do think it’ll be more along the rock lines though, tbh.
  16. domandapiano


    I FEEL HOW I FEEL nah, lordes cool, that album just hasn’t stuck with me! Instead of saying it aged like milk I’ll say I got sick of the taste after drinking it frequently for a while. ill check out whatever she releases but I’m not going into it expecting to be obsessed
  17. I didn’t expect this so soon, and I’m sitting at a restaurant for dinner lol
  18. Im fine no jack but please no rick either, i have a feeling if she goes back to a sound she's done before critics will shit on her for it. One ticket for a Zach Dawes produced record please.
  19. Definitely her best cover this era, and even in a while in general.
  20. I agree!! I don’t necessarily even need her to be aggressive in an angry way, I just want more loud instruments, and a more live band feel. I have already lavished praise on this a few times but the bridge in dance till we die just sounds so GOOD and it’s one of the few moments on NFR or Chemtrails that really FEELS like a band is playing with her. It’s got fire to it, and her voice there is killer.
  21. The verses on Wild at Heart make me sad we will probably never see Stupid for being so happy and hey blue baby on record, that song (particularly the verses) really remind me of those two. They have such an infectious sweetness to them.
  22. I really don’t know what to think about this album. Like, is she for real? Probably not? But there is clearly something she wants to get out there which bodes well. what will it sound like? Entirely a mystery, and I know we’re all hoping for something more aggressive but will she really take a risk and go there?
  23. i do like the “it’s a new world order...” bit but I mostly agree about the rest.
  24. “I love you lots like polka dots” is one of my favorite lines from the whole record. There’s an innocence there thats so beautiful
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