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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. domandapiano


    I like it but damn the chorus melody is exactly the same as the verse melody of hope is a dangerous thing it’s mildly distracting. I do hear the similarities to wild at heart too, but that copied hope melody is even more blatant than Lana’s copied Radiohead moment lol.
  2. On the plus side, I feel like it’s when everyone has fully given up hope that we usually get something and we all seem quite hopeless atm!
  3. Ok times up sweetie the goodwill u bought by mentioning the delay and releasing a song snippy is dead and gone u can talk abt the album again now (not me talking to this thread like it’s lana herself )
  4. domandapiano


    I like the new song. I get why people dislike that synth riff in the chorus though. It feels familiar but not in a particularly “serious” way, i.e. we associate it with the circus, chaotic comedies, jokey type things, and that makes the song feel less serious on the whole. The verses, prechorus, and bridge are all particularly lovely, though. It doesn’t deter me from being interested in whatever her next large project is. it does kinda match the clown-y cover art.
  5. It’s stunning tbh. I can’t believe I’m becoming perched for a Halsey album.
  6. domandapiano

    Sufjan Stevens

    Olympia is stunning. Really looking forward to this.
  7. Ok this is an acceptable way to announce a delay
  8. Apple Music changed her banner from the smiley bomber jacket pic to the wolf one today it seems (sorry if this was already mentioned, and not that it’s even relevant to this) edit: it’s actually a bunch of clips from the Chemtrails video.
  9. And if she’s been continuously churning out tracks to add to whatever record she is working on now I don’t think it’d be fair to call her uninspired.
  10. could be but they have never actually shared any inside info to back that up. They always just say easily guessable things that already have a 70% chance of being right. im not someone to antagonize anyone online, but I’m also gonna remain skeptical until something can actually prove their validity.
  11. Well better to be let down now, and gently, rather than the cold hard smack that would have been this weekend and Lana’s silence. I still think it could come this year, but all expectations are now dissolved. I think we could all use some time off thinking about Lana Del Rey. Go find something new to listen to, and before long we will get something from her.
  12. check out nine inch nails. They are most known for having a pretty dark, industrial vibe. Also Trent and atticus compose so many award winning scores these days. They did the watchman tv show, they did soul, they did mank, they did gone girl, just to name a handful (not that all these won awards but still). it’s crazy she got them. It actually intrigues me towards this album. Lol
  13. I never put much stock in websites listing upcoming album releases because who knows if they actually have true inside info about that kind of stuff. or perhaps they took it down because the label said they want it to be a surprise I can’t imagine it was scrapped but if it was BOZ betta keep their word and spill all the inside tea they say they have about this record.
  14. Again, nothing is ever gonna come on july 4th if it isnt a surprise. I know some folks like to mention the fact that it’s impossible for it to be a surprise since she already announced it, but I think she knows people have little faith in the dates she gives, and come on would it not still be a huge surprise if it actually happened??? im sitting right on the fence at a 50/50 it could go either way, though, I’m not fully convinced it’s happening so soon (definitely ~*soon*~ tho)
  15. I really think if it’s coming on the 4th we aren’t gonna hear anything about it beforehand, and that Ben and Ed or whoever from her label asked the insiders the please not tease anything that’s meant to be a surprise.
  16. This is my fav prerelease because there are so many possibilities. July 4th doesn’t sound totally impossible, and post that date literally any day feels so plausible. I do think it’ll come this year, though I said the same about Chemtrails last year and we see how that worked out.
  17. It’s just like…. why does anyone care one way or the other
  18. domandapiano


    Limbo cherry out now she’s so underrated
  19. seconded. she doesn’t need to do anything else on her bday. tomorrow, though…
  20. to be fair, eclipse did take down the post announcing the 3 lana singles when polydor contacted them, and perhaps that why the insiders aren’t giving us much info!! We really know next to nothing at all.
  21. It’s funny, because all those NFR snippets really got me hyped and that was definitely my most anticipated lana record. Even though we had heard a bit of everything by the time it came out, name moments more iconic than lana drenched in sepia lip syncing to love song. It was a cinematic event. I guess I prefer the surprise to the snippet overload, but the snippets do really get me excited
  22. it only feels slightly delusional because she has mentioned wanting to surprise release, even before Chemtrails was announced, and then with Ben saying they can finally do something she’s wanted to do, and with the singles still never being mentioned by her and for all intents and purposes being a surprise release, it just adds up. obviously literally nothing could happen in the coming months and we could all suffer endlessly, but it doesn’t seem too unlikely she might just drop something without warning.
  23. to be fair, I’ve had a feeling it might be this way all along. She took the critiques about staying quiet to heart, and either with total sincerity or total contempt she is going to stay silent because any time she says anything people cancel her.
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