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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. I would say we’re due for a break if it wasn’t for Ben and Ed reposting that one insta story before BB came out of that fan speculating about more than one album being in the works. I know that it isn’t concrete proof of anything but it would strike me as odd that they both perpetuated that rumor if it wasn’t true in some sense. i don’t necessarily think we will get the full on LDR9 of new material, but I think the covers album is very likely to come this year, as well as MAYYYYYYBBEEEE he cuntry album with Nikki (both of which I look forward to).
  2. Really the run from blue-Hejira is all superb and I couldn’t rank them if I tried. I’d say start with court and spark or hissing of summer lawns. I still need to listen to all of her 80s records. I’ve started them but they are definitely of lesser quality, largely because of the bad 80s production
  3. domandapiano

    I’ve never really listened to her but Brad Pitt is one of the best pop songs I’ve heard in a while. It’s got so many Lana-isms: underneath my summer dress, baby u da best, sing me your song baby it’s a hit, I’ll keep spinning around for you all those lines sound so Lana. Kindness and live to survive also slap.
  4. domandapiano

    Tove Lo

    It slaps. I’m perched for more Tove.
  5. domandapiano


    I never listened when it was teased so long ago so it’s fresh for me right now. It’s a bop, for sure. Nothing groundbreaking but definitely something I’ll hit replay on a bunch while I’m popping my pussy and cooking.
  6. I give it like a 2% chance of actually happening. It’s not the first time whispered rumors of the long awaited sky album have been out there (in fact I’m not sure her mother hasn’t done this before), so there is literally no reason why this time should be different.
  7. I get so excited when this thread gets bumped. She really teased two absolutely stunning tracks last year and then disappeared. I hope Atropa Belladonna isn't scrapped.
  8. domandapiano

    Hikaru Utada

    thank you!!! A mild bummer, but I really haven’t listened to a handful of the singles so those will be fresh for me, and the fact that one of the new songs is 11 minutes is also a nice lil bonus. V cool about the face my fears re-record. I haven’t listened to it since I played KH3 so I’ll have to compare
  9. domandapiano

    Hikaru Utada

    How many new tracks are on it?? Admittedly, of the ones that have been out for a while, the only tracks I’ve listened to much are one last kiss, beautiful world, face my fears, and darenimo iwanai.
  10. Ok I guess I’m posting this here cuz it’s relevant. Just because you have info, that does not make you an “insider”. If you can’t get the the info through your own means you are not an insider. If you get info by chatting with someone who works for a record label you are not an insider. The person who works for the record label is. You are just lucky that person shared info with you. If you have to go out of your way to get the info, or if you have to go asking questions to get the info, or if you arent someone who actually has a reason to actually have the info in the first place, you ARE NOT AN INSIDER
  11. Are there any rumblings that anything is gonna happen soon here? My first time seeing her remains my favorite show ever.
  12. domandapiano

    Charli XCX

    Good ones is cute and enjoyable but New Shapes is more of a standout. Caroline is absolutely the star of it though, her bridge is amazing.
  13. This is all very exciting! I wonder if any of the tracks on the record will be official versions of the many demos she has out. So many are so good, so I wouldn't mind it tbh.
  14. thank yew. I can’t find too many people reporting this save a few places so I didn’t know how legit it was. I like Tears in the Club and I’ll be fine if the mixtape is of similar quality. Sure, it’s not EP1 and Magdalene levels of good but it’s still a good and catchy bop and I’d be fine if this mixtape was her exploring more mainstream sounds.
  15. So certain sources are claiming that a mixtape called capri sun is coming on the 14th of this month. Do we feel confident about this??
  16. domandapiano

    Hikaru Utada

    Simple and Clean and Passion are both legendary, and Don’t Think Twice is a cute girl. Ultra Blue and Deep River both have so many bops are my two favorite records of hers, but all of her records have keepers. Can’t wait for the new one in Spring!! also shoutout to final distance one of the prettiest songs everrrr
  17. I really enjoy her first album and I’d love for another project but at this point if we get one it’ll be a minor miracle. Not saying it’s not gonna happen, but there is absolutely no reason to expect anything based on her words. I’m not even blaming her for that! I’m sure she wanted and intended to put out music but things (sickness, label hell, whatever else) always seem to get in the way. She’s like Lana in that she likes to make premature announcements about things. and just to backtrack to Fiona Apple a bit; yeah she takes hella long between records to come out with something but if she says new music is coming she means it. She isn’t saying every year that new music is coming out. Similar situation with Kate bush. They pop up every once in a while and give us great art, exactly when they intend to. Therein lies the difference.
  18. Wait what did BOZ say? I’ve been away from this site since BB dropped.
  19. absolute queen. I have lyrics from the song Emily tattooed on my forearm.
  20. I’d take waiting a lil while longer for a full LP I just got tix to see her with Oklou opening and I’m so juiced to be going. It’s been forever since I’ve attended a pop concert and I feel it will be a healing experience of sorts. I just wanna groove, ya know?
  21. domandapiano

    Tori Amos

    Haven’t heard the whole new record yet because I’ve been waiting for a time to give it a good full first listen, but Ive heard the singles and then also addition of light divided and devils bane, and I feel like this album will be very consistent. I get the sense that this will feel more cohesive than recent Tori records. Abnormally Attracted to Sin is her low point imo (and it’d be hard to make a worse record), and everything since then has been a step in the right direction. UG was leaps and bounds nicer than that, and then NI was a step better than UG was, and I feel like O2O is probably the same step closer towards something truly amazing. For reference I think everything up to and including scarlets walk are all varying degrees of great, the beekeeper and adp are just ok but I can mostly enjoy them knowing the production choices and some songs are questionable, aats is mostly dreck with like 5 enjoyable tracks (welcome to England, flavor, 500 miles, starling, fast horse), noh is good but I don’t really lump it in with most of her stuff, the holiday album is cheesy and horribly produced and performed but not totally without songcraft merit, gold dust is useless save flavor and snow cherries (and sometimes marianne when I wanna hear the “weasel squeaks” bit with brass), and then the proper albums since then have been a slow but positive upward trajectory tori album rank since it’s Halloween and I’ve been drinking 1. boys for pele 2. scarlets walk 3. under the pink 4. Little earthquakes 5. choirgirl hotel 6. strange little girls 7. To Venus and back 8. native invader 9. the beekeeper 10. American doll posse 11. unrepentant geraldines 12. Night of hunters 13. Midwinter graces 14. gold dust 15. Abnormally attracted to sin
  22. LOL so true tho I can’t believe I successfully avoided listening to the leak (apart from beautiful which I did listen to). I can’t wait to hear the full thing in a couple hours. (also whoever added those fake reviews on AOTY is dark sided. I got so excited seeing a 9 next to the pitchfork logo)
  23. I’m not gonna listen because no one seems sure what version of the record this is and when it’s on streaming in a week that will absolutely be the full, final, mixed and mastered version. Reading reactions is getting me hyped though.
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