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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. So single out in some areas but not all?? It’s not streaming and the video says unavailable.
  2. I think it’s coming out tomorrow yeah?
  3. id get more tired of the aesthetic if it wasn't so 100 percent lined up with my own personal taste and if the industry was more saturated with people using that aesthetic as successfully. as far as the thematic content in her music, I can hardly fault anybody for repetition mainly because in 2022 there isn't a single artist you could convince me doesn't do that to some degree. and while her aesthetic certainly guides her lyricism (just as Lanas guides hers, and Grimes guides hers, and bjorks drives hers) and maybe makes it seem samey, I wouldn't say she's ever done any one topic to death apart from love which every single musician on the planet has done and will continue to do to death for the rest of recorded history.
  4. I’m feeling so greedy about info for this project. I need the full announcement STAT.
  5. Love the new track, though I think it maybe it would have made sense to release it before king as an overall intro to the era. In any case I love the direction of it, musically.
  6. i think in like 3 minutes! At least that’s 11am eastern time!!
  7. Wtf I didn’t realize until now that this guy we are all obsessing over is one of the guys in the band Salem. Such a weird new Lana connection and I’m here for it.
  8. I’d prefer if we didn’t get a slow trickle of every song just because I do so look forward to a release day where I am overwhelmed by a bunch of new music, but if there is a deluxe dropping in the summer with 22 total tracks I’m fine with it. also we had heard half of the songs from high as hope before it was out (and really no choir feels more like an outro song than a full one), so it’s not so different. ultimately if we end up with between 15-22 new Florence songs this year I will be a happy bb regardless of how we get them.
  10. You’re telling me I’m getting both Elden Ring and new Florence and the Machine in the same week? God stans fags now. (Honestly musically this year has been very blessed thus far)
  11. I need this album officially announced with a single ASAP as you should!
  12. domandapiano


    This album is fucking incredible. Not a single skip. It’s pop perfection.
  13. Well damn. When that childrens choir hits
  14. Honestly I’m ok with all of these things for this album. Stoked she is revisiting her older sound. As much as I like So Sad, So Sexy, her old stuff is definitely a little more idiosyncratic.
  15. it sounds like any one of us could have gotten on twitter and said that
  16. I feel like downhill lullaby was meant to be the start of something bigger. Like, it was touted as some grand return to music and then it came out and then it was nothing but radio silence. something had to have gone very wrong behind the scenes during that time because it literally makes zero sense for anyone involved.
  17. domandapiano


    oh my GOD this song is so good
  18. I would say we’re due for a break if it wasn’t for Ben and Ed reposting that one insta story before BB came out of that fan speculating about more than one album being in the works. I know that it isn’t concrete proof of anything but it would strike me as odd that they both perpetuated that rumor if it wasn’t true in some sense. i don’t necessarily think we will get the full on LDR9 of new material, but I think the covers album is very likely to come this year, as well as MAYYYYYYBBEEEE he cuntry album with Nikki (both of which I look forward to).
  19. Really the run from blue-Hejira is all superb and I couldn’t rank them if I tried. I’d say start with court and spark or hissing of summer lawns. I still need to listen to all of her 80s records. I’ve started them but they are definitely of lesser quality, largely because of the bad 80s production
  20. domandapiano

    I’ve never really listened to her but Brad Pitt is one of the best pop songs I’ve heard in a while. It’s got so many Lana-isms: underneath my summer dress, baby u da best, sing me your song baby it’s a hit, I’ll keep spinning around for you all those lines sound so Lana. Kindness and live to survive also slap.
  21. domandapiano

    Tove Lo

    It slaps. I’m perched for more Tove.
  22. domandapiano


    I never listened when it was teased so long ago so it’s fresh for me right now. It’s a bop, for sure. Nothing groundbreaking but definitely something I’ll hit replay on a bunch while I’m popping my pussy and cooking.
  23. I give it like a 2% chance of actually happening. It’s not the first time whispered rumors of the long awaited sky album have been out there (in fact I’m not sure her mother hasn’t done this before), so there is literally no reason why this time should be different.
  24. I get so excited when this thread gets bumped. She really teased two absolutely stunning tracks last year and then disappeared. I hope Atropa Belladonna isn't scrapped.
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