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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. Reading through that sky timeline again was exhausting. It truly feels like it sapped nearly 10 years off of my life! Her power!
  2. domandapiano

    Noah Cyrus

    Randomly listened to her debut full length today after hearing a snippet of I Just Want a Lover and it’s actually pretty good??? No one is talking about this?? Very sincere and lovely stuff.
  3. I just want this album so bad. It’s like my number one music desire right now, but it feels so far away again.
  4. Any of the users who claim to know that the album is done wanna risk your financial well-being to give us a crumb of info? Well?
  5. Shall I move or shall I remain dormant like a beautiful renaissance statue
  6. I wonder why she is still delaying announcing this album when there is clearly a name and final tracklist when bunny is a rider is getting older and older…
  7. domandapiano

    Taylor Swift

    I don’t usually take album of the year user scores that seriously because as much so many people on that website like to play pretend that they are serious impartial art critics I do notice a touch of potential misogyny. Like a woman and a man could release the same exact folk album and the man’s version would guaranteed be 6-10 points higher. That being said, the album is nice! I imagine it’s wordy because it’s meant to recreate sleepless nights through song and sleepless nights are generally made sleepless by a racing mind with lots of thoughts spilling out. 7/10
  8. domandapiano

    Taylor Swift

    Lavender Haze low key sounds like it could be an utada hikaru song. Maybe I’m just stoned idk. It’s kinda whipping tho.
  9. Assuming the album is done, it’s unlikely she is gonna scrap it. The theft happened months ago and I assume she’s continued working on it since then, and if something official was submitted that BOZ heard it was long after that happened. Sotb being a let down, the terrible stuff happening to Lana, and the album not coming as soon as we hoped convene to make a sad and dark day in Lana boards history.
  10. Gutted that this happened! It’s truly awful. Did it sound like the album was far off from coming out??
  11. the reassurance was needed. The mystery of the masterpiece feels like the only thing we have to hold on to regarding this album atm so if that was debunked we would truly be lost ps. Listened to Raye and Hard Out Here and Black Mascara are slay
  12. Wait someone in another thread said the boz masterpiece comment was about some lil girl named raye (don’t know her never met her), is it true it’s already debunked that it’s Lana??
  13. Wait like for real real idk who that even is
  14. Deluxe cover is GORGEOUS. I’m not an Ellie stan by any means, but the single is indeed a bop and a half. I’m secretly worried that BOZ’s masterpiece comment was about this…
  15. I don’t think the song is as bad as everyone is saying but it’s also not a showstopper. It sounds very Taylor. I can hear Lana well enough but it is a bummer she’s the background vocalist here. Overall a disappointment, but whatever. On to the alleged Lana masterpiece that is her next record.
  16. they are literally all so good I can’t rank them
  17. domandapiano

    Tove Lo

    I was prepared to be underwhelmed by cute and cruel but it’s much better than i thought
  18. Breaking ground is pretty darn good!
  19. I might throw in the towel again and give up hope. At least there’s a bunch of other stuff coming out that can distract me from the crippling lack of ms. Dollanganger.
  20. Jack antonoff is literally dining at the restaurant I’m waiting tables at right now. Trying not to ask him about this album lol
  21. Was she mentioned in the twitter thread? I mean if it’s her it’s still a win but girlie is gonna have an album with 2 year old songs on it at this point and I don’t have faith she even has a full album recorded right now.
  22. I’m not moving because this doesn’t make it sound like whatever he is talking about will be revealed soon but I will silently and diligently manifest that lana is what he referring to in the meantime
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