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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. Well the obvious answer is The Room. I’d also throw Freddy Got Fingered, The Twilight Saga, and any new Bruce Willis movie in the ring.
  2. domandapiano


    You can start at the beginning and work your way through, I’d say. Debut is a good place to start, but if you really wanna start with a bang I’d say go with Post first, go chronologically, and then hop back to debut when you feel like it. vespertine is my (and many others) favorite it seems.
  3. domandapiano


    I like utopia, I think the flutes are gorgeous, and I really think sonically it’s captures the “utopian” sound she was going for excellently. It’s also not accessible melodically or harmonically, there are no tracks to just throw on casually, so I think it doesn’t have as much replay value. Like I can certainly get stoned and put it on as a soundtrack to a beautiful walk or something, but I’m not listening to the tracks individually ever.
  4. domandapiano

    Tove Lo

    why does she keep doing this??? PUT THEM ON STREAMING HOE
  5. domandapiano

    Taylor Swift

    Yeah I don’t actually expect new Lana this year, and above all, sales and charting means zilch to me. anyways, I’m really looking forward to this. I’m definitely in the camp of folklore/evermore standom, and I prefer that folkier vibe, but this looks like it’s still gonna be different than straight up pop music so I’m very intrigued.
  6. domandapiano

    Taylor Swift

    Lana and Taylor both dropping their tenth album on the same day. The power that that has
  7. domandapiano


    Are we thinking single tomorrow?? If the album is coming at the end of September that must mean atopos is dropping at any moment!
  8. Love the new snippet. It reminds me of NFR songs the most, when she shared a million snippets beforehand and I was super ready for her gorgeous piano album. The melody, the lyrics, it’s definitely giving NFR, though I will say lyrically it reminds me of her earlier stuff as well, when she was just saying pretty words together to conjure imagery and a sense of time and place.
  9. domandapiano


    Aaaaaany minute now…
  10. domandapiano

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    Don’t care for beach house at all, definitely not what I expected to come after western wind
  11. domandapiano


    I was gonna give her a listen cuz the album cover for nymph is stun but it seems like everyone here hates her now so maybe not…
  12. Hold the girl is actually a serve it took me like 2 weeks to listen to it. It sounds like it’s my life by Bon Jovi but even that can’t ruin the beat drop which is iconic. The key change is insanely cheesy but I think it’s knowingly so.
  13. do we know what this is? It’s gorgeous of course
  14. Exactly. It’s not like she’s a new artist trying to prove herself.
  15. I was just wondering the same thing… im not totally opposed to a country album but I know lot of you are so….
  16. At least we figured out right quick that that link was just for a trailer. It’d hurt more if we thought it meant something for weeks.
  17. i agree and that should be said for any artist but the album is still a bop
  18. Haven’t listened to the new one yet but this hell is a grower and catch me in the air is… not.
  19. I’m predicting summer 2023 for the album
  20. domandapiano


    Ray of Light Madonna is, like, my life goal. I want to be her. I remember watching the frozen video as a kid and being absolutely mesmerized.
  21. Naur, what we aren’t gonna do is drag Ethel cain in this thread. Lana and Ethel, 2 powerful women who happened to date the same guy maybe.
  22. I would not mind at all of those country songs ended up on a record. Hey Blue Baby vocals EAT.
  23. Singles can drop whenever. It’s just albums that come out on fridays.
  24. to be fair they were making more of an educated guess, not claiming to know for a fact that nothing is coming sooner rather than later, so nothing is impossible. I don’t even think we are getting anything in the near future, but 111 didn’t prove shit. Any of us could have come in here and typed up the same post lol. (also this post is in no way critical of 111, I appreciate when they do have stuff to spill, I’m just stating facts)
  25. As a pre Born to Die fan, I think NFR is her best work. This seems to me to not usually be the case with long time fans it seems? also, I respect all opinions. All her work is lovely.
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