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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. to be fair they were making more of an educated guess, not claiming to know for a fact that nothing is coming sooner rather than later, so nothing is impossible. I don’t even think we are getting anything in the near future, but 111 didn’t prove shit. Any of us could have come in here and typed up the same post lol. (also this post is in no way critical of 111, I appreciate when they do have stuff to spill, I’m just stating facts)
  2. As a pre Born to Die fan, I think NFR is her best work. This seems to me to not usually be the case with long time fans it seems? also, I respect all opinions. All her work is lovely.
  3. Geez how does this thread have so few replies? the new song is such a smash honestly, this new album about to WHIP.
  4. honestly 3 iconic films, and a mixture of them as an influence would be an incredibly welcome chaos. Lana’s new track, “patience is a virtue but not right now it isn’t” coming july 14th.
  5. It’s true and it hurts my soul that it remains a random single at the moment. It deserves a home on a full ass record or AT LEAST a conceptual ep
  6. Lana Del Rey Heardle #77 🔊🟩⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ https://lana-del-rey-heardle.netlify.app/ (I’ve gotten all I’ve done on the first try EXCEPT Sweet Carolina, and to be fair I was about to guess that but then decided I needed just a lil more than Jack saying “ok” before I could be certain)
  7. SHE LOOKS FUCKING INCREDIBLE IN ALL THE SHOTS. Her with the blonde??? CULTURAL RESET. im happy this thread is reopened. I have always wanted to back @Terrence Loves Me up in saying hard times is one of the best songs on the record. It’s top 3 for me at least.
  8. Manifesting Nicole saying something *ANYTHING* before the end of this month, even if it’s just to be like, “sorry, it’s still coming”
  9. That the new horror film “The black phone” was bad but still mildly enjoyable
  10. domandapiano

    Tove Lo

    I feel like I’m gonna consider how long as a bonus track in my mind just because it does not have closing track energy in the slightest lol maybe it wasn’t part of the album but streamed well enough to warrant having it on and they were just like “throw it at the end”
  11. i wouldn’t be surprised if it was “hope”, considering the little vocal bit of his in the extended version of the song, and I feel like they maybe mentioned it coming together real quick like magic
  12. I love the excitement of thinking something could happen, and I love the idea of an unspoiled era, but I think the fact that insiders seem to know knowing means there is nothing to know and that we aren’t really close to anything. I would love to be totally wrong about this, of course.
  13. We thinking another full surprise drop?? Friday?? It could literally happen at any moment
  14. She sounds good in the live video of Don’t Forget, I’ll give her that!
  15. I’ve always taken “album in June” with a grain of salt so I won’t be surprised if it doesn’t happen, but she did say whispering glades was coming in March last year, and she waited until the absolute last moment to make good on that word. I had given up hope it was actually coming and then it came out on the 30th or the 31st without much fanfare.
  16. Goddess, mother, queen, etc etc. she’s an icon and I love her.
  17. Cosmic Love Only if for a Night How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful The End of Love Choreomania back to the new album I’m really loving The Bomb. It’s got the energy I need in life right now.
  18. I went on a run today and ended it with a fully body interpretive dance to choreomania in the middle of my street, as if I was possessed. The drums in the song are just so blisteringly wild and addicting. Highly recommend giving it a try, even if onlookers will assume you’re having some kind of episode. (Isn’t that the point anyways?)
  19. If June passes with nary a peep about this new album I will be pressed
  20. domandapiano


    Just popping in to say that the shinigami eyes music video is FUCKING iconically good
  21. Wait are they actually dating?? I stan that so hard. I thought they were just friends.
  22. Pitchfork may have deeply let us down, but let’s be happy that she also received 2 more scores of 90 from Clash and The Young Folks! pitchfork also (and I maybe I’m making a generalization here) seems to really not be into anything that could be labeled as slowcore.
  23. So in the interview she says she doesn’t have a name for the album picked out. However, that doesn’t mean between the time she did the interview and now she didn’t pick one. It could be closer than we think! I guess it depends when she actually gave this interview.
  24. Enjoying the record. Choreomania is like crack. When the background vocals yell “SOMETHINGS. COMING.” it reminds me so much of the Kate Bush track Hounds of Love, the little “something’s coming, it’s in the trees” bit. It possesses me with the desire to dance wildly, which I can only imagine is it’s primary objective. It’s stuck in my head and I can’t stop thinking about it. It’s my favorite. Girls against god, the bomb, and morning Elvis are my other favorites. I’m having a hard time really taking this album in as a whole body of work right now, but I imagine once I listen to the whole thing a coupla more times I’ll get the “feel” of the record.
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