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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. domandapiano


    Well it’s nothing new but it sounds a million times better than hello as a comeback single. I can’t stand that song. I’m looking forward to the new one! 19 is definitely my favorite Adele and ive grown less attached with every record but I’m still intrigued by what she’s gonna serve us.
  2. This will always be one of the most beautiful things to me (the earlier demo under the name white Silas is equally as beautiful)
  3. domandapiano

    Tori Amos

    Yay! Excited! I’d love a single before October 1st, but either way the album is coming so soon! One week after Lana as well! I’m eating good this Halloween season.
  4. domandapiano


    nothing but truth, love. Those 2 are the only ones I’m revisiting at this point. I will say I’ve grown off the ending of secrets from a girl a bit. It’s just not very clever. The concept is perfect: Robyn reading a self help manifesto regarding sadness for young girls. It’s just the dialogue is a little basic. Anyways the song itself is a smash. Love her. Fallen fruit is good and at times reminds me of a pop Linda perhacs which I like a lot. the rest is pretty but doesn’t hit me, sadly. The path is enjoyable and catchy tho!! Especially considering it not having a typical song structure. anyways, I like the album ok, I’m just not in love with it.
  5. I wonder if Wednesday is the day she’ll reveal more than just Blue Bannisters the single album. Like when Ben and Ed insinuated there was more going on than one album did they mean there were gonna be multiple things coming at once, or like she released BB and then a month later in November another thing comes out .
  6. It’s like when we don’t have a date I’m like “hopefully she says something this month, I guess I can be patient and wait” but now that I know we are getting something on Wednesday I’m ready to skip these five full days of my life just to hear this damn song
  7. I imagine we will be getting news/a song this month, I just hope it’s earlier and not later. This is a very dry prerelease (even considering the album a few months ago lol).
  8. I enjoy the record but the only 2 songs that really wow me are Bells in Santa Fe and I am not a Woman I’m a God. I think these tracks represent the most successful hybrid of Halsey pop and NIN production.
  9. I heard the first 5 tracks and I really enjoyed the 1st 2, (tradition and the bells of Santa Fe) but the 3/4 following that didn’t do too much for me. The more deliberate slow pace of the first 2 tracks sounds better than the more aggressive stuff imo.
  10. A statement like “Lana’s career is going nowhere” feels kind of silly when you consider what she’s already done with her career. She isn’t in her early days anymore and she has expressed that she has nothing to prove when in fact she’s already proven herself with NFR, achieving more critical acclaim than most artists ever do. Joni and Dylan have had strings of bad albums and still have unimpeachable legacies. Hell, Kate Bush released her least liked album in the early 90’s and disappeared for over a decade and still has one of the most respected musical careers of all time. lanas career has already gone somewhere and maybe it’ll take a breather, maybe it won’t, but that’s not gonna change what she’s already accomplished.
  11. I just wish she would re-record the songs if they are outtakes from another era. I don’t want recordings spanning 10 years on one album lol. So I hope if it is a bunch of outtakes that they are re-recorded and produced with her voice today. (I’m sure BOZ or eclipse might know this one way or the other so if anyone wants to muster the energy to ask them feel free)
  12. domandapiano


    So after listening a few times and gaining real insight on how I feel about the album, I maintain it’s an ok record. The only 3 songs that continue to move me are Fallen Fruit, California, and Secrets from a Girl. Everything else is pleasant and catchy to pleasant and unmemorable.
  13. Oh my GOD she looks fucking phenomenal there
  14. domandapiano


    So having heard the whole thing… it’s not bad. Secrets of a Girl is by far my fav, including the Robyn outro. It’s super cute and cheesy but in the best way. The string of songs after that tho, dominoes, leader of a new regime, big star, and then one other one that has a name I can’t even remember, they are boring skips.
  15. domandapiano


    Honestly pitchfork more positive than I thought they’d be. I have now heard the path and I have to say… it’s gorgeous. Much better than all 3 singles imo. It does make me think of lana at parts tho, the harmonies, the ohhhs and ahhhs etc.
  16. domandapiano


    Ok now I predict a 5.6 from pitchfork lol. Not saying I want that but considering how much they hated Florence’s last record I could see them being equally savage to this one.
  17. My hype was at an all time low before the direct and Ill admit they won me over with it. they managed to make basculin cool ffs and that’s something I never thought could be achieved. The other regional variants are dope too. Breviary has always been a cool Pokémon and the psychic typing only makes it cooler. all the new changes to the remake look dope as hell too
  18. domandapiano


    I didn’t realize the song was a satire of new age coping mechanisms, and I’m glad I now do, I’ll see how I feel about it in that context. I suppose if this entire era is satire it might be her Electra heart, because it isn’t really coming across that way from the music, and I fear it will end up very misunderstood. When she announced the album and referenced the persona behind it as a girl whose “feet are bare at all times. She’s sexy, playful, feral, and free. She’s a modern girl in a deadstock bikini… Her skin is glowing, her lovers are many. I’m completely obsessed with her, and soon you will be too” it really felt like a genuine statement and I remember my boyfriend being annoyed because he always viewed her as “not” that girl, and that was what he enjoyed about her. I love the concept of satirizing the self absorbed, rich jet setter, but I feel the execution needs something darker simmering beneath the breezy music and lyrics that are just a little more sharp to make it work. again i dont dislike any of the songs and I’m looking forward to hearing the record, these are just my thoughts followup: mood ring is much more enjoyable with the satirical angle, though I still think unless it’s explained you won’t get it, so I wish it was more apparent to me when just listening to the track. All of the tracks work better when you consider them as being from the perspective of a goop-esque ding dong of the modern age, so she has that going for her, and I’m glad I learned this before the album comes out. I think if she was doing more promo she’d be able to get that point across more broadly.
  19. domandapiano


    Mood Ring is cute. I enjoy the guitar pop reminiscent of Michelle Branch and Music era Madonna. I think my biggest letdown regarding all the new Lorde stuff is that on PH and Melodrama she seemed to be tapping into the culture and really making significant statements about her generation through her art, and with Solar Power, she isn’t singing about much at all. For instance the line in Mood Ring about the early 2000’s being so far away seems so unrelated to anything. I guess we are all nostalgic for it and referencing it in your art is fun but she isn’t really saying anything. she also doesn’t have to, and after making such bold statements with her precious stuff she can make whatever music she wants! still looking forward to the full listen
  20. domandapiano


    I can’t believe this album hasn’t leaked yet. I’m looking forward to listening. I think both singles are mostly forgettable, but the direction of the album could be a very pleasant full listen. I feel like this is gonna get a mediocre review from pitchfork. I’m calling a 7.3 right now. They were pretty harsh on Stoned and I think that’s a sign of what’s to come from them. (I don’t much care what pitchfork says, I just feel im good at guessing their scores, I guessed correctly for bill e eyelash)
  21. The song blue banisters is like the tree of life of Lana’s discography
  22. The stages of being a lana stan/lanaboreds member: 1. she can do no wrong, this is fun waiting, she isn’t always like this, I can wait forever, the music is gonna be so worth it 2. I can’t believe she is doing this again, how dare she announce a date that didn’t come true, she hates us, she emotionally abuses us, this is disrespect towards her fans in the highest degree, I’m burning my stan card if she does this again *lana does it again* 3. you know what? that’s ok. Look at her living her life, we stan. It’s maybe a little annoying that she’s a flake bitch, but I’m not gonna let that effect my life in any meaningful way. Forreal I’ve been a member of this site since NFR and 1 was how I felt then, 2 is how I felt with Chemtrails, and 3 is how I feel now
  23. when lorde sings “and the music you loved at 16 one day you’ll grow out of” (paraphrasing the lyrics because I can’t remember them exactly) it’s the exact same melody as “I was reading slim Aaron’s and I got to thinking that I thought..” its in a different key but it’s still the exact same melody (the same piano line that is through hope as well). The other bits of stoned don’t feel akin to hope but that one bit is exactly the same. (I know this is off topic, also I’m not trying be a smarty, I just wanted to point out the one element of the song that seems lifted from lana most blatantly. I still like stoned, don’t get me wrong! It’s a nice song)
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