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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. I think you’ve put more concisely what I was trying to get at (Im not great at conveying what I’m thinking and feeling through words). They aren’t trendy in the sense that they give good scores to what’s trendy in the popular sense, but they always want to appear like they are at the top of line as far as *taste* is concerned, and I think your paragraph expressed that.
  2. I feel like pitchfork *could* have been much harsher to lmlylaw. They said it was kinda basic and safe but that sometimes that’s all you need. So I think they were more for it than against it. The snub of the title track is odd, I have to assume it was because of all the drama she managed to stir up with the cover reveal. I imagine they will review the full album tho. Are either of those tracks as bold as Venice Bitch or Hope is a Dangerous thing... ? No, so it makes sense those got bnm and at least lmly didn’t. im just hoping the rest of COCC is enough to give it good scores. im sure it’ll be good either way but we know critics and especially pitchfork are incredibly aware of what’s ~trendy~ and they really give good scores to that kind of stuff
  3. I assume they meant Charlie was on drugs but I still don’t understand why someone can’t act different than the societal norm and be still be “fine”. Like until we have a real reason to worry about him how bout we dont? I look “rough” right now because we’re currently on the last legs of a global pandemic and maybe it’s affected us all a little differently. Sleep isn’t as easy to come by, we’re all drinking a little more and smoking a little more weed to get by. All of these things can affect us and the way look/present ourselves. Lana and Charlie live charmed lives sure, but they still have human brains which process stress and trauma and life in ways totally dependent on chemical makeup!
  4. It’s like I know the days leading up to this album are gonna fly by like nothing, but I’m also an impatient little bitch and want something/anything at all to sustain my hype. im manifesting an 8.4 from pitchfork but expecting a 7.7.
  5. Ew I hate that for us these 2 weeks will fly by, though, at least. Literally only more Friday where we don’t have the album! Surreal!
  6. what are you considering the trailer? The Chemtrails video teaser? im surprised and only mildly disappointed that it hasn’t leaked yet.
  7. I’m obsessed. Shes giving me Nicole Dollanganger levels of sadcore pop and I’m not gonna lie I stan this kinda music. Golden Age is a great song.
  8. He just seems like a weirdo which is pretty cool tbh
  9. It’ll go by so quick! Weeks turn like pages of a book! I can’t believe it hasn’t even been a year since the announcement, this prerelease feels like it’s been going on a while longer. it’s so exciting though. I really hope we get a trailer, even if just to keep in line with her previous records. i have a feeling this album will be really good
  10. Hmmm. I normally wouldn’t do this but I’m the right amount of stoned and exhausted and I’m not ready to fall asleep. 11. lmlylaw (I actually like it but I’m manifesting it as the worst track on the album just cuz) 10. For Free (a wonderful cover but it’s not an original) 09.Dance Till We Die (probably good, but it sounds like it could be cheesy) 08. BUS (already much maligned by many, I think it has the potential to surprise us. I love slide guitar so I’m hoping it’s prominent. Also as the albums shortest track it won’t wear out it’s welcome if it isn’t a fan favorite. 07. COCC (it’s amazing and one of her most mesmerizing songs, but am I wrong for hoping everything surpasses it? If the rest of these songs surpass the title track it will be an excellent record for sure) 06. Wild at Heart (it’s amazing if it’s a David Lynch reference. I’m not fearful of Lana dipping her toes into country music. There is plenty of amazing country out there that is nothing like top 40 country and I know the Lana Del Rey version of country music will be cool as hell) 05. Yosemite (it’s iconic that we are finally getting this legendary unreleased track, but because it’s been made myth by fans, could it possibly live up to its hype? Only time will tell, but it’ll be thrilling to find out either way) 04. TJF (love the snippet we’ve heard. Sexy and sultry but not in an in your face kinda way. More demure. Also the original title track so it’s gotta be pretty cool, right?) 03. White Dress (pretty much on par with #2. Referencing her life prior to fame is new territory for her official releases and a territory I think we have all wanted her to dance through for some time now. Expectations are high and I expect them to be fulfilled) 02. Dark But Just a Game (the subject matter is cool and it could be ominous in the way her Lizzie moments/performances were) 01. Not All Who Wander... (potential LOtR reference, gives me pastoral folk energy and I need Lana to have her Vashti Bunyan/Linda Perhacs moment)
  11. Y’all would be lucky if this bitch references Lord of the Rings past the title. A lord of the rings/Lana crossover would send me into the stratosphere. It’s my most anticipated song BECAUSE it’s a lord of the rings reference. If someone had this pasted on their kitchen wall I would know I was in the home of someone with TASTE. Lana HOPES this song is even 1/8 as magical as “Into the West” by Annie Lennox.
  12. I think the end of Chemtrails will actually go really nicely into TJF. It ends with just the drums and then silence and then out of nowhere “you should stay that close to Jesus” comes through. I think abrupt start of Tulsa works nicely that way.
  13. ^ Can confirm, just called it.
  14. The snippets of music in the trailer have me hyped. It sounds so good.
  15. Honestly if Lana said yes to this and then doesn’t do it it will really bum me out. I love the song, but it’s less about not getting the song and more about Lana letting her friend down like that. She mentioned going on tour and making all these beautiful connections with artists in the Midwest and if that was a crock of shite it would speak more negatively to her character than any political comments she’s made (which actually don’t bother me at all because I don’t necessarily disagree with her regarding the ones I’ve read). that being said I’m not privy to this situation at all and can’t make judgement calls on anyone lol so until more info is revealed I’ll just keep hoping she actually lends her voice to this great song
  16. honeymoon found dead in a ditch I really want white dress. Like real bad. The teaser gives me everything. I wonder who directed it, or is it already confirmed to be chuck or something?? edit: Oh wait, it’s summertime guy. I remember that now. Regardless it looks like a serve, and if I like it as much as I think I will it might outsell the Chemtrails video for me.
  17. then I’ll have to fact check the first thing! the second... well, we shall have to agree to disagree on that. I guess the thing that’s baffling to me is that Sia thought this movie was a good idea, that investors thought this movie was a good idea, and that no one with power at any point was like “maybe we should change things up a bit here because this seems like it could be a problem”. That’s the rich, blind, elite for ya I guess. Thinking they are making a good, important film, and doing a service towards people with autism when in reality they are out of touch.
  18. It maybe wouldn’t be such an issue that the autistic character was played by a non autistic person if it wasn’t actually offensive as fuck. But it kind of is. Even just watch the trailer. I can’t imagine sitting through an entire movie of Maddie pantomiming a non verbal autistic person like that. It just feels wrong. And then there is the fact that she included archaic and WRONG methods of subduing an autistic person in the film and had the film instruct people to do these things. And then of course on top of all that the movie is supposed to be uninteresting and be written terribly. I am not at all for cancel culture, and I don’t think Sia should be cancelled but it absolutely is a poorly conceived, a poorly written, and offensive movie, and not in the *oh ur just too sensitive about this kind of stuff* way lol. I also have nothing against Maddie and I think she’s a lovely dancer and potentially a good actor too, but I’d just need to see her in something that isn’t this. I can’t comment and don’t care to comment on her relationship with sia. edit: removed an untrue statement from my post
  19. I’m going insane reading off topic tasteless opinion after off topic tasteless opinion when I SHOULD be reading the intelligent fans praising white dress and the plebes dissing it. Lock this thread until the 18th. We are all tired.
  20. no, no, see, that would be cool. Cool things don’t happen here. We keep dreaming up cool things and sharing these cool things with the group, but none of the cool things ever happen.
  21. Honestly it got a “meh” review from them and then that one irrelevant person from jezebel but apart from that I think everyone was too focused on her dumb assery to even mention the song. I get the impression it’s actually generally well received as a song. We shall see though.
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