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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. domandapiano


    I’m intrigued but I’m not excited. I loved melodrama but it kind of aged like milk for me. the songs are good but they feel left in that year if you know what I mean and I never really want to listen to them.
  2. I think post high as hope she said she was takin a little break (good for her but sad for us). She’s the other artist alongside Lana that I get overwhelmingly hyped for her records.
  3. I wanna read ittttt. It’s supposed to be out for subscribers today so it’s gotta be out soon.
  4. Yep! I’ve read the whole thread all day including your opinions! Im glad you’re liking it! I meant no offense, and I certainly don’t think preconceived notions can’t be shattered!
  5. I just think it’s easy to tell who will and won’t like the album before we’ve even heard it just based off of the discussions we have been having leading up to its release. I haven’t heard it yet, and reading every one’s opinions so far, everything lines up pretty much as I would have expected it to, those who I thought would like it like and those who I didn’t think would like it don’t. It’s not a bad thing. Just a thing.
  6. I wanna listen but I’ll wait to get through my shift tonight and then get nice and stoned and sink into it. I’m a big folk fan so I have anticipated this record very greatly, and I think there is a chance it might take my #1 Lana spot. I love all her stuff but I don’t view HM and UV as flawless masterpieces as some do, handful of skips on both, and I think for no other reason than tastes this might be the one for me.
  7. So my only question is is this leak high quality? Like flac? I haven’t listened and I don’t wanna link, but just for my own knowledge is it as high quality as it can be?
  8. I either want to hear the record or read someones thoughts about the record whose heard it. I’m over the mystery, I’m over the silence I NEED INFOOOOOO
  9. Yeah at this point I feel pretty confident it’s radio silence till the album is out
  10. the absolute iconicness of it all. One of the best records I’ve ever heard.
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