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About Youandme

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  • Birthday 01/04/1991

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  1. Yeah, you keep bringing her up even though no one is talking about her... Being a "Marian stan" doesn't mean you're a stupid person... Fucking *****
  2. No, Lana's voice is not deep at all. I think it's good that she's singing with her middle and high range more because that's her natural voice. You can tell she's faking/pushing her voice to sound lower but she fails 80% of the time. If not look at Summertime Sadness/Ride she hits the lowest note at least 7 times in each song but live she can't even do it once! She even had to change the key of the song in the US tour to handle singing that way so many times. She should embrace her high voice, cause that's where she sounds the most beautiful and natural. If she keeps pushing out low notes/trying to sound deep she will end up destroying her voice.
  3. As long as she's not singing Summertime Sadness/Ride or Burning Desire, yes live versions are better.
  4. You don't need too. Just go suck Lana's dick and she'll give it to you for "free".
  5. None of those songs sound like jazz to me, especially Ultraviolence which has a very basic chord progression/vocals. West Coast is like a mix of Rock/Surf (Paradise/Aka). They're only produced differently but it's very similar to her old music.
  6. The verses sound too similar to Silent Hill which is fucking cool. I'm glad she's using her baby voice again cause it's beautiful. And I hope we get a very dark and disturbing video, it would fit perfectly with this song.
  7. Isn't the Dan Auerbach mix the one from her lyric video?
  8. In my opinion none of them. Someone completely new will probably come in the future and become the biggest/influential singer/performer. None of this girls really have classics that will be remembered years from now like "Like a Virgin" etc... And I don't think Adele should be on this list, Adele is not a pop star and if she is remembered it will be like Whitney/Nina Simone, nor really "stars" but women with great voices. The only ones who have been relevant for many years from your list are Beyonce/Shakira, the others are just starting including Rihanna. Beyonce's fan base will never die out and she has one of the best voices in the industry even after singing for so many years she's still at her peak today vocally. And Shakira is already a Latin legend getting stronger and stronger specially with the world cup coming soon, she has the talent to be even greater. BTW thank you @@Viva for not including Brittany Spears, I'm sick of people calling her Princess of Pop, she's very far from being that.
  9. Those are approx ranges, 98% of singers in that list can go higher or lower than that, and Lana's range there is very accurate. Her highest and lowest notes are on Paradise.
  10. ??? Kill Kill was written years ago????
  11. lol Lana is not stupid fans will buy anything there's people that don't even own a vinyl player and still buying the box-set
  12. 1. You and me 2. You and me 3. You and me 4. You and me 5. You and me 6. You and me 7. You and me 8. You and me 9. You and me 10. You and me 11. You and me 12. You and me 13. You and me Deluxe 14. You and me 15. You and me 16. You and me
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