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About lilmango

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  • Birthday June 2

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    lost in my bedroom
  • Interests
    fiction writing, the sixties/seventies, anything cute, animals (all of them, even the ugly ones, even spiders), dyeing my hair, weed, glitter, carnivals, tattoos, alice in wonderland, unicorns, anything nintendo
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  2. nvm accidentally double commented
  3. national anthem demo. i think it was the second one, it's the one with that sexy guitar riff and the more upbeat drums
  4. lilmango

    Never Have I Ever

    lol well my family are immigrants on both sides, but i'm white so it's probably safe to say that somewhere down the line, that may have happened :/ never have i ever accidentally sent a text shit talking somebody, to the person that i was shit talking (thank god) (knock on wood)
  5. i don't think a single person has mentioned pin up galore yet (may have missed it) but it's always gonna be not only my favorite unreleased lana track but my favorite lana song, period. it's just... so perfectly evocative. the recording i prefer is the live one, or at least i think that's what it is because it sounds like she's in a room with the band at the same time but... i don't know. it's just sexy, melancholy, wistful, and brooding all at once yet it's not so brooding that it loses its fun. i actually plan on getting a tattoo of a retro-style teal green trailer with christmas lights on it because of that song. i hope she'd approve.
  6. sorry if people have said this before (i've gone through this whole thread, read every post lmao it was the reason i joined but i could have missed something cause i smoke weed a lot lmao) but i always figured High By The Beach was about fame. "boy, look at you lookin' at me/i know you don't understand [...] now you're just another one of my problems, because you got out of hand" like she realizes the media/GP doesnt "get" her and she's said a few times that all she wanted was to be like, a poet, so i feel like HBTB was written out of a place of frustration when she was feeling like the fame she wanted before is just causing problems for her now. and "the truth is i never bought into your bullshit when you would pay tribute to me" like she never really believed the music journalists when they fawn over her now because they all shit on her before and she knows that it's all so fickle and people will just repeat whatever pitchfork (or whoever) says. like "oh sure y'all like me now and pretend you always did but i remember when i was a literal laughingstock" it's one of those songs she's got where she's talking to a man but it's very obvious, at least to me, that it's one of her relationship-as-metaphor songs, it's more obvious than others hahah but hey that's just my two cents
  7. lilmango

    Never Have I Ever

    okay, i took a look through the first few pages of this board and didn't see a thread for this so hopefully i'm not starting a new thread for no reason lmao. but i'm really bored and feeling nostalgic for college so i thought i'd start a rousing game of Never Have I Ever. the person above you posts something they've never done, you say if you have or not, then post your own! p sure we all knew how to play but just in case lol. i'll start. never have i ever had or used a fake ID.
  8. oooh a 9!! v pretty photo and a nice edit (assuming that's an edit since it's soooo bright and pink)
  9. umm, no not a COFFEE grinder, but i have a weed grinder.... hehe do you own any pairs of Vans?
  10. how dare she write something so painfully relatable. who told her to embody my soul like this
  11. this is crazy pedantic i know im sorry but i think it's "sloe gin fizz"
  12. could it be "ocean grown"? that's what the OG stands for in strains of weed like OG kush, it's not "original gangsta" like a lot of people think haha.
  13. bumpin' old threads like it's my job, i know, but: i am fully prepared to accept that "i'm a four-alarm fire" is the lyric bc it actually makes sense lol, but before this forum, i always thought it was "baby i'm a foreign on fire", like a foreign car? i know it's a little weird but i've heard rappers refer to them as just "a foreign" a few times before, so idk. probably wrong, but it still kind of sounds like that to me. just a thought.
  14. just out of curiosity do you mean gemini, cancer, or specifically gemini-cancer cusp? as an early-june gemini, i fully understand if you meant gemini lmao but in my experience gemini/cancer cusps are always so lovely and sweet and warm and i feel like it fits her perfectly. i couldn't see her as a full on gemini OR cancer, her being both suits her perfectly hehe
  15. ok!! i'm obviously new but i have two questions: first, in your sig, does adding a photo/gif/whatever count as a line of text? i ask cause i tried to add a one-line quote underneath my gif in my sig earlier, and it told me i couldn't because you can only have one line of text. secondly, sorry if a million noobs always ask this question but i'm just curious, at what point are you allowed to edit your own little tagline/title thingy? like where it says "member" or in my case "newbie" a lot of people have their own custom phrase, i've been on other forums that use this same hosting service or whatever you'd call it but i think the rules are different on all of them, so i was just wondering thank u in advance
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