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Everything posted by daytonadeath

  1. so... her best show vocally and I was there. I cried a lot btw, look how dangerous us South American were lol we made her comfortable af. Everytime that a song ended, ppl started to scream "Lana, eu te amo" (Lana, I love you). I really think that this was one of her favorites shows
  2. Off to the Races 19 Blue Jeans 16 Video Games 44 Dark Paradise 12 Carmen 12 Million Dollar Man 36 Summertime Sadness 11
  3. Honeymoon 32 God Knows I Tried 27 Salvatore 32 The Blackest Day 38
  4. that's one of her shittiest interviews LOL They're just saying that she's too shy to use a bikini bc of the papparazzis, that she loves us for our "energy" and the way that we always face things with cheerfulness. She also said that she wanna go to the Pearl Jam concert, and Vogue also said that she drank draft beer at a expensive bar. Oh, and she dyed her roots in a fancy saloon and painted her toe nails baby pink so... nothing relevant
  5. Well, I just think that it's kinda xenophobic how some of her fans talk about south american fans (aka latin fans) Of course there's bad ppl in all countries, but ppl (mostly americans) always talk shit about her fans from Brazil, for example. I think that it's kinda fucked up to see this shit and stay quiet. Like, of course we get excited when Lana come here to South America, she's always on europe/USA.
  6. hmm there's people from south america living in the USA, so...
  7. I mean, it's better than some of the political pop songs out there, but it's not a communist manifesto lol
  8. Can I be honest? I do love Lana, and I want to see her happy, but her "sad songs" are better than her "happy songs". I mean, compare the lyrics of honeymoon (song) and lfl (song) Oh, and I want to see a lot of songs inspired by the poetry of sylvia plath And I want to see REAL political songs (I mean, she made some good ones, but I want to see her doing something really good, like "people have the power" by patti smith)
  9. LOL at the american saying bullshit about her fans here in south america. One of you guys broke into her house and the other tried to kidnap her
  10. Her craziest fans are from the USA. One wanted to kidnap her, the other broke into her house. South american fans may be kinda crazy, but we're not psycho like the ones from the USA
  11. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/mar/15/marielle-franco-shot-dead-targeted-killing-rio this article is great. It shows why the police do not like her. The police here in brazil is disgusting. "Brazil suffered 61,600 homicides in 2016, according to a new analysis of federal data released on Monday. And as violent crime continues to plague the country, Brazilian police forces are becoming increasingly lethal at an even faster rate. Brazilian police killed 4,224 people in 2016, 26 percent more than in 2015, according to the 11th Annual Brazilian Yearbook of Public Security. (The numbers were first reported by Globo News.) The number of total homicides, by contrast, rose 3.8 percent. By comparison, there were roughly 17,000 homicides in the United States in 2016. Police shot and killed at least 963 people, according to The Washington Post’s database on police shootings. The U.S. population outnumbers the Brazilian population by about 110 million people. More than one-fifth of Brazil’s 2016 police killings occurred in the state of Rio de Janeiro, which hosted the Summer Olympics last year. Police in the state killed 925 people ― 43 percent more than in 2015, outpacing the state’s 24 percent jump in overall homicides. By raw numbers, the various forces that police Rio state ― including civil, military and pacification police ― are Brazil’s deadliest, and will likely kill even more people in 2017. By the end of August, they had killed at least 712 people, according to The Wall Street Journal, putting them on pace for more than 1,000 killings by year’s end. (...) Homicides take a particular toll on young, black Brazilians, both inside and outside favelas, where roughly 70 percent of residents are black or multiracial. Every 23 minutes, a black Brazilian child is the victim of homicide, according to a Senate report released last year; other reports show that black Brazilians overall are 23.5 percent more likely to die in homicides than members of other groups. Police violence is no different: Last year, across Brazil, 76 percent of the victims of police killings were black, and 80 percent were between the ages of 12 and 29, according to the data released Monday. (Previous studies have shown similar rates in Rio state, specifically.)" https://www.huffpostbrasil.com/entry/brazil-police-violence-madonna-rio_us_59f9dc68e4b0d1cf6e91f1ef All Cops Are Bastards ACAB
  12. she was shot by the police. She was fucking amazing. Rest in power #MariellePresente
  13. I think I've never talked with you, but I saw that you like banks and you look really nice. So... yes!
  14. Cruel World - 24 Ultraviolence - 26 Shades of Cool - 34 Brooklyn Baby - 22 West Coast - 26 Sad Girl - 17 Pretty When You Cry - 37 Old Money - 8 Black Beauty - 49
  15. Honeymoon - 27 God Knows I Tried - 34 Salvatore - 31 The Blackest Day - 37
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