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Thunder Revenant

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Everything posted by Thunder Revenant

  1. I'm sure there is no video. Those were some scenes they seemingly filmed during UV and he put BN over them and uploaded them on Insta. I don't get how you guys can be fooled so easily, it's not like it would be a common thing for Lana to release many music videos
  2. Yeah, I also thought about this. Would be a classic Lana-cover. Maybe in the style of her Y&B live performances. That would be hillarous!
  3. I guess people aren't just talking about the critical acclaim or the sales but the fact that noone really bothered HM came out. Even though she appeared in some magazines, none of those appearances were really noticed, she's not really having radio prsesence, no interesting interviews or TV/Radio performances, noone outside the fan community really noticed HM exists. It's there and it's nice to have it but nothing about it was big or very interesting in the long term.
  4. the thing is that is was acclaimed, but noone really got excited for it.
  5. You got me wrong: Of course it was obvious, but i just don't see why they had to make that connection. Everything in this season is so meh to me, all of the plotlines are the typical horror stories without any kind of interesting content and all of the "horror" content is extremely cheap. And then they have to get this mediocre cliche stuff and taint the old seasons ... It's not tthat I don't understand it, I just really dislike it.
  6. I got that, but still it annoys me they can't leave the season alone. It happens for 0 reason. The link between season 2 and 4 really made some sense, but this is unneccecary. And the way they link season one to it is annoying aswell.
  7. Thanks, that's exactly what I meant. I guess it's an amazon.de problem though. I found a place to order it, thanks guys.
  8. It's a shame this lame season isn't bad enough on it's own, but also has to destroy previous seasons. Keep this sh*t out of Murder House and Coven!
  9. Just a silly question: Where is that "crush me" line from everyone here used in the status bar?
  10. Her music is generic and her music videos are pathetic. I don't need no media to see this.
  11. "Talented Twerker & Attention Whore Miley sings a very mediocre cover of Video Games" Fixed that for you
  12. Are physical versions of The Fool very rare or is there a special european shop where you can order the CD? I only find the option to get it as an import ...
  13. You are perfectly right, she may have had other plans with it or maybe she never even wanted to release it. And leaks like this can be dangerous because they could trigger a Black Beauty effect. But no, being part of the system just makes you lose the right to complain about leaks. Especially considering the fact you brag with your unreleased material by using it as an icon.
  14. Yeah, but you HAD the song, which is something I'm sure she wouldn't want and I now everyone's allowed to hear it it's a problem for you and you complain because the leak might have an effect on her career. Easy to play the moralizer if you had the content everyone else couldn't hear until now. I am not defending people who hack/steal/whatever stuff and leak it, but if you are part of exactly this system and then complain about it, it's kind of hypocritical.
  15. "There's nothing wrong with someone having unreleased photos or music" No, But it's easy to complain about a leak, when you yourself belong to a privileged group that already has the song. That's the hyprocritical part.
  16. Even if it may be our hobby to tell people they are of lesser intellect, I am not stupid. Of course I know there is a difference between hysterical teen girls and gays and people with mental issues. But nowadays, it's a legit behaviour as a fan to lose any kind of distance towards your star you usually would have towards strangers. People tell them super personal stuff, when they meet them they break down in their arms crying, they hug and kiss them etc. These fans are not dangerous and don't stalk her, but I personally don't think this is a "healthy" behaviour, especially because it's something that's considered normal, if not neccecary amongst some fanbases. And I think this could definitly lower the inhibition level of people who are already mentally unstable to completely snap out.
  17. I'm not pressed. It's just pathetic when someone who needs to show off he himself has unreleased content complains about people having stuff that they are not meant to have. She officially released it on her YT now, maybe she already had it uploaded already and that's how the leakers got it. That would make it very likely she wanted to release it soon either way.
  18. Stop complaining when you yourself have an unreleased outtake from a Lana photoshoot as a user icon.
  19. She just uploaded it to her YT channel. Either way becaus eof the leak or maybe she planned to suprise-release it anyway.
  20. Terrible ... But I'm not too suprised. People scream at her face and start to cry like little babys when they see her, they hurt other fans in order to get a good spot during concerts and they harass people on social media if they notice they have something to do with Lana. Only a matter of time until some of them completely snap out. I hope Lana's safe and those "fans" get their sh*t together,
  21. Does anyone around here have a zip/masterpost with the Casper Balslev photoshoot? Someone messed up the Marina-wiki-page and the photoshoot threads in the altboards/marinaboards galleries are incomplete. I would be extremely thankful <3
  22. She should just finally embrace the fact she's supposed to sing over rock-ish instrumentals. Stuff like her Yayo-rock-version, her Body Electric - rock version, her Heart-Shaped-Box cover, the unknown song she rehearsed during the Paradise tour in Russia or the OTTR live version during the ES tour. Instrumentals with power and drive. She did a good step in that direction with UV but she should go further. Something that really .. rocks! It goes along with her voice so well and it would be a great change after Honeymoon.
  23. OTTR lyrics SOUND nice but their message is not really any better than "there's only 24h in a day". VG is a great song but, again, I don't find the lyrical content very impressing.
  24. I admit that this line is stupid but the rest is the usual Lana business
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