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Thunder Revenant

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Everything posted by Thunder Revenant

  1. Depends on your taste. The first season is the one that actually fits the title most. The second one is veeery "horror". The third one is not that serious anymore, but still very good. Season 4 was ... nice and I don't think it deserves the shit it got, but it's definitly the weaker one.
  2. She bought back the rights atfer it was taken down from the market, before Born To Die if I'm not wrong. She talked about re-releasing it at some point, but this was before UV got released, so I doubt it will ever happen.
  3. Honeymoon - 12 Music To Watch Boys To - 17 Terrence Loves You - 14 God Knows I Tried - 16 High By The Beach - 15 Freak - 14 Art Deco - 17 Religion - 15 Salvatore - 17 The Blackest Day - 16 24 - 15 Swan Song - 16 Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - 11
  4. The only other options I see are Honeymoon (which would be the VHS footage) or Terrence Loves You (which is something I highly doubt would turn out interesting). The Blackest Day would be great, since you could really develop a plot around this song, but I doubt we'll have a video for it. Salvatore would make a great video with a lot of summery imagery and Freak ... well, she could use the cult-footage for it and make it fit MTWBT.
  5. Well, the whole homewrecker thing is kind of random though ... Both Play Date and Cake would fit her two "love affairs" she has during the album, Cake most likely belonging to the "Alphabet Boy" and "Play Date" to the Training Wheels Guy. Teddybear is a story on it's own, maybe be prologue for the Tag,You're It story. Mrs. Potato Head goes along with the theme of Dollhouse, the upper class people feeling the need to keep a shiny facade. And Mad Hatter ... well, it's ind of a fitting end for a story like this, especially since the whole album has this Alice in Wonderland-esque feeling with a mix of child-like motives and melodies, mixed up with teenager/adult-topics. So the only song from the last third of the record that doesn't really fit the story is Pacify Her. It's a great song, but it doesn't really add anything to the story, nor does it make sense that she becomes a Homewrecker after she just got abducted, sexually harassed and killed the guy who did this.
  6. Less interviews, TV and radio appearances, music videos etc etc because the artist doesn't care for promo anymore is a problem. If an artist stops caring about sales and this means he will do stuff which usualyl wouldn't sell that well, that's ok. But if "caring for sales" means fans get something to see/hear, I'm definitly here for promo.
  7. MTWBT is one of her weakest music videos so far. Everything's so random and there is no f*cking atmosphere at all. The way the scenes themselfes are, they COULD be cut in a way that would at least fit the music, but they decided to just put random scenes together. Instead of Lana looking flawless watching boys we get some random scenes of her smiling happily or chilling in a garden without even trying to pose in an interesting way plus a super awkward shot of her playing the guitar. The MALE models are unneccecary since they don#t really get the attention they should get and the underwater scenes are nice but the way they are used makes them less interesting and enchanting than they could be. Unlike Ultraviolence or Ride it doesn't even try to be something it's not. It's just ... there and not exciting at all. Shame, the song could have been used so well. Like, Lana observing the guys and then taking them for a sailing trip or to a lonely beach and then the underwater sirens appear and drag the boys down, while Lana goes off to search for some new prey. Or if they didn't want to take a story-telling video, they could have something better in terms of vibes, music-fitting images and stuff.
  8. I think that's a problem. The idea of "sinister smiling" is great, but the way she smiles is not .. sinister, sexy or mysterious.
  9. Yeah but fo example just the fact she's always smiling is .. unfitting. Not that I don't like her smiling but ..yeah, it's unfitting for the atmosphere of thesong. And yeah, if the scenes would have been cut in another way, they maybe would have went along better with the song. But the way it is, it's not really very atmospheric in my opinion.
  10. Hm ... am I the only one who doesn't think it's that great? The underwater scenes are nice but their use seems random and they don't really fit the rest of the video. It's obvious they were shot for something else. Unerwater Lana looks great but .. yeah. I'd LOVE to see the original UV video even more now. Then we have the boys. I'd actually expected her to WATCH them but that doesn't really happen, so these scenes are kind of pointless as they only appear a few times. Then the scene in the garden. That could have been great if you'd actually see her watching something but she's just randomly lying there and singing. No atmosphere evoked by these shots, the only nice part is the one where she stretches her arms and sings along during the second chorus and the two scenes during the last chorus where she takes a zip of her cocktail and puts on her headphones. And I don't get why these scenes are in b/w. After the logo in the intro of the song, it would have made sense to see this shot in color, or at least from the point on where she puts on her headphones. And those scenes with her "glittering" and sometimes singing along are unneccecary aswell, not looking too great or special and she's not even constantly along. The video is too random for my taste. Black/white LQ scenes, mixed with LQ color scenes and HQ color scenes. Firls making out underwater, boys playing basketball at the beach, Lana listening to music. She's not really lipsincing nor is she really acting or posing in an interesting way apart from a few exceptions. The scenes where she smiles feel especially unfitting for the vibe of the song which is more like bored/bitter/cool. The shots of this video would have had potential, but the way it was cut so anticlimatic and edited and generally directed destroy it. It's a nice video, but I would not miss it if it wasn't there. Definitly inferior to the hillarious HBTB video everyone whined about.
  11. Calm down gurl. I just replied to an utterly overreaction of yo, because someone called Lana a "diva". Pls go back and read your postings and then read mine and tell me who is the harsh one.
  12. Hahaha, I don't know if you're actually serious or if this is supposed to be a joke. It's funny either way, since the only one being angry here is you.
  13. Either way you can't read or you are super overprotective. She definitly IS a diva. That's not a bad thing and the reason for it may be the sh*t the press has given her, but still she behaves diva-esque towards certain people. Many female stars do this. And pls, this is a Lana Del Rey forum, not a"appreciate everything Lana Del Rey does without questioning it" forum. If you are already so offended by someone talking about Lana's personality in a polite way, especially when it's connected to a recent interview, then I really don't want to see hoe you react when people here ACTUALLY trash Lana for something.
  14. Ok so next time I hear someone talk shit abou black people, trans people, gays or womemn I will ask them if people that belong to one of the group have ever offended him. Because in this case, that's seemingly ok then
  15. Because the whole pic is b&w ... But yeah, this other pic she posted, where we just see her with those colorful lights ... it also has those BJ teas
  16. It's obviously a new pic. She's taking off/putting on those headphones
  17. Sorry, but everytime i see her look and the way she acts it strikes me again.
  18. I completely agree, noone should attack people like this. But still, that doesn't justify the way she rants. Especially not if she herself is so sensitive about so many things. If you feel opressed when someone calls you a bitch, then don#t use the term faggot. Simple as this. I think it's incredible how some people get destroyed for just one sentence like this ,even if it may be much less rude and she gets away with it all the time because she keeps playing the victim the second someone critisizes her behaviour. Oh and pls this"If gay people weren't such hypocrites in the first place then she wouldn't have to defend herself against them" is such a cringy sentence. Just becaus esomeone is an asshole towards you and calls you slurs, doesn't mean you have to be an asshole yourself and use slurs against a group of people. "He called ma a :) bitch, now I'm going to call him a worthless white trash faggot!" Kindergarten kids learn that this is not a good way to behave. Oeple are extremely rude towards her, that doesn't change the fact that she's super rude herself and lashes out extremely quickly.
  19. I want her to go back to the cute tumblr Lolita persona instead of this pathetic "I'm such a serious artist and have a song so impactful no radio station wants to play it" attitude (and look ... like really, the old look was great, the new one's ew)
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