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Thunder Revenant

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Everything posted by Thunder Revenant

  1. Video Games - 26 Born to Die - 12 Blue Jeans - 10 National Anthem - 16 West Coast - 39 Shades Of Cool - 36 Brooklyn Baby - 17
  2. The album is really good. T think when she said it was closer to Paradise, she meant the more orchestral instrumentations and the overall "mood". However, Honeymoon is less dramatic and the songs are a little bit more "laid back". Vocally, it's closer to Ultraviolence, however it sounds much more .. mature. I love how SOME songs sound a bit more B-side-y, in terms that you wouldn't expect them to end up on an album like this, without further (over-)production. The lyrics are ok, I love how some of them finally aren't as submissive anymore (at least not all the time). Plus even though it's a very coherent album, every song really archieves it's very own vibe. Salvatore really has this Little Italy feeling, Music To Watch Boys To is a lounge-esque, tropical song which really makes it easy to envision her watching some guys. Swan Song also fits it's name a lot, judging her vocals and the vibe, sounding wistful, dark but yet beautiful. Freak is mysterious and sexy while Art Deco could play in one of these artsy scene clubs. 24 builds up from an almost jazz-y melody to a Bond song worthy chorus with those beautiful castanets and God Knows I Tried mixes the aspects of Western songs with Gospel influences. The first part of the album really feels like a very hot afternoon, crickets chirping, everything's a bit inactive because it's so hot etc. Then comes the "muddy-trap"part and after this the tracks shape up to be more cinematic. Honeymoon is a great album, I wouldn't go as far as saying it's her best one, but it definitly is a quality recording.
  3. I wonder which songsshe will perform ... I guess Honeymoon or Terrence Loves You could be likely, I really hope for The Blackest Day, 24 oor Religion.
  4. So we have the FULL album in HQ now? Even Salvatore (not as a Radio rip, with the full intro)? Can someone PM it to me?
  5. I really feel similar. It's maybe not a least favourite but.. I expected so much more and now it's not really doing much for me compared to the other songs. ___________________ Even though I like DLMBM as a cover (although I still feel like It's her weakest officially released cover), I think Swan Song would have been an excellent album closer.
  6. YOU DA REALMVP http://www.saavn.com/s/album/english/Honeymoon-2015/u6jmxWvQdyg_ This link doesn't have The Blackest day but 24
  7. can you rip 24 aswell? http://www.saavn.com/s/album/english/Honeymoon-2015/u6jmxWvQdyg_
  8. Andrew posted he will give TBD to someone who DMs him. Can anyone do this? He's not following me, so I can't
  9. It's still better than what we had so far. It's not like swallowing the whole production and instrumental.
  10. AHAHAHAHA laughing so hard at this xD She said she was suprised they chose this song, so I guess she personally doesn't have any recent plans with it.
  11. That would actually be so cool. Mermaid-esque. Like ... Lana's on the shore, watching boys (her "prey"). Then she gets them to swim with her (taking a trip on a boat, make out in the sea, whatever) and suddenly the other girls appear, dragging the boy under.
  12. Video Games - 26 Born to Die - 13 Blue Jeans - 13 National Anthem - 13 West Coast - 39 Shades Of Cool - 36 Brooklyn Baby - 16
  13. Well, the pictures of what seem to be the influences for the music video aren#t going along with the Pale Fire stuff, so I am much more doubtful about the underwater scenes than the models.
  14. I really hope so, but it could also just mean lana feels like releasing the pictures since the movie footage won't be released anyway ...
  15. God Knows I Tried is definitly about fame aswell. Or "the dark side", most likely talking about paparazzis. She sings about not being able to do anything (because they will follow her), wearing sunglasses even if it rains and being happy when she's finally alone. The song also blends into High By The Beach, which is a double entendre between a failed relationship and her "relationship" with the press. Honeymoon is about escaping everything together with your lover (including the negative media guys), Swan Song has a similar kind of topic and so does Freak. Terrence Loves You refers to Hollywood legends and David Bowie and I STILL think she uses his fate of "losing" Terry as a metaphor for the loss she herself is experiencing during the song. Art Deco is about someone who seems to be both "downtown famous" and unsure at the same time. Maybe she talks about herself. Another thing about this thing is that the lyrics seem like she's observing the person she sings about. During Music To Watch Boys To she herself is the one who observes and puts on a show, even though it's all just a game to her. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood's lyrics could be interpreted in a way similar to GKIT: the press sometimes takes things she says in a way they weren't intended or just misunderstand her. Also, it could mean that even though she sings about the dark side of fame on the album a lot, it doesn't mean she wants to come off as if she would hate everything about her career, she just wanted to express these feelings. I know it's just a cover, but I guess she chose it because of a certain reason. Like, The Other Woman's lyrics were clearly out of the view of the "Sad Girl" and not from the view of the cheated spouse. The only songs not really spotting something like this are the Blackest Day (apart from the Billie Holliday reference) and Salvatore (even this could represent the "Honeymoon" she sings about)
  16. Can't wait to hear some things from this album in HQ ... the second chorus of Freak with the saxophone, the chorus of 24 with the castanets and her "mmmmh"s, the whole Salvatore instrumental, the Swan Song chorus with all backing vocals ....
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