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Thunder Revenant

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Everything posted by Thunder Revenant

  1. Well, you can still hear some topics like this on The Grime And The Glow. For example being "a boy inside a girls body" is talked about in Noorus. Unknown Rooms is also quite similar, however this might stem from the fact that many songs from this album are older tracks (see VHS //) which she rerecorded/remastered (although it's strange she seemingly felt comfortable enough about THESE tracks) Pain Is Beauty is definitly hard to get, as far as it's about a topic. It has something to do with the union of nature (mostly catastrophes, as you can see in LONE) and artificiality (the electronic sound and the blue-ish visuals of LONE). It's also kind of about human evanescence compared to "it all". Abyss on the other hand definitly has both the self-doubt aspects from Unknown Rooms aswell as the surreal world of dreams and sleep paralysis. I think it's interesting to see that Abyss, unlike Pain Is Beauty, The Grime & The Glow or Apocalypsis, puts the focus on the lyrics again. So in the end, while "mistake in parting" was more like deressive everday-problems, she seemingly aims for a much bigger layer of topics.
  2. Of course you are right. I just think maybe she just doesn't want to do it anymore. That has nothing to do with respect for fans or anything, but shouldn't it be her right to cancel the event whenever she feels like doing it? Of course, it woul have been cool to announce it but still .. it's nothing people paid for so in the end I still don't think it's right to critisize her in any way. Especially the super vocal way some fans do.
  3. I get your point but still ... this whole drama is like complaining how you don't get free candy you usually wouldn't get anyway. Marina is not making anyone pay for her m&Gs, she's not promoting her tour with m&gs etc. It's a gimmick she offered because she likes her fans. Now she stopped doing it, because she didn't felt like doing it or because people were acting rude. It's not like she already chose people and then didn't turn up and left them staying in the cold or like she twittered about a M&G event and then didn't chose anyone. Oh and about "Marina means a lot to these kids" .. maybe it's cool if these kids get SOME kind of ... distance with their worship, like seriously look how they are acting at concerts or how they are super offended and vocal about stuff like the M&G or back when she couldn't come to Lolla. She never promised "I'll do M&Gs forever!" so in that case, it's no broken promise at all.
  4. Yeah, I also really think it's sad she feels like this. It's a very good album, however I can see that she doesn't want it to be "out there" because it's not fitting her "persona" at all. However, I remember she uploaded the album "Soundtrack VHS //" on bandcamp once, an album which she sold during early concerts and which featured some demos/early versions from "Unknown Rooms" (Gold, Virginia Woolfe Underwater, Armour Fell Asleep, The Way We Used To, Hyper Oz) as well as great unique songs (Feel Something, Drums & Heartbeats, A Downfall, Nean Green, Two Sides, Soundtrack VHS) talking about unreleased songs, this one is a wonderful one aswell
  5. At some gay guys screaming along the lyrics and you have every Marina or Lana concert ever.
  6. Nah I haven't. I hoped I could, but shortly before I attended the concert, she brought up the new M&G policy. I was disappointed but still ..it's not like I would pay to meet her or like it was her job to do it. If she decides to do a M&G, it's nice but in the end she doesn't have to do it. And liek I said before ... if you attend a concert and meet all those over-obsessive fans, you can somehow see why she doesn't want to meet all of them.
  7. Y'all act as if it was her duty to do M&G's. It's grateful of her to do it and judging from how extremely obsessive and annoying many parts of her fanbase is, it's understandable if she a) reduces these M&G's or b) even drops them. So many stars don't do any M&Gs. If you go to a Marina concert, you go there to hear her sing (or to scream lyrics in the ears of the people who'd actually love to hear her sing, if you're that kind of fan) and she's not owing anyone a M&G.
  8. Video Games - 35 Born to Die - 16 West Coast - 43 Shades Of Cool - 39 Brooklyn Baby - 24
  9. Thunder Revenant


    I have no problem with Adele. I actually really liked her first two albums, even though I may not listen to them regularly and I'm a huge fan of Skyfall. And i don't complain about the acclaim, I just can't understand it and more important I described how I personally feel about the song. Stop trying to brandmark me as something I'm not. Oh an by the way .. having a little bit of diversity in your music hasn't damaged ANY musician, so asking for it is not really harsh critisicm. I never said she needs to go more jazz, more cinematic, more techno, more whatever. I just feel like there was like 0 development between the last album and this song, this has nothing to do with her changing her style or not. At least that's how I feel about it. Please spare me with "the charts speak for themselves", I'm stating my opinion here and I don't have to like/dislike stuff based on how other people like or dislike them.
  10. Thunder Revenant


    I never said Adele has to do anything, I just stated my opinion. And i think you don't even have to do something completely new for each album, but you have to keep it interesting. And for me, Hello sounds like it was a reject from her last twentysomething album, and not even a very interesting one since it's just some 0815 Adele song. I am perfectly alright with her having success, but I can't really understand why everyone reacts to the song like it would be such a new, emotional song when we already have dozens of songs exactly like this one from her.
  11. Thunder Revenant


    You do feel very clever, right? But since you're not the new Supreme or anything, don't act like one. It was clear what I wanted to say. It's nothing ORIGINAL because it's not something new she came up with or anything. It sounds exactly like everything she's done before.
  12. Thunder Revenant


    It's strange to read how people react to Hello, when it sounds like a reject from her last album to me (and not even a very exciting one). Nice, but just the usual Adele stuff, nothing original or groundbreaking for me.
  13. Yeah but the way they do it is a super bland way and mostly going for the SHOCKING MOMENTS but in a quite cheap way. Not my taste.
  14. Ok, after this new episode of Hotel I'm really done with it. One dumb "shocking" horrormovie-cliché chases the next one, the whole setting is overdone, the characters are dull and the story's uninteresting. Freak Show was messy and the storyline was weak af but it's still more entertaining than this stuff. Putting more "horror" into Horrorstory again didn't really make it better since it's done in such a crude way.
  15. All this hating on Francesco is so stupid. You know neither him nor Barrie personally, nor do any of you actually know Lana. Let her date who she wants to date.
  16. Yeah, because Lana would never release an album and then only perform a few songs from it ...
  17. 01. Cruel World (shorter version) 02. Cola (crowd dive version) 03. Body Electric (rock version featuring a dance with Blake) 04. Blue Jeans (no string intro) 05. West Coast (lazy backdrop version) 06. Honeymoon 07. Born To Die (f*ck you hard in the pouring rain version) 08. Ultraviolence 09. Carmen 10. Chelsea Hotel N.2 (sitting down on a chair version) 11. Brooklyn Baby 12. Million Dollar Man ("jazz" version) 13. Terrence Loves You (sitting down at the edge of the stage version) 14. Young & Beautiful (DH orchestral version) 15. Video Games (shedding tears of emotion version) 16. National Anthem (collecting presents from the first row and then leave early version)
  18. So many good men wanted to collab with her .. and then they figured out she's great at ... shelving
  19. I think HBTB is a very strong song
  20. That doesn't mean that the production was finished at this point.
  21. You are right. But so far he seems to take the "mysterious, strange character" part, which is kind of exhausted and doesn't get more interesting if the character is a drag queen. But, yeah, we'll see.
  22. Doesn't change anything about the quality of the character in my opinion.
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