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Everything posted by WilshireBoulevard

  1. Mariners Apartment Complex - 19 + Venice Bitch - 24 California - 21 - Bartender - 78
  2. Mariners Apartment Complex - 19 + Venice Bitch - 23 California - 24 - Bartender - 77
  3. Not to derail the flow of convo with a dumb question, but what's people's take on the 'gatekeeper carelessly dropping my keys on my nights off' line from Hope? I remember articles kept on referring to it and saying it was meaningful, but I don't get it
  4. (OT this is a beautiful picture and I had to say so omg) I agree maybe she's morticia.... but also not. V looks done lmao.
  5. In fairness most of the people i see saying stuff like this when shit like this goes down aren't straight, they're in the lgbt community in some capacity. We're self aware i guess lol.
  6. For the uncertified trolls who think they're cool for a) being on this website for longer and/or b) spending way too much money to see her, they clutch their pearls at whatever makes them seem good and full of positive vibes, e.g. criticizing lana for anything ever. For the certified trolls a la the blue turnip, it's whatever will get a rise. Either way it's way too online, hypocritical, and pathetic. At least the blue turnip could be seen as performance art.
  7. It's really making me rethink her very young alcoholism
  8. Sorry but if you really don't see how it's racist to say this then you at least have to concede that it's xenophobic lol. I wouldn't go to the UAE for political reasons concerning human rights abuses. I wouldn't go to Russia for the same reasons. But I wouldn't not go to the UAE because I'm scared of terrorists when I'm more likely to be the victim of a random act of violence or organised act of terrorism in London than I am Abu Dhabi.
  9. Says the mouthpiece for the (currently) majority political party in the US
  10. Yea. With something I could change, albeit at a dent to my pride and pocket, I did. With something I couldn't (a relationship in which I was being taken for a fool, which it took me about a year to realize) I had to cut my losses. Do you have any creative outlets?
  11. Unless it's about being paid to be in a relationship to benefit the other person's career, I doubt it. This whole thing stinks of being set up for those purposes. I think she mentioned in the LA times interview that she never had this problem (paps) with a previous relationship she was in 'for years.' Nothing about this relationship feels real, except maybe the politics of it.
  12. Whenever I read the transcript of an interview I've watched with Lana, I'm always struck by how different she sounds in person. She's really the embodiment of 'it's not what you say, it's how you say it.' I doubt it had any of the stiffness that comes across when it's written.
  13. You also said this. Is Lana going to distribute her wealth before moving to a country with Sharia law after this concert? Because otherwise I don't see how mentioning how women are treated is a relevant response to someone saying that Abu Dhabi is a safe city to attend a concert in.
  14. No one is saying the UAE is a brilliant place to live or that they want to live under Sharia law, this is about how Abu fucking Dhabi isn't going to be an unsafe place for Lana to perform. The comment you quoted literally mentioned their laws related to LGBT people and said they don't agree with all their laws. Once again people (especially Americans) crowd the thread insisting that the U.S. and (western) Europe are the only safe places for her to perform concerts despite mass shootings being quite common in the U.S. and the Manchester bombing in the U.K. I made the same arguments during the whole Israel debacle- disagree with her performing in certain places because of their policies and calls for an international boycotts is fine, but saying you're scared for her safety when she travels west of France and south of Spain is ridiculous and, yes, has very overt racist undertones. I don't know why you're making this into a conversation about Sharia law. A lot of the parts in the UAE are much safer than the U.S. in terms of bombings and shootings and mass killings in general- insisting the U.S. is always safer is willfully ignorant.
  15. If I want to be served white republican cop-loving mom vibes this isn't the site I come to. It's very convenient that you ignored the top half of trayertrash's post to let us all know you lick the boots of corrupt, racial-profiling cops so we can all know you tweet god bless the president every morning post-2016, but if you want to rile people up for no good reason, facebook has a laugh react option so it's probably better there.
  16. I hope she burned all her ugly footwear and keeps serving these vibes
  17. Some of you are really willing to come out to bat for a racial-profiling republican cop because he gives off 'daddy vibes' huh churchome setting up dates now
  18. I think I remember you posting about that back when it happened. I'm very :/ about her friends and this is one of the big reasons why. I think that a church's views on the LGBT community may be something Lana just wouldn't think to look up, but that made me think her friends are definitely aware seeing as that was going on when celebrities were speaking out about boycotting the chains. I'm torn between thinking her friends are actively malicious, or just being overprivilged cishet white women who feel inconvinenced by LGBT people trying to maintain human rights in countries they probably couldn't place on a map (until they go there to live out their Sex and the City 2 adored white tourist fantasy).
  19. Yes Do you want to settle in a different country than where you are now?
  20. I know, but what I'm offering is a counterpoint. I don't think Lana should do anything more than maybe go to a church that is openly positive about LGBT people, less for her fans and more because that would be the right thing to do. I don't think she has an issue with gay people at all. I don't think she's obligated to acknowledge gay people in her fanbase either. I think it's easy to get caught up in lanaboard culture calling everyone gay, and as someone who's bi I think it's cool that there's that very open culture on here, but as a woman I get a bit :/ when I see people say that gays made her career or she should use a gay couple for a mv or write a song for her fanbase (not saying that you said that but I've definitely seen people seriously say that on her). I def agree with YUNGATA, women get pushed out of the picture, straight or not, and I just get a bit :/ when people try to push Lana out of the Lana picture too. edit to add that it's almost laughably cliche to point out that what teenage girls like gets made fun of (see twilight, taylor swift). Pretty much the only media that doesn't get torn to shreds is what's adored by straight white men.
  21. I think he was more uncomfortable because that guy was weird as hell and trying to be friends with a celebrity that went there for a professional interview and ended up having some randomer try and get her to be his hag. Win Edwards very much presents himself as not straight and she adores him. I don't know if this is a fair way to frame it. I'm not trying to diminish the impact gay people have had on her career but it's very shortsighted to assume they're the only reason she's successful. A lot, and I mean a lot of the lana fans I know in real life are straight teenage girls. Her music appeals to them a lot too, including ultraviolence.
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