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About Jiggy

  • Rank
    Tangerine Dreams

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  1. I never listened to NFR after September
  2. banned for dipping their toes in a shallow puddle of water on a rainy day in yunnan province of china
  3. Norman fucking Rockwell - 22 + Mariners Apartment Complex - 19 Venice Bitch - 22 Cinnamon Girl - 9 California - 20 - The greatest - 17 Bartender - 34
  4. Norman fucking Rockwell - 20 (+) Mariners Apartment Complex - 14 Venice Bitch - 20 Love Song - 11 (-) California - 18 The Greatest - 24 Bartender - 19 Happiness is a butterfly - 15
  5. Not enough time was spent on those designs to justify the prices... but if that's your jush then go for it
  6. hmmm, you could be right. Similar to the black lines from the binders on her poem scans.
  7. heck yes! It's so lazy which fucker submitted it It's a major album release not a school article sis could you make the effort to upload the right file.
  8. Norman Fucking Rockwell - 16 Mariners Apartment Complex - 12 Venice Bitch - 14 Fuck it I Love You - 12 Doin' Time - 7 Love Song - 11 Cinnamon Girl - 9 California - 10 The Next Best American Record - 1 The Greatest - 14 Bartender - 13 Happiness is a Butterfly - 10 hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it - 10
  10. lmaoo the cheek to ask me to pay to read that crock of shit
  11. It's the lack of bridges, her songs usually pop offf at the 2:50 mark but it seems like she's changing shit up a little
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