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Everything posted by lafleursauvage

  1. Don't know if this has already been posted but I found a new review on Stereogum!!! http://www.stereogum.com/1686631/premature-evaluation-lana-del-rey-ultraviolence/franchises/premature-evaluation/ "I liked Ultraviolence so much that I felt compelled to go back to Born To Die to figure out whether I’d been wrong about it the first time. "
  2. I think she says "and our sunshine"? At least that's what I hear
  3. Haha, my mother never really liked Lana that much. She thought the whole BTD album was just "drowsy" and "put her to sleep". But I showed her some UV songs last night and asked her to give me an honest opinion. She loved it. She'd always heard the Black Beauty demo version (b/c I fucking love that song lmao so i always played it...) and when I showed her the UV version she was all like "oh wow... this is gorgeous..." I think my job here is done
  4. Chelsea Hotel no. 2, Summer Wine, Blue Velvet, and Once Upon A Dream !
  5. “People say to the mentally ill, ‘You know so many people think the world of you.’ But when they don’t like themselves they don’t notice anything. They don’t care about what people think of them. When you hate yourself, whatever people say it doesn’t make sense. ‘Why do they like me? Why do they care about me?’ Because you don’t care about yourself at all.” - Richey Edwards This interview made me really, really sad. But if I'm being honest, it doesn't surprise me all that much. What does surprise me, however, is how open she is being here. And depending on how you look at it, this can be a good or a bad thing. As a fan it's quite... uncomfortable in a way, because here I am admiring her voice, her talent, uniqueness, songwriting abilities meanwhile.... she just doesn't love herself as much as we expect her to. Remember what she said in a recent interview: 'it's just sad because they care and I just don't..' I do believe she's struggling. I genuinely think she is hurting. Just because she has a platform of fame now, some money in her pocket, a "very large family" and a lot of people around her, doesn't mean she isn't struggling. I wish her true happiness. I wish I could be a part of that but it looks like it's too much of a far stretch. Also, the comments under that Guardian article really discouraged me. I mean.... really? Some of those people don't know what they're talking about. Hey, we can all have our opinions and it's fine if you think she's this way and that way or her music 'sucks' or whatever - okay, cool. Your problem, not mine, but blatantly disregarding her emotions and invalidating her struggles because she is famous? "poor little rich girl" is what they think. What people need to realize is that mental illness is just that: mental illness. It does not discriminate - when will people understand this? They don't get it, man. They don't get it
  6. Totally cried. I can't stop listening to this.
  7. Thank you for the translation!!! I love this interview.
  8. Yep, definitely about Barrie's depression. I've recently lost a friend and I've been listening to the demo version of this for so long. Now listening to the mastered version is just I think she wrote it about Barrie but it can also be interpreted as we wish "life is beautiful but you don't have a clue...."
  9. Feb last year! When was the last time you were this excited for your favorite artist's new album???
  10. Ultraviolence (duh) Taylor Swift's next album Adele's album That's all I can think of right now
  11. Oh my gosh! Lana and Kacey Musgraves is on the list! MY TWO FAVES!!!
  12. Still feeling kind of meh about the song. I don't hate it but I don't love it either. I do love the chorus, though, and the bridge is sooo pretty!
  13. I saw her in concert on May 13 and she was honestly great live!!! And her last BBC sessions, she did amazing, so I don't have any doubts this time around
  14. Yesterday actually! When was the last time you cried?
  15. i dn't know about you but the men I've known in my life are pretty unpredictable All a matter of subjectivity and perception i guess. Fine by me!
  16. No. Do you own a pair of Beats by Dr. Dre headphones?
  17. 131. that she likes to ride in every definition of the word (i'm going to hell for this)
  18. Hmmm judging from the BTD album - that was released ~ Jan 27 and she did the BBC Radio 1 sessions on Jan 22. So... I'm guessing bbc will release the date pretty soon. Give it a few more days i'd say
  19. No need, haha! If you're a Google Chrome user: 1. right-click the image, click "copy Image URL" 2. Open new tab 3. Paste image url in the browser/address bar 4. zoom in
  20. Noooo way, really? Wow... that is really something. Which website are you referring to? I am so curious now Is this really true? If so, then you have done incredible research loool. Do you have a source for this information? I just want to dig my teeth in deeper, that's all
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