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boom like that

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Everything posted by boom like that

  1. boom like that

    Charli XCX

    I never post anything in here because it scares me but I wanted to say The Party's Never Over is so good and I didn't know I needed it in my life till now
  2. Got really into her last year. Collection and For Young Hearts are my favorite albums by her. Clean felt kinda lacking in a few songs even though its her most popular album. Color Theory she stepped it up though, it was a new direction and I thoroughly enjoyed it
  3. Serious note though two of them are gonna be the picture disc and the walmart exclusive so that leaves two more mystery ones Can't wait to order the strawberry milkshake marble 7 Eleven exclusive and white pearlescent starbucks exclusive w/ a free COCC tumbler
  4. I'm not sure about you guys but thats not "pale green" to me The gorgeous HM twin that is the red vinyl remains unbothered
  5. Just the red one from Target. I only need one vinyl for each album. And I find that all the other variants look ugly from not just the cover but vinyl colors aswell. Don't know what possessed her to make 50 shades of musty mildew Pastel green sounds cute but UO also sold the NFR! pink as a peptobismol pale pink but then it came out as a hot pink so I don't trust them anymore
  6. Walmart exclusive Walmart sold me the LFL boxset for cheap so they can get it
  7. Preordered the red finally The cover is so gorgeous its gonna look so beautiful in my collection Also on the Target site it said it was Target exclusive meaning probably just exclusively at Target in NA. I guess that means the UO one will be different if UO even has one this time around. Honestly though, I'm really down with Target getting the alt this time over UO because UO is kinda a disgusting company.
  8. edit: @99centlips just saw you quoted me aswell thank you for the heads up aswell
  9. So I actually couldn't secure a red vinyl before they sold out and I can't justify spending 64.99 + 5 dollar shipping from the JBHifi store when HMV was selling it for like 20 pounds. Its also only one disc for the album so paying anything 30+ is insane. Placing my bets UO or Target will carry the version but I contacted a Target customer service guy and he was completely clueless and told me to call their phoneline tomorrow so theres that
  10. Legit!! I felt so bad pestering my friend who will then have to ship it to me in March I'll gladly buy it off Target if they sell it here
  11. Wait if its gonna be at Target should I wait for that to go up cause I'll definitely wait Already feel really bad for bothering my UK friend to help me with this
  12. I told myself I wasn't going to preorder anymore vinyls before actually listening to her albums in complete but here I am at checkout ordering the HMV vinyl with my clown nose on
  13. This is so cool! Not abusing mod status is such a hard thing to do and I know that cause I abused the shit out of it every time I was a mod But you two for sure are gonna be great mods, literally such great additions congratz @Clampigirl @takeitdoen !!
  14. I'm so excited for Iron Gates Violet was amazing and the production was just next level and Iron Gates already seems to be an elevated version of Violet. The surfy dreamy heaven that was in Patent Leather was just I really need that production to keep up throughout the rest of the audiobook. A masterpiece before its even out , I cannot wait to sit through months of prerelease and no news for this after COCC's out
  15. I wouldn't say LFL is my second favorite album far far from it actually But NFR definitely made me appreciate LFL a lot more 13 Beaches, Cherry, Groupie Love, In My Feelings, GBA, When the world was at war, Heroin, and Get Free I really love. The rest I'm not that into but I do like the album a lot more than I did when it first came out.
  16. These two are really unpopular opinions but I just could never really like Cola and Body Electric. I just find them so boring and I never got the hype over Body Electric's lyrics tbh. And I agree Old Money for some reason just doesn't do it for me anymore.. Meth Love leaking was the nail in the coffin though because that version made Old Money pale in emotion completely. The song just feels so impersonal in comparison to all her other piano ballads.
  17. Raise Me Up (Mississippi South) still remains to be my favorite song off the record But I obviously love every other song aswell. Kill Kill is close to my heart aswell cause I found it first from the album off youtube and it reminds of around the time I first listened to it which is an oddly comforting time. Its such a weird song with such a beautiful vibe that only Lana (Lizzy) could create. That goes for the whole album too, only Lana could create such a masterpiece. However I can never listen to the album version of For K Pt 2, it has to be the rahab demo. It was the first version of the song I heard and fits the vibe so much better imo. The (violins?) at the beginning and end of the song also make the song for me and horns don't do it for me at all. That aside AKA is in a threeway tie with UV and HM for Lana's best album for me and hopefully COCC can squeeze a spot up there aswell!
  18. boom like that

    Song vs. Song

    Religion vs Sad Girl (two of my all time favorites )
  19. The lyrical change is one of the worst things shes ever written. Not only that but then she didn't even change the bridge which is still her being bitter over the relationship which doesn't even fit the context of the new song also I see no point in the new version of the song. Like the old version has meaning because shes bitter over this failed relationship and shes expressing her anger through the song. But the new version is about looking back at a relationship that was.. not so bad? I don't get it. And like @Lustformoney said the only thing that really needed a change was the production. It needed a total production rework to fit the album but instead she left that as is and changed the lyrics to whatever monstrosity she put out.
  20. Re-listened to it yesterday too on New Years Eve and it really is a no skip album Its just such a complete and glorious project, truly her magnum opus and my favorite Lana album
  21. zach dawes projects for lana are the equivalent of SOPHIE projects for charli
  22. boom like that

    Logan Paul music

    I mean you can shit post or whatever it is that you think you're doing but this is just bad taste
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